Previous thread: Baiken is best edition
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Previous thread: Baiken is best edition
Beginner's guide:
Steam group:
Make lobbies, announce region, platform, and how long you plan on playing for.
Ignore shitposters and filter "goober".
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1st for Undine is a slut
beautifully done, op
Honestly, I don't know enough about his stuff. Check what Nage does and try to do that.
5th for g.oobers
Best Ram skin
I get counter hit in the most absurd ways with May and it's getting really, really annoying. Examples:
>j.S countered by 5P
>j.S countered from below by Leo's falling special
>c.S countered by a dead angle while being behind the enemy
This didn't happen in X2. Daisuke please fix her hurtboxes.
/blaz/ does talk about the game for a significant amount. Jubei is a new character that has been long anticipated and when people talk about him, they talk about his gameplay because things are being discovered, why are you highlighting discussion about Jubei as in it's a bad thing?
The activity pre-discord and post-discord /blaz/ is still the same. People still talk about the game.
thanks for the accidental bump, blazfriend
>as in
As if*.
I'm gonna host a PSN lobby until around 9 or 10PM or so. I'm on the east coast, but anyone can join as long as we have an okay connection.
Search ID: qpt0
>when I'm comfortable with my millia I can just setplay you to death first :^)
DO IT COWARD I HAVE A BETTER SWEEP AND I DON'T NEED A PIN TO KNOCK YOU DOWN millia is one of my least favorite matchups
I'm not even trying to argue, I'm trying to correct the guy. What he said is false and I don't see why talking about a character is somehow off-topic in the general.
And since my post is off-topic, I'm using sage.
>already starting the waifufag shit that ruins every game discussion
>The activity pre-discord and post-discord /blaz/ is still the same
objectively wrong
So this is the place for arrogant fucks circlejerk to shit on any other fighting game(especially BlazBlue) that is not Guilty Gear and praise GG as "God's Gift" that can do no wrong?
It's just the OP.
>Before discord
Bump the general when it's on page 9 or 10. Talk about the game and make lobbies sometimes.
>After discord
Bump the general when it's on page 9 or 10. Talk about the game and make lobbies sometimes.
I browse /blaz/ daily, you know. I would appreciate it if you don't spread around false stuff especially when you don't seem to browse the general at all. The relation between the two playerbase is already bad as it is lately, or is that your intention? To fuel fire?
tell that fuck Frank to stop being a little shitter if you are from the discord, I don't know how you guys can stand him
Not really. I didn't see people talking badly about Blazblue at all, althought they were talking about the BB general, which is not the same. People coming to the thread to talk shit about GG players was in fact way more common.
>Gets their game kicked out of EVO
Is this something that actually happened?
Very new to GG, have played fighting games pretty much my whole life though, mostly Tekken. Faust clicked immediately for me and I pretty much understand what you should do with him mostly.
But I really want to get at least decent with Ramlethal as well, but it seems so freaking hard. Outside of Kunimitsu I never use girls in fighting games but I really like her design, voice, swords, Lucifero, everything. People said she's basically a Tekken character, but I really don't see the likeness in fighting style.
Hell I even can't get one of the basic combos done, it's the new one, I think basic combo 5, I can never seem to hit the final special.
>Is this something that actually happened?
4 letters:
>tfw you one and done someone that one and done'd you early in the day
Should have gave me my proper rematch the first time
Guilty Gear was dying already because it was an old game. People just used Marn as a scapegoat.
13 frames delay best delay
Im trying to preach to make a new anime fighting game general
get the playblues and playbirths in here
every single message in a discord is potential post lost in the thread, period
but you can keep deluding yourself to defend your hugbox
>play against someone
>we play for like 20 or 30 matches
>he leaves
i dont know what makes me feel worse, getting one and done'd, or going that many matches only winning one or two and them leaving without a word
Oh boy I already don't like where this is going.
>People said she's basically a Tekken character, but I really don't see the likeness in fighting style.
They say that because she has predefined strings such as P>P>P and P>P>K. Other than that she has nothing to do with Tekken.
About the combo, check the sample. It's probably due to something about micro-dashes or the height at which you're juggling them if there's juggling involved.
>browsing /a/
>see this
wasn't expecting to laugh
user 2# know what's right
We're still here huh?
This is true, I agree with you. Discord is cancer and it's why /cuhrayzee/ was killed off, yes.
But once again, if you actually browse /blaz/, you can see that there's no difference in activity between pre-Discord and post-Discord.
>but you can keep deluding yourself to defend your hugbox
And you can keep spreading misinformation based on your personal bias and generalization without even bothering to look into the deeper side of things, and I will keep deservedly calling you out. Sorry that I'm trying to correct someone who spouts bullshit like he knows any better when he doesn't.
Pot, meets kettle.
Give that user a (you)
Gubers gunna Gubers.
>/blaz/ died barely reaching 500 posts
Check the catalog. Love Live spammer is here.
/blaz/ wasn't the only one that died.
It's almost as if they're too busy shitposting over here...
why does every general gotta have some autist ruin shit for everyone
Check the catalog, nigger. There's a Love Live spammer that bumps down threads.
How is this faggot's shit not getting filtered by a mod?
mods don't give a shit about board quality, this has been known for years
Will we ever know how her hair works?
It just works user
where's the link to the /ggg/ discord
fuck you
I think we agreed on not to make one
alright /ggg/, you passed the test
at least it seems you guys are smarter than /blaz/
I'm sure they don't mean any ill will, but it does feel really bad when you play lots of games against someone clearly fundamentally better than you, but can hold your own, regularly bring it to close final rounds but only win maybe 1 every 6 or 7 matches, and they do this.
Maybe I'm just a little insecure.
New player to GG. How exactly do you control the air as Baiken? 6P goes goes so far and the air claw is very slow without a direct prediction. Is it really all about getting good at air throws and j.S?
good new mingtongzhi vid
Neutral Game in Guilty Gear
Only one or two faggots are forcing Discord on /blaz/ and a lot of them are against it, which is why activity remains the same and only very small minority in /blaz/ uses it.
Why the fuck do I even bother? You have your mind set on "LMAO /blaz/ SO STUPID DED GENERAL GG IS BETTER THAN BB KEK" and will call me defensive /blaz/ shill or whatever the fuck.
Considering Guilty Gays requires less IQ to play than BlazBlue, that can't be right.
dont let him get to you, i think you're pretty alright, user
I love his other one where he's putting a Baiken player on blast.
i love this guys voice, kind of makes me wanna try ky
You don't really have bnbs that do big damage. Faust is a "get damage whenever you can" kind of guy. Wait for good item throws, convert off good items into pressure, corner carry, or combos. Finish every air combo you can with either j.ksh, j.k(pk) jc j.ksh depending on the situation. IAD j.ksph is good for punishing things like sol's gunflame. Do his advanced trials because there is stuff you need to be able to do in there. You want to end many of your strings and blockstrings with item toss, in corner pressure you need to mix in your command throw and drill cancel eventually.
2S 2H 236S
5K 2H 236S
5P c.S f.S item or pogo
2K 2P 2S 5H (pogo or item toss depending on confirm or blockstring)
2H and 6H can be rc'd for getting in and getting more damage/corner carry
Mix and match some of these
>Is this something that actually happened?
Marn got high and fucked up brackets at a non-evo tournament. Top 8 players weren't respecting schedules, Marn showed up really late to a thing, eventually enough was enough with the scene not taking things serious enough that they decided not to have things back. It wasn't solely Marn but he's an easy scapegoat, a lot of things brought it down but enough time went on and enough people came and went that it's back now and stronger than ever with new games. That shit is so far gone but autists like to dwell on the past like they were actually involved in it when they just read about it online.
build a tatami fort
>any time Elphelt talks about marriage
PS4 room is still up
Search ID is qpt0
This is probably one of the greatest pictures I've ever seen.
what's wrong with discord
Nothing, shhitposters just attack anything that isn't anonymous
A whole lot of circlejerking happens in there which leads to a bunch of shitposting on the general. I've seen it happen more than once.
Previous user had it right, make use of jump back tatami and it'll make it difficult for the opponent to approach from the air. Also keep in mind that you can use parries as anti airs, and that can sometimes be more useful than 6P. For example - a lot of characters have difficulty anti-airing Sol's jHS, but Baiken's parry > HS beats it pretty clean
split of the community creates an inner circle and makes the thread implode on itself (see smash general)
imagine if the entire thread was tripfags
Which character would my dog play
I just have one question before I decide to buy the game, on PC, what does the game choose as your online name, the name that you're using right now on your steam accout or the original name of the account. Because my original account name is something really dumb and I don't want anyone to see it, and if it did choose the original name then I'm gonna have to make another account before buying it.
I wouldn't mind a thread of takanibs
Leo since dogs aren't very smart
i dont even play Guilty Gear
or fighting games for that matter
but post Guilty Gear girls
my folder is light
This is a Jam.
This counts right
tyty, but by all means, continue the guilty gear discussion
This is Ramlethal, say something nice about her
that doesnt look like Jam
does she ever have her hair down like that?
She has nice abs.
It's a Jam to me.
>am ramfag
>want to play ram
>she's really hard
i hate this
when will the rev2 upgrade be on sale on steam so I can buy it
Go to VS mode and set a comp to maniac baiken.
So many fucking tatamis.
That she does user
Please respond, this is a deal breaker for me, I really don't want anyone else to find out what my original steam name is. I cringe when I see it every time I log in.
it shows your current steam name you fucking sperg
next time don't name yourself something retarded. I pray you never name your kids
well-defined cum gutters
Oh good, thanks for responding.
Elphelt > Ram
I wish I could find some good hentai of Jam.
She's the cutest goober.
I know what you mean user just go for it though, she's lots of fun
is she? i sometimes see ramfags say they love her but she's not worth the time investment
at least if you stick with her you're rewarded with the most brutal corner control in the game
But what about GG boys