>Patch 4.06 Notes
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>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
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>Patch 4.06 Notes
>Current Event
>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
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xth for you're all butts
Post your favorite jobs and why, be it cosmetics or mechanics.
I'll be your butt if you want me to.
Perhaps this thread we won't have the duo posting.
Who am I kidding, 5 minutes until headpats smol
Elezen tibbies
Black Mage. Because explosions. And I guess also seeing other, more mobile jobs eat shit as I move as little as possible.
I'm going to marry an elezen~!
newfriend here
i just saw that the 14 day limit was removed from trials, is there any downside to playing a trial for a few weeks to see which class to play as apart from the level and money cap?
being too high level won't stop me from joining an FC will it?
smn because i enjoy suffering
ATM DRK, aside from edge, i love 2h weapons and how DRK plays atm
Much less than that man
how can any other job compare?
best job
best aesthetics
It's not hard. I just don't get why people have a hard time looking away from her fear. Or dodging In Health.
It's not fucking hard.
fast and nimble and fast and nimble and fast and nimble
Are we going to have a reasonable thread today, free of degeneracy?
of course we won't, but at least we're in the quiet hours
Red Mage. I've always loved rapiers, and I enjoy Verholy/Verflare and Enchanted Redoublement. It also gives access to some really nice glamour potential thanks to casting gear and a thrusting sword on the same job
you can't join an FC while you're on a trial. nor can you send friend invites or whisper people or even shout. *might* sound bad but realise that gold sellers exist in every mmo.
>Dark Elf Vanilla
>Dark Elf Consensual
>0 Results
Every time.
SCH. I'm really like the aetherflow oGCD instant heals. Gives me more time to attack
I tried
Is that actually efficient? I was just running with a group because I thought it'd be safer
Post feet.
White mages basically have the same deal going on.
This guy reminds me of Ramza from FFT
You really need to cut down on posting here or have mods cut it for you
There are literally achievements for completing it solo. Just do it by yourself as a RDM and trainwreck it.
But I'm literally only level 27. This isn't my main.
Really? At this point, I might was well level all the healers.
How do you feel about encouraging someone?
same cat with different hair color?
Bard. Its the only job I feel like I can actually play the rotation 95%+ efficiently with 0 risk of fucking up mechanics
all cats look the same
As , but also you will not be able to use the market board or retainers
What classes do you have unlocked? If you really need to just use a PLD or SMN or something. Doing it alone is better than hoping you don't get retards that wipe the party even if you played perfectly.
So much for sleeping tonight. Spooky lizard girl is too scary
You have a future.
We really fucking need Ivalice in XIV.
how dare you
Yeah look at our kit we have tetra, divine benison, benediction, assize. It's a bit awkward to get a lily for DB in raids though cause most of the mechanics are just 'pop tetra' 'stack for cure iii and assize'
Encouraging? Like cheering on and such?
Ivalice would be glorious
Ramza is also a beast in record keeper
I love archer classes in games so Bard, I wish there was a full dps like Ranger instead but oh well. Warrior is also pretty neato imo, who doesn't love swinging around a big axe!
anynyan wanna jerk off a catboy
I can kinda see it.
I kinda would've just wanted a standalone Ivalice MMO. Or maybe just another FFT game, honestly. Tactics Alexander got me heated.
Encouraging someone while they do degenerate things
gay/straight? server?
With or without face scales?
Do you like tan female characters miqo'tes?
nice tattoo. idiot
this is great
fuck yeah dude
On this alt, apparently all I have is... ARC. Not even BRD yet. Everything else is even lower leveled.
>standalone Ivalice MMO
>not that 12 shit either
I'd kill for this. FFT is still my favorite FF and I'd really love to revisit it properly.
How can any job compete?
both, balmung
Well good fucking luck with that then.
Are you on primal because I'll help out if so.
why are y'all thirsty as fuck
by not being shit and bloated
Nah, Aether. It's cool, I don't really need to do this; just wanted to fuck around on an alt for who knows why.
cus' we n' a mofukin' desert out 'ere brah
Probably better answered on discord if you want
While i'll agree FFT is awesome and its world is better, don't knock on FF12/TA! I quite enjoyed 12 quite a bit
Post feet.
You too.
>standalone Ivalice MMO
Now i'm imagining PVP being effectively a nation-wide matter rather than isolated, and an actual story of complicated morality, political conflict and intrigue rather than the really generic approach XIV had to the idea.
Actually why are you here eveyday? If you're replying to a post about masturbation right now, surely you can answer that.
>not that 12 shit either
i swer 2 god i will fight
How do i find you?
What did they mean by this?
As much as I love Tactics, I'm not sure the setting would really be that interesting to explore in an MMO. 12s is a lot more colorful, in that regard.
lonely filth fuck off
DRG, because it has a great storyline, is fun and lances are the best.
Sorry, I don't have the mod
Don't be silly, user. Nothing to be scared of. Get some rest
psts u OwO
neat lookin' lizzurd
ny sending a tell to fleekalicious hunty
Careful you will have goo goo start playing his defender in a moment spewing something about spite, vendetta or having friends.
How does it feel knowing that no matter how much you hound him, no matter how much you shitpost at him, that you have been completely ineffective?
How does it feel knowing that because of you he has become more popular and has gained new friends and a following?
Your existence, to completely fail at what you have spent years doing, is utterly meaningless. Take this one to heart.
post catboys working with wood
>nice tattoo. idiot
you're already dead you just don't noe it yet
im fresh outta those
What's with the weird samefagging when the previous thread ended pretty well?
post old ones
is it true that some servers are locked and it's impossible to create new characters on them?
>WoD had CoD with cute puff minion
>void ark had that hair lady with the cute minion
>dun scaith had scathach with the cute minion
Return to ivalice final boss, with the respective cute minion??
It could happen, r-right?
Are you talking about Aether
If so lol
They do look similar.
Red Mage because I'm a caster at heart and it seems to be the most fun of the bunch.
>want to level like 4 different DPS jobs
>can't stand palace anymore
Motivate me guys.
Yeah, example Balmung + gilgamesh are super locked atm, not even transfers onto them either
Check the lodestone to see which ones are "congested"
Grandma Emi can't save you this time. Accept your fate.
i want to see you in a hempen camise
>black mage STILL cannot cast Ultima
You're right. I'll go to sleep with the light on
Palace is more fun with friends and anons!
rip me
if you're on aether i might tank for you or something maybe possibly. got nothing better to do tbqh