>StarCraft II StarLeague 10h
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Play Brood War
this is my home
home is where your heart is
i'm all about that mech life
i forgot all my build orders O___O
i'm dying
you have to remember build orders?
Pussy. Real men FEEL the build order, in their mind, their soul, their fingers. Bet you're some kind of protoss noob who has to keep stickynotes on your monitor to explain to you when to cut probes for your 2gate all-in...
the mothership rush is a very strict timing...
feel pussy
miss my stargen
any league stream going on? i need some bw
heading to bed soon boys...
Anyone have any info on how the new brood war servers will be divided for america? Will they merge us east and west? Does anyone know if they will have a general america region that includes south america? I'm tired of playing against people with like 150-200 ping with lag.
On a sidenote how do I turn on APM counter on sc2?
don't even think teamliquid would know... ctrl m?
i hint south america has its own server
gooknight friends...
options->game->display apm
oh you said sc2, thats not a thing in sc2
maybe it will start out na sa kr az eu sea and wherever else
so does remastered release @ 12am PST?
Remaster unlock WHEN
it unlocks 10 am pst
my cute wife scarscar is still cute
The village fair used to be big doings then, steam horses, snakes, and dragons
a guy can't be your wife
clips twitch tv/AbnegateHomelyCobraDancingBanana
someone hit me with the vogueolution brahs
where the FUCK are my yevaudbros at?
i am always ready for some scarscar
>StarCraft II StarLeague 3h
don't wet towel your life
fuck you BITCH
no you
less than 8 hours until remastered is released. i hope you guys are ready.
i wonder if there are going to be launch issues
bwhd is going to be dead outside korea...
not even blizzdrones are hype...
of course there will.
this is true but there will be quite a few more people player for a week or two.
modern blizzdrones are casual babbies.
it'll be fun for a good while for those of us who actually enjoy playing sc