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Other urls found in this thread:
first for based vidyuu
remove yell
>yell still talking about quantities of jizz
Still need help with Heroes' Quest
pls fix
Become his squire
>300 easy clues
>no flared trousers
Buy my flax.
reminder that the tourney is now literally 1 week from today
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Hype Beast the Virgin? I thought not. It’s not a story the Oldfags would tell you. It’s a Vscape legend. Hype Beast was a Sperg Lord of the Autists, so autistic and so desperate he could use the internet to harass the living shit out of females (males) online to ease his loneliness… He had such a knowledge of the internet that he could even bypass the ones he cared about from blocking him. The TOR nodes of the darknet is a pathway to many content some consider to be child pornography. He became so autistic… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his internet connection, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he posted CP on the thread, then the FBI raided him in his sleep. Ironic. He could harass others from the police, but not himself.
top kek
Buying iron and mese selling diamond + other mats pm wrcwpk
Can I get a summary that was way too confusing and long to make sense of
Do the research if you want to be well read in vscape lore
here's another section
he's just making shit up desu
Anyone who's been here for more than a year knows the tale of baldbeast.
I've never posted CP or gotten raided by the FBI
it's a meme you dip
it's really starting to pick up lads, looks like everybody wanted to take the scorpion pit for some reason
>Current Wildy Territory Owners by Last Territory Activity
Agility Training Area: Hypercrisis
Bandit Camp:
Bone Yard: Snek
Chaos Temple: Mcgarnagle
Dark Knight Fortress: Vidyuu
Demonic Island:
Demonic Ruins:
Deserted Keep:
Frozen Waste Plateu: Community
Graveyard of Shadows: Shaka Zulu
Lava Maze:
Mage Arena:
Pirates' Hideout: Kipoto
Red Dragon Isle: Huntsman
Rogues' Castle:
Ruins (central): Fresh
Ruins (lateral): Berntass -> Contested by Mcgarnagle (successful) -> Macgarnagle
Scorpion Pit: Huntsman -> Contested by Hubcap (successful) -> Hubcap
The Forgotten Cemetary: Basedwiggins -> Contested by wrcwpk (successful) -> wrcwpk -> Contested by Squidzilla (failed) -> wrcwpk -> Contested by Hubcap (successful) -> Hubcap
Wilderness Volcano: Hypercrisis
>IGN (alphabetical) Highscore by # of Wildy Territory Owned:
Hubcap: 2
Hypercrisis: 2
Mcgarnagle: 2
Community: 1
Fresh: 1
Huntsman: 1
Kipoto: 1
Shaka Zulu: 1
Snek: 1
Vidyuu: 1
>scorpion pit
I meant The Forgotten Cemetery*
Rolling wrcwpk
tfw top of the high score but havent posted once
contesting agility training area, bone yard, chaos temple, dark knight fortress, frozen waste plateau, graveyard of shadows, pirate's hideout, red dragon isle, ruins, wildnerness volcano for hubcap
Let's try this again.
back the fuck off my scorpion pit unless you're lookin for a ban kiddo
one contested wildy territory at a time per post (you can only be at one place at a time so)
which do you choose
can you even ban youre kinda a meme mod
Pickles actually unmodded him
unmod latent next
Odel first desu
Doesn't yodel pay the server costs?
That makes him immune.
There are enough donations to last year's the server costs $7 a month and they have over $200 left. At the beginning odel paid which made him a mod now he does nothing
dont bully odel pls he is best mod
t. Odel
Every other mod says they hate you
Can any of you autists actually name one bad thing a mod has done
What's that
pickles is a bully
This was probably during a sober period. We can 't hold him responsible
He probably should have read the wiki, though.
gib ruins central
Bitterness confirmed retarded
I agree. How else are linguists and anthropologists supposed to clearly communicate the sounds any given language produces?
this whole thing looks autistic as fuck baka desu but hype is really a shitty person for posting this. then again, boop has posted shit as well so who am I to judge?
anyway where's hypeboop1.jpg?
I'm so sorry for your loss
pls rate fashionscape
come to the wildy at 4 o clock and I'll give you some tips on how to improve your Veeky Forums
Some of you people are cool, don't come to the wildy today
meet me at edge
any competent pvpers on here want to start a clan?
I'm kipoto and I'm contesting the pirate area to get all my stuff back the mods owe me
Also give me the agility training arena
Ipas are awful and you should feel bad. Have a wheat beer instead.
Bring back Swoon
dont Bring back Tarzaned
No one remembers ghost.
ghost radio?
tfw never saw ghost but i know of his existence
i have quite a few images on the subject as well
I'd like to see them all please.
>I was only pretending just to troll haha
do any of you autists actually believe boop is a girl
check the soundcloud link as well
>type in the link to the "b;looop im crying" email
>mac demarco song
is it 2015?
i'm not bald btw
Where's your hair then?
on my head lol
m8 there's no hair there
>oh look this 2 year old meme
move on mate
I'm not meming
you're fucking bald dude are you retarded
nice man fuckin epic damn that stings
okay baldy enjoy your delusions
u 2
1v1 me on BaldiusPK its the #1 OSRS male pattern baldness server
in-game name??
Texas Alopecia, ranked #1 least follicles on entire server
damn bro sorry about ur bald
no its 2016
We didn't listen!
>it's a "Baldbeast reports harmless posts" thread
I don't get the baldbeast jokes he has hair in all the youtube videos
>what is a wig
It's not a wig you peice of shit.
wig confirmed