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Fuck the /fehg/ autist
Good OP
>Seth is voiced by Thundercock
Wew lad
Kill yourself /fehg/ fag
>/fehg/ autist is back
>take advantage of Euro hours to fuck people over
I just want to talk about Fire Emblem in peace, why is this so hard.
>/fehg/ autist trying to pull his stupid ass shit again
Why did they make her brown?
Please keep this thread bumped throughout the day so we can use it after. Ideally now once the other thread goes down, but if it somehow stays up the whole time and it's time to move into the next thread, this should be the one to move to.
I hope his inflections are just as weird
Both Tana and Seth, one banner
RIP my bank account
Fuck off that isn't the general
>2mov Hecc, Zephy and Brave Lance Effie
The age of armors has arrived.
I have a hard time seeing Seth be good unless he gets really optimized stats. The three current red sword cavs in the meta have clearly defined niches and Prf weapons to help them pull it off. I wonder how Seth will be utilized, if at all. Budget Eliwood?
>2 move Brave Lance Effie
>people still posting in the other thread
Don't even bother replying to the /fehg/ autist in his thread, it's all just bait to keep his thread bumped. Instead, reply to this post with which units you intend on pulling for on the upcoming SS banner.
I hope guidance is flier locked. Encourage mixed movement teams instead of monomovement teams.
Make him the most balanced cavalier ever.
>red Camilla on a horse
Please God no
With no Prf weapon and no good starting skills, he's kind of fucked unless he has some absurd glass cannon stats, and we already have Eliwood for that.
He'll probably be Red Titania, except that Titania has a clear and present purpose in shitting all over Blue units in the meta. I don't know what Seth is going to do.
2 Armor/2 Flier seema good. I have skme sets in mind if I can pull a Hinoka for Hone Fliers. 3 Armor/1 Flier also seems valid.
It's just how that artist does normal 'white' skin.
That said, I'm pretty sure her and Innes are meant to have specifically more pale than average skin so they did fuck up a little there with her.
It probably is, look at the icon. It's a hand from the sky.
Tana seems nice and I like Seth but I don't have a functional flier team, Seth seems iffy, and as much as I want an armor meme team I'm not sure if it's worth the investment.
Though I'd really only need to 5* Zephiel and get some C skills for everyone, provided I draw Amelia. Already have Hector and Effie basically set.
>Titania is a Jagen with a gem weapon
>Seth is a Jagen with a gem weapon
Marcus will be a Jagen with a gem weapon
I want Innes because I like him and he seems good, but ugh, colorless hell. Amelia would be REALLY nice for an armor team, but I'm so far from completing one she can wait.
That shit is flier locked for sure
3 Armor 1 Dancer
Also, I guess Hone/Fortify Armour will probably see more use now since Goad/Wardstacking was easy when everyone was a basic 1move. That said, applying those buffs as well as the March would be harder since you'd sac the extra movement to give someone a buff so maybe I'm being retarded.
TT is draining my will to live.
Who will get 4*d?
Please let Amelia be 4*.
Tana 100%
Amelia and Innes maybe
Not too interested in Seth
Amelia and Seth
Innes and Tana are royalty
It would even make sense to make an ally move assist skill flyer exclusive to fit their typical role of carrying other units around.
>Perfectly usable name that doesn't clash with current naming styles and also implies it's for fliers only somehow turns into just 'Guidance'
I swear ISIS must be paying the translators orbs or some shit with how half assed they are.
So's Eirika, and she's available as a 4*
So is Eirika
What did they mean by this?
Innes has a chance to get the boot over Amelia imo. His skills are nothing special whereas Amelia's armor c skill mmakes her a chase unit.
Only Seth will
Will Amelia have villager stats?
Seth and Innes. Can see that a mile away.
>tfw horesy will get their shelter next
So when is maiponpon going to make new feh artwork again? She/he is IS employee, isn't it?
Seth and Innes.
Seth is the easy answer. I wanna say Amelia as well but Armor March everywhere doesn't seem like something they wanna do. It's between her and Innes for dropping down to 4*. Tana has a Prf weapon AND a big meta changing skill on her while Innes has a new but basic stat buff skill and Cancel Affinity.
That's because she came in a banner where everyone was royalty and she and Ephraim were the only SS characters in the game.
Tana is just Hibiki if she was born a bajillion years earlier
She was on a 4 royalty banner lol
I fucking hate Delthea why is this stupid cunt so overpowered
It's usually one male and one female.
They probably just want to keep the names short. So far there isn't a single passive with a name longer than two words.
Sorry, not sorry!
I guess this explains why the Firesweep Lance+ is listed as the Firesweep L+ even though it's just one extra character.
>Aerial Guidance
Wow that was hard.
>>Perfectly usable name that doesn't clash with current naming styles and also implies it's for fliers only somehow turns into just 'Guidance'
Wouldn't be the first time. You know how panic ploy goes of HP and the other ploys go off res? Yeah it turns out they're different. Panic ploy uses 奇策 (translatable as ploy or clever plan) while the others use 謀策 (strategem).
>Aerial Guide
There I did it
Any more pictures of this semen demon?
Do we know yet if it's only inheritable by fliers?
Post yfw /fehg/ autist failed
>the armors you need to pull to even begin armor memes will both be 5* locked to green
>Hone Fliers is impossible to get outside of luckshitting
>literally every cav needed for basic cav memes are available at 4* or were given out for free
ISIS better fucking make her 4* after all the fucking horses everywhere.
What did they mean by this?
Panic Ploy and the other Ploys both have the same radius though.
I'm halfway there boys
Yes she has plenty of porn, her name is in the filename, have fun.
>Innes is a strategician
That's not even a real word, nor is it even some clever pun on him using magic because he's a god damn archer. How can anyone be fine with this?
I dunno, Guidance doesn't seem like such a huge metagame changing skill if you're thinking about it in practice. At most, it will probably be used to help ferry infantry over terrain they can't pass, but otherwise it's like a reverse Wings of Mercy. Using a Flier outside of Flier Emblem is also extremely risky in the arena too.
It's probably going to be an A+ troll skill on defense teams, though.
>Ephraim gets to fuck these
I doubt it.
>Ephraim gets to fuck this AND Eirikia
What a lucky son of a bitch.
He failed and yet you fuckers still migrated without even looking at the title of the next thread anyway. Just the same as when people migrate even when an OP is vandalized.
>Tana with Close Def will get +13 def against melee enemies
What was ISIS thinking
>tfw Tana will get Boris'd
Still, it's a big problem. We could get a Panic Strategem based off res and the translators will have to pull something out of their ass.
>Was thinking I was going to pass on this banner completely
>Remember the free summon
>Now I'm probably going to do the free one and summon any extra greens and blues that appear
I know I'm falling for jewish tricks, but I can't help it.
Literally one Google search
>tfw want to train Ninian but her big butt makes her -spd and she just dies
-spd is fucking terrible for her
>Eirika gets to fuck this
>what was ISIS thinking
That everybody uses magic now so who cares if they give her an insane innate buff
>tfw can't give Lukas Vidofnir
yeah I noticed
+19 with flier buffs. 22 if +def. +27 if fortress defensed as well.
2 reighs minimum here
Have fun with your 5* Caeda user!
Amelia because GBA generals have great designs and armorbility is gonna be the new meta.
>fortress defense
A slot genuis
because little girls are the best mages
Is Amelia cute?
>Fortress Def and Close Def ath the same time
that's OP
Bottom right
Amagaitaro only draws cutes
Lon'qu is appreciated though.
>tfw posting in old thread but don't realize we migrated
Anyways, who else is ready to make the meme team?