Final Fantasy General DCLXXXII - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released on December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer closed beta:

NA and Europe Closed beta Aug. 26 to Sept. 4
Jecht announced:

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
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>MOBIUS Final Fantasy:
Anniversary event ongoing all month.
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>Other game information


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>using 2B


The Armiger is the coolest ability in the series.

>TURN 915

It's literally just a ripoff of Gate of Babylon.

Any good gifs/webms of it?


BEapes living up to their name

Yes, but how is it not cool?

If you didn't get 2B you should just uninstall BE.

>just bought a bunch of FF games on Vita
>including FFT

Why the fuck did no one tell me FFT for PS1/PSP wasn't the same isekai shit as the Advance series?

The story for War of the Lions has been excellent so far, though in-game dragging Delita and Argus around feels like wasted slots. These two fuckers are retarded.

>Have both Delita and Argus set up as knights
>Ramza is a Monk
>other three slots are White Mage, Black Mage and Archer
>Delita and Argus always fuck off to do the least tactically useful thing (like running up onto the buildings to kill that one fucking archer in Dorter)
>the rest of the enemy unit closes in on my squishies

Am I supposed to be sympathetic towards Delita? He's giving off some shadow the hedgehog edge-vibes with his voice acting and general moping.

don't you fucking start this shit



Oh hey someone asked if we fought any final bosses in rk. The answer is yes.

If you'd asked, we would have told you it was a great game. It sounds like you're still pretty early - Delita gets more development later.

FFT a shit


I hope you know it's the only FF game where the protag loses

>implying 98/100 is bad

Fucking JPcucks.

There's also Chaos.

If you're not 100, you're 0.


>same tier as Noctis

Quit bullying newfriends

JP Noctis is a great unit though. In addition to all his flexibility, he's one of the best solo damage dealers.
It's GL Noctis that's crap.

Reminder that in JP, some of the content has gotten so brutal you need to bring FIVE survival units (tanks, healers, reraisers, buffers, or breakers) and rely on one unit's turn by turn damage. That unit is usually Noctis or Cloud.

Alternas list is bad. Lid only does one thing well and 99/100 good luck sloting a dedicated debuff into most shit.

I mean, how long has he been fighting it. 915 turns? How long is that in actual time?

>finally gather 50 mythril again, for DoC banner 2, in hopes of Cloud BSB2(already got Cloud's LMR in a random single pull)
>alright, this is it! my final pull before saving up for Dissidia fest!
>get Cloud's BSB2, a dupe of Zack's BSB, and Tifa's SSB
>Haha, time for gorilla warfare!
>don't have a ML3 for Cloud, and there won't be one for at least one more week



To be fair, she is the supreme debuffer at least. If the 70% break works, whatever stat is broken is simply not going to function any more. Damage becomes irrelevant, your units start dealing millions more damage, etc.

Reminder that anyone who thinks Noctis and the boys are gay is fucking retarded.

Don't tell me everything has become an Aigaion-tier fight

Not even original to Final Fantasy

Noctis doesn't do that much damage. Cloud is a beast and so is aranea with two buster forms but the only other one who's remotelt viable is cg sakura.

Buddy, in JP Aigaion is a random fucking encounter.

thanks for the 100 Lapis Hastur

>get what you wanted
>still complaining

>same tier as the enhanced Ramza
>same tier as Rikku "the Trial cleaner"
>"J U S T"
Yeah, just kill yourself.
I'm not a fan of 2B in BE, but her strength is undeniable. Gid gud faget.

Also, real thread is here, it was done first



What the fuck are you doing user? Why are you doing this? It's impossible that you didn't beat him yet.

So this is the power of GL players.

This one already has more posters and was posted in thread first. QUIT BULLYING.

better stop using wol guys





Actually, I was going to delete that one since who was first doesn't matter that much, just which one people use. Apparently Veeky Forums won't let me, though.

Noctis does fantastic damage every other turn. Zero Distance Warp Break is a 1050% modifier and is dual wielded properly.
It's not as good as Omnislash because Cloud is built around doublehanding, but it's not bad in the least.

>BE in the OP
Make your own general

>get what you wanted on your third x11 pull
>when you finally get it, you can't use it for another week

Granted, it could be worse, but whatevs.

>9 4 2


You are a legend! May good pulls come your way!

The fuck is this?


Why didn't you save a lode if you knew you wanted to pull on the banner again?

It expands your tickets, duh.

Good job, user. Now uninstall.

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

when expeditions were added, there was item data for tickets to expand slots.
haven't seen anything about it since

Since when are level 80 characters unusable?

He should have a ton of level 3 memory crystals hanging about. I doubt he has that many BSB/USB's


>you can see turns now
>think back when people needed 2+ hours to be aigaion
I wonder how many turns that took

>couldn't just defend for a couple more turns for maximum keks
mist opportunity

Lovely clear user, Valhalla awaits.

I am not a clever man.

This last pull was also unplanned, and I thought were going to get a ML3 for XV's event this week, which got delayed in the end.

In my experience, unless synergy bonus, they're pretty gimped, if not outright glasscannon-y, if you use them in U++/Apoc/+ fights.

>I doubt he has that many BSB/USB's

I have quite a few.

>thanks for the lapis
You absolute lovable retard
You would have gotten the lapis anyway if you just used smoke bomb after you completed the objectives, don't have to kill

If you max out Cloud's legend spheres, he'll do fine until you can pick up a MC3.

I still wanted the coins, I didn't realize how long it would take and before I knew it I was at 60% HP and I figured I was too deep to quit and it just kinda spiraled out of control and I was trying to find the Ling ability that did the most damage so I overlooked any ability that didn't damage and I ended up wasting a lot of orbs and energy and JUST


On a side note is Ling EVER going to stop being good? I'm so butthurt I never got her should have known better.

While I do have the 5* motes for that, I'm lacking in dexterity/vit motes, sadly.

And here I am with all these crystals and I don't know what to do with them

I heard Ling was just an inferior Noctis

g-give me FC pls

4* motes, I mean.

It seriously sucks how event fights with SoR Emperor are the only times you hear the castle pandemonium theme in RK, and even then it's the PSP version.
I checked the JP wiki and FFII as a realm is STILL stuck at the King Behemoth in Jade Passage even though there's like 6 optional fodder bosses they can use to pad out the realm like they did with every other one.

does xon effect the drops in awakening vortex?

I heard Ling was just a better Noctis

Ye boi
I use 2 Xon and a Locke

>942 turns

>tfw everyone who doesn't have 9S will get him tomorrow on their 10+1
>everyone who does have 9S will get 2B and/or A2
>everyone who has everything from this banner will get a free 10+1 ticket to save for another day

Going to be a great day tomorrow boys

when does this happen in the game? I only ever see her walking around.

Seems likely but not a confirmed thing.

>implying I'm going to waste my 10+1 tomorrow on the slight chance I get a specific off banner character

Waiting for 3% rainbow change

You still get the coins after escaping

Tried checking ffbe subleddit
>mfw it's more autistic than here

>everyone who does have 9S will get 2B and/or A2
Is that so?

>534 exp to Rank up
>1 raid orb and 94 energy

send halp

Still making fun of him? Do you feel like a big man now?

You sure about that?

lose the raid fight but do as much damage as possible
then do the last story mission for crysts

>not OTKO elt with TMR squad
LMAOing @ur lyfe

It's just bantz man, hes cool about it

actually i'm the one who told him that ling had an AoE raise sir

>that white butt

Literally never happening
Global isn't JP, user. Gumi will just say they increased it and call it a day until reddit whines enough, then they'll say there was an "error" and give everyone 1 ticket and 30 NRG as an apology while leaving rates as they are.

oh god those tan lines


Am I the only one that thinks this sprite makes her look like her ass is a pin cushion with swords coming out of it?