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Dismantle Edition
>Deck lists, news etc
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I dont know why but even though jade druid is alot easier to win with using knight cards I prefer playing c'thun druid instead
what deck is fucking meta now guys
im a f2p shitter and i need to dust everything to make one good meta deck what do i make or should wait more time?
i hae pirate warrior and aggro druid rn
Just look in the OP
Old gods is rotating in 4months right?
Sit on your arse for 2 more weeks until the meta settles, choose the cheapest viable deck you enjoy and make sure it has more classic legendary and rare cards and as little as possible from WotG.
do i just play pirates and aggro druid for week
jade looks pretty strong right now would it be a safe craft?
Yo boiz, do you have any experiences with the new DK cards? Which one is the most fun in your opinion? Im gonna craft one and i'm not sure if imma craft Anduin or Rexxar.
Also, the Valeera DK is fucking great in mill rogue
Also I can see the rise of Mage in this meta, with all the greedy decks playing for board, classic freeze mage is going to wreck havoc.
Aggro decks are strong, they just haven't been refined yet. I'm 100% vs quest Mage from ranks 10-2, and I beat control mage nearly 100% of the time with Jade Druid.
>that bullshit reno cheese deck
>double battlecry custom spell
>got a reno heal and 10 armor plus some other effect off each of those custom spells
>still lost
Fuck outta here, cant even feel satisfied because of how much time I wasted dealing with his garbage ass.
>playing tempo mage
>calling other people out on bullshit
Come on user
what deck is least reliant on rng
I'm an experienced hunter player but that class rely so hard on rng. Shaman same I guess. And Priest maybe.
I, for one, embrace our new Druid overlords.
>complaining about a deck from 1995
So now that Valve has a Dota cardgame that will 100% recieve more support, more promotion, more free items for players, be more well-balanced, and have better flavor we can finally be free of this curse, right lads?
I have some bad memories of flamewaker man, Tempo mage is my #1 most hated deck.
Honestly, comparing how Valve took up Dota to Blizzard's half baked attempt at a Moba, hopefully Hearthstone will have a legitimate competitor, because it feels like the HS devs are complacent sometimes
Honestly if you think hunter relied on RNG at any point of the HS meta, you're probably double digits IQ and should consider joining a eugenics program
Understatement of the fucking decade bruv. Even if Valve has shifted into full on moneygrubbing mode they have a much higher standard of quality than Blizzard does.
DK Thrall created Tyrone and the Lich King from two 0 mana Things from Below. My best one yet
Druid has the least random cards. You ramp and play big threats, or spam taunts and swarm with some little guys and buff them, maybe slip in Jade cards if you want. Warrior fecks too with the exception of Brawl I guess. Paladins too I guess, they don't do rng outside of Hydrologist.
>Playing literally Stories: The Deck
What the fuck have they done to Shaman? Crusher or Elements would've been nicer to deal with than half the match being random a random minion.
y is everyone druid
y is everyone pirate warrior
im tired of this game half of the cards of every deck are epic/lengedaries it got a lot worse when adventures were killed and the designers decided to add like 20 legendaries in every set
druid good
Pirate warrior is dead
Can't beat Druid, can't beat Priest
It's a tier 3 memedeck now
Unless they're playing Priest and can cheat out multiples, I haven't seen LK survive more than 1 turn yet. Stuff like Doom Pact and Army are usually really bad and since the meta is so slow, the Taunt has been really low value. Overall, I've had a much more positive experience playing Ysera.
Why the fuck did you make this thread already?
time to kill myself
So, I have the exact amount of dust I need to finish crafting a control druid deck.
Should I do it?
>these are the decks you've chosen
If something horrible happens to you everyone would be like "good"
It was more or less dead even during Un'goro and only feeding on people who where experimenting or trying to counter the Jade Druid menace similar to how Jade Druid was feeding on Reno decks trying to counter Pirate Warrior during MSG.
Funny how two cancer decks feed off each other's success.
You just put ramp cards and ultimate infestation into ANY Druid deck, and you automatically win because you draw your entire deck and play it by the time your opponent hits their sixth mana crystal.
if the meta is so slow and rogue is in the shitter, how come no one is trying to bring back quest rogue?
I miss playing my tempo mage against reno decks, since I was greedy as fuck with rhonin rag and antonio and could always kill them after reno
>Don't want to play Druid
>Force to play Pally to counter the cancer
I never understood how rogue fell off the map with literally one extra minion.
Cards that you think should be moved to wild
>Gadgetzan Auctioner
>Ice Block
Got 1700 dust right now and a golden Bloodbloom and golden Anaconda lying around.
Should I craft Lich King or Velen or one of the legendary Dragons from that dust and are those golds worth dusting? Rarely play any Warlock at all and the only builds interesting me are Discolock, which I have nothing of, and Demonlock, which I also don't have Gul'dan for, while I usually play all kinds of Druid shit.
It happens to everyone. Sometimes you get screwed over.
Wait, I play wild. It wouldn't help me at all.
because its another 2-3 turns at least until you can do anything
It happens even if you draft and play well. I almost went 0-3 and ended up with 10 wins. The first games are always brutal and even at 0-2 you can lose to a bad deck that draws the nuts.
I didn't play yesterday, any changes to the meta yet?
They'll never move a class legendary from the Classic set to Wild. It would put the class who's legendary was moved at a huge disadvantage against other classes (unless their class legendary was already bad that is).
Just play it in wild like I'm doing. Its still a decent deck.
Antonidas is fine. All the degenerate shit that you can do with him is facilitated by ice block anyway.
Shadow Vision
Ice Block
Wild Growth
Fiery War Axe
those goldens you have are niche and probably safe to dust, as to what to craft try and find cards that enable archetypes you want to play.
Lich King isn't mandatory in anything, he's just another threat you play in mid range or control decks.
Find the classes and decks you want to play and craft for those.
Cabal Shadowpriest is the best one I can think of.
I don't have the quest and probably anyone who had it dusted it for the full refund.
If I had I would try a mill quest variation of it. Some fucker absolutely anally ravaged me in wild with it. Looks like a good way to fuck over Druid who already draws most of his deck before you do anything anyways.
Prep+Vanish to clear the Unleash the Scarabs into Bolster bullshit, Oracle to overdraw them and fatigue them, Geist to fuck their Idols and Quest just to fuck with them completely.
Still climbing dog. Gonna say hello to all my high-skill druid buddies in legend.
What are the cancer decks this time?
Shadow Vision isn't a classic or basic card. What are you talking about?
Frost Lich Jaina is so fun, I love her. 10/10 DK
>Shaman: Hex
Why? Is's basically polymorph.
Because it was a 48% winrate deck before the nerf, and now it's literally unplayable,
>I don't understand HS at all, the post
Go play it then. You'll win about 30% of your games, maybe fewer.
I mostly wanted those big legendaries because I don't really have any late game legos for any of my classes, apart from having every single Druid legendary, for some reason. Missing those late game swingy cards in Standard for Priest, Mage, Druid (since most Druid legendaries are pretty shit all things considered), Paladin and all that.
I suppose dusting those two golds shouldn't really hamper me too much, as I have yet to find a Jungle Giants build worth using Anaconda in and not losing some extremely potent Battlecry because of it.
You need an extra card always and an extra turn almost always to complete the quest now, it slowed the deck down a ton.
There's probably an okayish midrange variant of Quest rogue that uses cheap minions with high value battlecries and effects waiting to be discovered but I'm too poor to spend all the dust experimenting on that.
He said cards that should be moved to wild. He didnt say anything about classic cards.
Reno wasn't classic and it got moved.
When does the next wing release? Sometime today, or will it release Thursday, when the expansion did?
>devolve my warlock opponents board
>he gets mindbreak
What an absolute meme
>There's probably an okayish midrange variant of Quest rogue that uses cheap minions with high value battlecries and effects waiting to be discovered
No, there isn't.
Reno rotated out naturally as every expansion and adventure cards do. He asked which cards should be rotated out, as in forcefully, not cards that will naturally rotate out with time. Like Sylvanas, Rag and Azure Drake were rotated out.
Is it just me or is the warlock DK op as fuck?
From arena yes, standard no
>Shadow vision
>Fiery War Axe
It's good but not broken
Only made broken because of Tarim (and stonehills that generate them) gives an additional super efficient control tool otherwise it's always been limited to just 2 per deck which is ok
Id rather they move Maelstrom Portal
I acutally think the old deck with fast charge minions can do well now, might be sleeper because everyone wrote the archetype off.
Did some user keep his caverns and wants to test?
Make Valeera great again
So, Negro Knight.
Worth crafting now to take care of Lich King easily when playing Druid or Hunter and not having reliable hard removal?
It's the most powerful DK. If there was only a slightly better demon support this shit would run rampart all over the game.
That's really not fair. You can't just remove a class' only way to answer large boards. Paladin already has zero single target removal and Equality+Concecrate/Pyro is literally their only real out to big stuff.
Without Equality Paladin would become unplayable because they'd be incapable of dealing with the board once they fell behind.
Paladin is literally the only class with no single target removal. The class could not survive as "the only class with no single target removal and no board clears for minions with more than 2 health".
yurop still on kys watch
Devolve is a wasted card in your deck, replace it with an actual card like pic related or Volcano.
Only play Evolve, devolve sucks.
It'll get rotated
I'd hold off. He's almost always played at the beginning of expansions when people are trying out big, flashy taunt minions. There's no guarantee TLK will be played any more often than Ysera in a month or so.
Does anybody use HSreplays.net?
I was going to get premium so I can see what decks are being used legitimately at rank 5 to legend, has anyone used this and is the site safe?
Aldor might as well be single target removal
>Devolve is a wasted card in your deck
How do you know?
This is the equivalent of removing ice block or antonidas for mage but no one seems to have problems with those because they hate the class.
>fledgling/hydra aggro
post deck pls
just use vS user, they should have a better sample size now that they have an HDT plugin
>opponent summons Y'sera
>Aldor it
Wow, sure did the removing part.
Give me a good DK Valeera list or else!
Trump is that you?
they dont tell me whats being played from 5-legend on eu though
>i can let my opponent still have tokens that can potentially still fuck me over
>or I can just reset the board
tough call
Because mage has 29 more great tools to keep the class relevant. There wasn't a single period in the game where mage was bad.
Because I'm not a retard, and I actually understand Hearthstone.
>DK Valeera
In a few more games I may come to that conclusion but so far it's been okay. Plus I already have so many 3's.
No, but we were at the same rank all through yesterday. I tried to snipe him 8 times in a row, I was even conceding games to have the same star count as him at all times, It's like impossible in constructed, there are too many players :(
this is lies. Whatever the expansion was right after naxx and there were wallet warriors everywhere with 80 ehp. There wasnt enough burn in the deck to beat them. Picking mage was awful.
It's really not. The minion is still there, it's effects are still active, it can be buffed back up, it can be evolved or otherwise improved.
Aldor is not even close to as good as actual single target removal.
It's not. Ice Block is not something that mage needs to survive as a class. It's not Mage's only tool for dealing with a specific, relatively common situation (big boards). Ice block is an enabler for bullshit OTK combos that completely ignore your opponent's board and blast their face into oblivion with fireballs.
Every Paladin deck runs Equality because Paladin needs Equality to work as a class. There are many mage decks that do not run Ice Block and the class works perfectly fine without it.
They are not the same.
>big priest ft. Benedictus vs dragon priest
>I play my benedictus
>he then plays one he got from drakonid op
>then I draw benedictus he had in his deck
That was so fucking retarded and fun. I had to concede because it was taking so long I'd miss my doctor appointment
Do you have a control list that runs him? I'm really interested