>Deck lists, news etc
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>0pen Tournaments
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>0pen Tournaments
How long will this go on?
I can't believe they made mage more braindead than druid. It's really perfect for someone who can't even do basic addition.
who here jade cancer?
With or without DK?
I just play it along with my big guys. Jade Spirit isn't even needed as you can switch between Barnes or a random tech card
How long will this go on?
Im the druid aggro remover of the silly slower deck, prepare to concede at 5.
This cannot continue
fuck Ben Brode and fuck Hearthstone
Another dank pebbit maymay.
*spreads plague in front of you*
My thanks to you.
NICE insult fellow 4channer you really rekt them
How you guys already got enough dust/gold for the next expansion!?!
If the powerlevel keeps increasing than the next expansion will be THE meta defining expac.
Given the current meta, am I correct in assuming that it's current better to go with a hyper aggro all-in deck (game ends by turn 6) over a more typical midrange build?
anyone tried quest hunter with the 2 drop prince yet? I'm too poor to craft it
you got me
hit a bit to close to home, eh my fellow gentlesir?
Other way around
People are running more board clears in control, you want to be less susceptible to that. hyper aggro runs out of gas too quickly and can't reload. pirates isn't great right now. it beats druid but loses to a lot of other decks
>Unleash the Scarabs
>Malfurion into Scarabs
>Jade Elephants
>more 3/5 taunts for 3 mana
Anyways, are Coldlight and Naturalize decent tech choices against Mages?
Aggro is dead. You're gonna play your 30 minute games and you'll fucking LIKE it!
>With or without DK?
Any, if you have a higher than 60 IQ you'll find mage painfully boring.
aw FUCK another one! hats off to you!
>not enjoying true skill games
>not enjoying game where everybody gives their all
I do lose to hyper aggro, but I get the feeling everyone is scared thanks to the 1/5 scarabs and midrange is scarred in being outpaced by ramp
>losing to mage as druid in 2017
should I reroll a 50g quest?
should I craft? I have zero good legendary cards from this expansion
I reroll all "win X" games. They just take so fucking long (in the current meta).
Be kind to priest players.
lich king yay (goes into a lot of decks)
jaina nay (or if you are sure you play mostly mage).
also stonehill can get you another lich king
I play a lot of mage, followed 2nd by priest, then followed by warlock.
>Go into double fatigue against a Priest
>His hand is literally 8/10 cards from my deck
Fuck Priests.
Man hunter sure is complete shit if you don't get good draws.
>play priest vs warlock
>we both just clear boards till we can play our dk
weird yet comfy feel
Man hunter sure is complete shit i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶d̶r̶a̶w̶s̶.̶
Shame you can't Undertaker coin Gnome you PIECE OF SHIT
>wild growth double innervate plays on turn 5
pshhh nothing personal
Then sure, but save the remaining dust.
Don't do that
lich king is definitely awesome in the highlander control priest.
>better kazakus potion
>can run 2 copies
>can cheat mana to play early
>dont need to gimp deck
how it this balanced in any way
That'd be fine if Druid didn't also have easy ways to draw a million cards too
>can't decide on what deck to play
>have all the DKs and most legendaries
>prefer wild anyways
How does this slightly updated mill rogue look? Any changes I should make? I figure now is the time to use it while there are plenty of greedy wallet decks.
I AM ALREADY 5 steps ahead, kid!
funny this is you'll probably never counterspell it since the druid will always innervate first
is the Lich King really better than just playing Medivh or Ysera though? It seems to just generate one card then get removed. Some of the cards don't even seem that great for control.
In MTG you can cast instant spells during your opponent's turn
Thats why you combine him with a lots of other value and barnes + etneral servitude.
Enemy will run out of removal eventually.
Litch King is a more proactive version of Ysera. It isn't as good at staying alive, but it's going to do a lot more while it is alive. And yes, he's a lot better than Medivh.
how is the lich king good?
It usually dies the turn after you play it if you want taunt value, not to mention the cards he generates are very unreliable.
I got one in my first packs but Ive dropped him from all my decks. Hes too unreliable for control, and too expensive for agro.
Only way Ive seen him works is via barnes or other early summons in combination with eternal servitute.
>8/8 taunt with insane presence where you're guaranteed at least 1 OP card
Shit I don't know
What a fucking way for Kripp to end his night.
Holy shit.
There is a major difference LK has with Ysera, he doesnt build field, he only supports you in building field. ysera can shit out 7/6 dragons and 3/5 hexproofs but LK only has frostmourne which is on a 3 turn delay.
what happened? I was watching but for a while but I stopped like an hour ago
what happened?
>In 14% of decks
>Positive winrate
>increases winrate when played
Why do you assume everyone is doing the same thing as you?
can someone give me a good Frost Lich Jaina list?
Playing Highlander Edgeduin against Exodia mage. Tried to mill the mage's combo pieces but ended up milling his own N'Zoth and got the mage closer to Antonidas. Mage dropped three Apprentices (one created by Simulcrum), copied two others with Molten Reflection, and went to fucking town.
The mage started his turn 1/6 on quest completion and Exodia'd that turn.
Literally every elemental, shit out your hand every turn and win at least 51% of your games.
Go find the most recent Un'Goro control mage list, and replace Alex and Pyro with Jaina and something else big (I use Sindragosa)
it's too honest to be good when jade exists, when mean streets rotates it might be good
I'll probably run a geist
>do anything
God people are so fucking slow
Convince me not to craft 2 copies of Dead mans hand
>New expac
>Meta is still just midrange shaman
Really interesting in concept. I don't know much about the wild meta but I think the power levels might be too high.
Even in standard you'd get ran over with that deck.
Man new handlock with dk is so fun
Convince me not to craft 2 copies of meat wagon
Yeah, it could be that I'm just absurdly unlucky but it seems that mine basically always give me Doom Pact (I think that's the name, the 5 mana wipe for mill) in grindy control games, which is awkward to time and then almost always seems to remove key cards from the deck. Army of the Dead is similarly weak. Is it worth running a Ysera that is easier to kill and "fails to generate a card" one fourth of the time? I wouldn't even run an actual Ysera these days so I'm beginning to think it's a bit of a trap card, super cool though.
Maybe he works better as an aggro finisher? That almost makes more sense given that most of the cards work better when you're ahead and the one that doesn't is a cheap reset button with almost no downside when fatigue isn't a concern.
do its its a great card
Only in arena.
I've been trying to make infinite N'zoths work but cards get stranded in my hand almost every game and even the victories feel a bit like flukes. So finding enough draw for them is serious work, might not work out in the end. It's only 800 dust though, unless you're F2P I'd just pull the trigger.
Just play mill rouge. They get 9 N'Zoths, which should be plenty.
1 dead man hand is enough for #value.
2 dead man hand is for milling means where you get the armor card, brawls, executes and the other dead man hand in your hand and go infinite while you watch your opponent fatigue to death.
My initial plan was to day 1 snap craft them for a priest meme deck. It worked with caverns below but this time, it didnt seem as much fun as i hoped
Talking standard here. Although even then that doesn't sound as fun, getting 18 armor back after a board wipe is comfy.
>Talking standard here
Why? There is nothing more comfortable than playing 7 N'Zoths in a row, watching your opponent do absolutely nothing each turn until you win..
I wish, but I don't have Ana. I really want a Jade Freeze Shaman deck. Maybe Jade Elemental Shaman too.
Got memed by a deck I haven't seen before.
Had Eater of Secrets too.
how are others liking exodia paladin?
same as anythin paly
control everything till you have the pieces and then win
You deserved it
How so?
Man it sure is a mistake trying to watch any stream right now. Do people really like the annoying music most of them are constantly playing?
>0 drops to run off of double velened 0 cost dk hero power
Add him and tell him to try burger bully
The only reason I watch Thijs is because he doesn't play meme music like the rest does.
>tfw you hold yourself from having fun all game to gain control of the board
>Opponent concedes when you're about to do your play
Why do I even play priest.
I just don't bother unless it's Dog or Firebat usually, sometimes I'll watch Kibler, Hafu or Kripp if I just want background noise.
Is there any logic at all regarding which cards are common, rare or epic? It seems completely random to me.
That is Chansey Priest 2.0
A meme OTK but pretty fun
Its mostly random, but some of the best synergy cards are epics.
epic used to be the experimental cards but now they're just plain bonkers shit
>Prince Keleseth buffs my deck
>I play Stitched Tracker to get a copy of a minion from my deck
>It doesn't have the Keleseth buff despite it being a "copy"
Ummm explain this Hearthtards???
are all priests cute anime girls?