Madurai edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.4.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Got a dog or cat wandering around? I've never seen kiddo appear when I have a pet wandering around but given its incredibly low spawn chance and variety of spawn points, this sense of pet protection may be a placebo.
>Local stalker shits on innocent 10o leveling shite weapon
OG Stalker did exactly that, his spawn chance scaled inversely to conclave rating and independently of the normal headcount modifier. I bet DE never removed that or their spaghetti code uncovered it when they added the Shadow Stalker.
fuck this game
fuck de
fuck forumites
fuck ledditers
and above all, fuck each and everyone of you
See you in a week kiddo
>join squad for vault runs
>some first timer begs to join and the beta leader lets him
>the first timer asks to do some fucking argon alert first
>leader obliges
Holy fucking shit beta autists need to be killed.
I always indulge those needy mr3 shitters and give them everything they ask and more because it drives the 'get it by your hands' crowd absolutely livid. It's not fair! N-nobody has ever given me anything so you shouldn't get anything either!
figures that some basement dwelling autist can't comprehend people being friendly and helpful to each other
>Argon alert
>Defection for ONE(1) argon crystal
What operator costume is this?
>wow what a terrible playerbase, everybody is needy and they don't know as much as I do
>wow what a terrible playerbase, everybody is an asshole and I have no way of reaching their levels
>wow what a terrible playerbase, I specifically choose to play public and they come and join my game
Primed potato sack. Saita or something similar
You aren't doing any favors to the new guy by teaching him to waste his time with alerts that aren't worth it.
So why not tell him that it isn't worth it and how to actually get argon? You said the squad leader was a beta autist, but you're and even bigger beta for not correcting him.
In my journey to get chroma, I've just reached the boss on sedna. If I lose the fight will I have to get the judgment points again or do they only get used if you win the fight?
I'd rather go for an hour in void survival without getting any argon man
Judgement points are only consumed upon successfully defeating Kela.
IGN: Radlan
Chasing the colourful hexes,
like a rat in the endless maze,
there isn't end to this insanity,
only but to kill myself.
invite sent Clto
tell that to high risk bursa
tred ded
will there ever be an option to kill the screen shake?
the fake recoil is dumb
Is the Embolist secondary as good at destroying crates and shit like the Ignis?
I'm looking for a secondary for runs where I'm just looking for specific things and destroying all the breakables for shit.
you know what I'd like to be gone?
that fucking bright light after you join a mission that sometimes lasts for a couple of seconds, shit's annoying as hell
Just use Saryn. Molt breaks objects when it dies. Max range and efficiency, cast twice, break every crate in the room.
it has shit for range
>I'M HELPING: undermodded tentacle man edition
>says the Harrow
At least I'm not actively hindering my team
Could be worse.
That feel when your bros don't login anymore.
>tfw the devs haven't played their game in over 138d
>MR 5 and 7
user they weren't interested in the first place.
hydroid's usage will forever be reserved to tentacle raping your gf as that is his only purpose
When are they going to introduce another shota frame? Nezha needs a little buddy for dicking.
10 years since last potato alert
This makes me upset.
I mean, they're mostly playing internal builds
Their public accounts aren't going to see nearly as much time.
We will get another gold tater this friday :^)
How do you know?
How the FUCK do you have Grineer added as a friend?
I swear most of my plat have gone into potatoes.
IGN: Sotona777
Warframe, Warframe - sucky game
im bad at poems okay
devstream this friday
>inb4 we get an exiuls adapter blueprint
He (and other devs) used to be in warbros and play with us
blacklisted, cyka
>twitch prime
>failed to follow instructions
>played with us
You mean stalked us?
just buy one, considering how much de sells resources and shit for, potatoes are actually good deals.
>I won't leave
>138d offline
so when are we actually going to play the game?
>7 seconds average hacking
Fuck off
>playing the game
I'd rather throw 8 formas on my weapon than giving DE any shekels
I thought jumping around the relay and doing bullshit builds in the simulacrum was playing.
>no time themed frame
>no crystal themed frame
>no light themed frame
>no gravity themed frame
>no spider themed frame
>no demolitions expert frame
>no void themed frame
>no shaman frame
>when Photoshopfucks you over with layers
happy now?
What tags does Grineeer like?
>forgetting hotelframe
begone, pretender
well, you're not giving them shit if you use plat you got from other players.
>no Vay Hek themed frame that plays a sound clip of him every time you use a power
Yeah, nothing is exactly what I'd like to see from you.
i really need to sleep
>what the fuck is a "crystal theme" supposed to be, sounds retarded
>lots of frames have gravity powers, making one themed around that would just be a repeat of stuff we have
>you only want that frame for the spider pusspuss, if they make it it will be male though
>wanting a frame to blow stuff up in a game where you have dozens of weapons that do the same thing already
>Limbo again
>shamans are fucking gay nature pussies
why do all complain about defection?
just bring 2 slovas and 2 EV trin (or just 1 and 1)
done. the first 2 rotations are slow, but when you get to B and C, kavor spawn at the same time on 2 spots.
>numbers in name
>awful color scheme
No, I'm never happy.
>going through the agony to build a competent team
But Limbo is kind of lame and only good for memes.
ok ok
you're blacklisted now
>Za Limbo
>Glass Warframe coming out
>Ivara on her ripline nest
>Limbo/all of them because they're all meatsuits powered by void hoodoo
>Shamans are fucking gay nature pussies
> one (1) more friend/fucker/anyone needed
It's a literal escort mission in a game about MOVINGVERYFAST
Rescue targets will teleport and bullet jump to keep up with you, babysitting some fucking grineer clones who are just going to degrade into a pile of waste in a couple years anyway is boring as fuck.
Also the only real reason to do it is for Harrow, so anyone who does it a lot is tired of doing it because they're tired of not having the Harrow piece.
>65 kela runs to get acid shells
what are the odds?
i know its fucking boring, im just giving (You) a way to do it more efficiently, fuck you dont even need to restart at 8 or 16 as usual, just fucking stay if you like endless bullshit.
Nibba, I've had Harrow since day one. I got it in two games, I don't need to do shit.
>getting jewed by DE
or even worse
>being a jew
>literally stated that I got the piece in two runs
>somehow this means I bought it
>Weapon is fun but does no damage
>Weapon is boring but shreds everything
I want Scourge to be good guys. Can a riven save it?
I soloed it with a max range efficiency nova and just portalled them along.
Nobody asked you.
scourge isn't allowed to be good because it's an aoe weapon with no self damage and a headshot buff
What rescue node should I farm for oxium?
nice try glenn
It seems pretty usable with Heavy Cal now so that helps. The perfect accuracy feels better though.
With a damage/multi/element Riven (or probably reload helps too) AND Primed Cryo Rounds in Viral and whatever other dual stats you can fit, should be >10k dps no problem.
Alternatively you can use gas on it.
I really like how it feels too, full auto.
Stop being such a tight arsed whiny faggot for once.
Soloing it is easier to do than getting a team together and organising yourselves. You're literally telling people a more difficult and convoluted way to do something you can do easier on your own.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
>i've already got it
>but im gonna discuss anyway
i was treating /wfg/ as a whole when i said (you)
so if YOU dont care about the topic just ignore it!
I said fuck you first so fuck you.
Fuck you two. And by that I mean fuck each other you faggots.
You can call me Ash, the grineer killer. Has a nice ring to it dont you think?