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I want to fuck Tana!
She is still useful as a woman.
I wanna fuck Kliff
>0 roy's before patch
>now 5 roy
i have too much ta3 now
>tfw no axebreaker fodder
Nobody cares.
Where is the Sophia smol?
I sure can't wait for sapphire lance Marcus!
Eff the Weff!
We know Linde.
Splurge on Ninian's banner or go for Innes tomorrow
I guess that's their way of showing "combat experience". That and lower BST.
Which bane do you get the most? -res here
So is a -atk Sonya worth trying to use even if just for the Tempest Trials, or should I try and roll Celica and get Grey?
Why is Sophia rated low on every single tier list? She is a better Lilina/Sanaki when using ravenbuild
better than robinm as raven mage too
>Magvel finally gets a banner
>No Marisa
>No Lute
Goddamn monkey's paw.
-def for sure
Will Seth come with titanic stats to make him viable or will he be the next Stahl?
-spd fucking kill me
>HUGE with Super Killer Axe
I'm content with it. Looks like Amelia's a knight with some actual speed, too, so that's nice.
Anyone know what's up with the new download?
pls respon
Do I just give up?
>tfw Seth gets BST boost
get good
seth had to be nerfed
him and reinhardt wud have solod the game and impregnate everyone
Wait, we got more info on Warriors? I care, what else do we know?
Same, -Res.
>The city of Seth
>ISIS realizes they made horses too strong so they're going to make every new cav shit.
Berkut was victim #1.
>roll for Ike hoping to roll some red mage and SI fodder along the way
>get him in 4 roll
>tfw still no red mage or fodder
Not sure if lucky or not.
Is Seth going to be shit?
I don't care how shit he may or may not be, I'm still going to sacrifice everything short of a Hector to kit him out.
If I manage to roll a second Hector at any point ill even send him DC.
No one cares.
What for?
He's going to have Titania and Mathilda BST.
1 5 4
You calling me a cyclops?
My nigga, I pray you get one as much as I hope I get a Seth.
I won't believe FEH got another good green unit besides Hector until she's wrecking shop in the arena.
>Ruby Sword+
>No unique skills
He'd be good to pass his sword to Olivia though.
-hp +def
What's worn with Berkut? From the use I've gotten from him he seems alright.
>this banner is basically the Eirika's Army banner
>Ephraim's Army with Lute, Duessel, Myrrh, and Cormag will be in 2 weeks for the Caellach GHB
>tana announced
>wasted all my orbs trying to get Celica
Just kill me.
>We actually got HUGE Amelia
Pirate Ross banner when?
I don't even have a foot fetish, but I want to rub my face on them.
IS are really pandering to the nucuck """fane""" who are briandead faggots with this fucking sad amount of literally WHOS from the new games that need easy cav gameplay to boot, fucking pathetic.
So more bait banner in two weeks?
Because I said so.
>Caellach GHB
If we don't have Joshua by then it won't matter. Joshua is the ONLY unit allow d to kill that smug son of a bitch.
Amelia looks hype, I'm gonna need like 3 of her to pass around that Axe
Slaying Lance when
Post Tana
I once got three 5* on the same roll and all of them are -spd
Why Lute on Ephraim army?
The only thing fucking pathetic here was that attempt at bait.
and I'll gladly take it
Lute will be in the next banner. Marisa is never gonna happen though, not unless they make her a hidden weapon user.
So is guidance like a wings of mercy where you can just move next to an ally or are you able to move 2 units after going next to them?
He's right though.
Lute and Cormag make more sense on Eirika's.
Git gud. I did it without axe breaker or a red mage and it was tough, but doable.
I have a -atk+hp Sonya, she's still perfectly usable because her atk is still pretty comfy, mirror strike boosts it, her tome gives a lot of damage, and res ploy helps even further. If anything at least try her out before saying goodbye to your orbs.
post yfw armor emblem buffs
It's up.
Did you at least get her?
Fortress Atk when?
What color is gonna be Lute? And is she fast?
Don't get my hopes up I fucking love Caellach
>QR Bonfire Michalis
U wot m8? And those are just ones I own, I'm sure other anons could point out more.
>armor can now move 2 spaces
>SStards already crying and want another banner.
Imply she will have dragon bst
I have hec zephiel and effie all with DC from hero fest 1 im so ready
I'm still skeptical about Amelia saving armored units.
Me neither, brother. 200 orbs down the drain.
>Was planning to only roll for Celica this month because I dont have a good red mage and I like her
>Tana drops and her art is done by Cuboon
>I love all the Cuboon girls and now I want Tana too
This isn't fair bros.
I feel you man. The struggle is real
Dozla or Ross with Garm plox. That speed on a Zerker will end people harder than Legion already does.
Fucking gook moot
>extra movement
>extra BST
she might make them usable at least
Just go for Celica since she's the best red mage while Tana will be likely worse than Cordelia.
>panic makes them immobile
I'd laugh so fucking hard
>because she is a lowli
disliked and did not finish
Same here, good luck dude. He's the only unit I've wanted in the game and I just hope I have enough luck to get him. If anything I hope he isn't too bad, I'd like to use him for content and not just look at him in the box.
What's the best ivs for a Minerva? +spd or +atk
>extra BST.
Fake news.