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I want to marry Bun!

Xth for finally getting off the hamster wheel and unsubbing.

>its okay to be grey

can i get the backstory on this one?

>be new to FFXIV
>played lots of WoW
>never have to ask for an explanation for dungeon/raid mechanics
It's so easy guy from last thread.
Step it up.

Ronso race /when/? Yoshi P(lease).

Dont be that guy. Play the video game

>SE: "Yda and Papalymo were a mistake"
>kill off one
>waste an entire expansion's story on the other in an attempt to fix her until just deciding to end her status as a Scion

Xth for Stay pure.

Catgirl looking for some fun. Black characters only.


What's the best housing area to get an apartment for maximum erp potential?

server? black futa okay?

>log in
>realize I've done everything I want/need to do
>stand in Kugane and play mobile games

I was able to get to 3.2 before I unsubbed last time. I didn't even make it to 4.1 this time.

How the fuck do people play this game for more than a couple months at a time?

I regret dropping this game two years ago.

If only someone told me those 101 pre-Heavensward quests were actually worthwhile.

posted as thread died



we play with a friend/friends user

quick xivg, post your miqo'te (male)

Subbed for like 2 years straight this time now after a break.

It's just a fun social simulator, game itself is pretty average but has fun people to talk to.

It's a cocktail of lack of social lives and an affinity for doing the exact same shit over and over.

Bonus points if you're a parsefag, then your life force is sustained by showing how much better you are at pressing buttons than other people.

Am I pure?

Why is this pic of the front.

Just wanted to say you have one of the nicest gaming communities out there. You guys are lucky.

Get some roes to start fucking cats.

you're cringe


>If only someone told me those 101 pre-Heavensward quests were actually worthwhile.

They aren't. Doing them almost made me drop XIV entirely.

Pure cute

>tfw you spend more time playing with new friend than doing content
>do nothing but sightseeing and talking
>they make me all sorts of food and gifts

Why do people say making friends in xiv is hard?
Just Temple Bee yourself.
Anyone else have a gaming buddy that you met in game?

Why aren't you an Adder, user? Don't tell me you joined one of those other lame Grand Companies.

Cute cat

Its fun to play with friends, something you almost certainly dont have


Yeah sure I'll take whatever I can get

They made me drop the game entirely in 2015. I had even bought the expansion and never played it.

But the second half of them were alright.

The Adder leader is lame.

Make like a Temple Bee and kill yourself.

>Spent the day outside golfing with my dad
>Afterwards went out and got drinks with my GF
>Lined up to hang out and play drunk video games with friends tomorrow

It always feels great opening these threads after I go out and have days like this. Completely validates my life choices when I see these other anons posting their slutty-glamored female characters and looking for compliments from other sweaty neckbeards.

Thanks for being my rock /xivg/

Pure slut.

Of course I am. In fact I am a cool high-ranking Adder with a nice coat.

Where is YOUR nice coat ?

Yellow is my most loathed color.

Still an Adder, though

what if I don't have any or can't make any?


She's Grade A wife material though.

I have 3 irl friends that I play with, 2 of which I've played with since Beta

I started as a lancer when I originally made my character, and even though I didn't go on to main the class, it felt appropriate to make Adders my GC to honor my starting city


Very pure

Also fish

Because both other factions have better coats

Had one. The fucking cuck was super clingy. Always messaged me the second I entered the game, always asked me what I was doing, always asked me where I am etc. Showered me with gifts but already knew what type of dude he was and declined every time. Then I got fed up and sent him a whisper and made it seem like it was an accident. In the whisper it was a reply of getting DP by a Roegadyn in my ass and a Miqo'te in my pussy. Like clockwork he went on a huge rant and I blocked him.

Because I'm not a cuckold in Strawberrys FC.

Now that just isn't true at all.

>obligatory no pants

do you have any glamour that isnt cringe

In what way?
If there's some ailment in the forest she'd most certainly prioritize that over her significant other. Pretty poor wife material honestly

poor Ippiki

>He actually has a stable relationship with his father
>He actually knows his father
>He has a GF that isn't his dominant hand
>In current year
Get out, your kind do NOT belong here in this community.

I'm getting there, sir.

That's the spirit, user! Make Kan-E proud.


There are only two Grade-A wife material girls in this game. Arya and Scathach


Does the levelling gear for summoners ever stop looking like you belong in a circus?

good for you user, i'm jealous

Hey /blog/, got my new computer set up, now I can take voyeur shots on max settings.

Is the creation tome weapon worth the cost? I get the last item from o4n tomorrow and then I guess I have to pay up the 1000 creation tomes that I'll also have if I go for it. Currently have the 320 weap from susano

Is it likely to be a better upgrade over taking say legs from 320 to 330? Or any 2-3 of head/waist/feet/accessories from 320 to 330?

Ethiopian children with distended stomachs probably live more fulfilling lives than 99% of this community.


>That can do no harm personality
You both need to open your eyes.

At least you're not rolling a highlander male.

Caster gear makes me look so fucking bad.

anyone on aether want to tank or heal 50/60 and levelling roulette

yea..Pure trash

put up a pf I'm logging in

The other factions actually have different coats? I thought they were just recolors

Go back to pol you fucking racist.

Lethe show me them tiddies

I've made it a few times to the "introduction stage" but something about it is I never make it past that.

>meet some guy in game and have a nice conversation
>they eventually just stop replying

>meet some guy and with the common interest of doing a dungeon/other content
>have fun and do well
>finish and "thanks for group bye forever"

>ask anons on this general if anyone wants to group up for something
>have fun and just temple bee myself
>same thing as the second example, the relationship is over as soon as the content ends and the party disbands

I'm just too socially retarded to know how to get to the next level


She looks plain and her personality is more boring than a slice of white bread.

Mol is top tier waifu, too bad she's already been Magnai'd

Reminder not to trust c@girls.

Truth hurts.

Reminder to trust only yourself and your gun.

Why are you still around

user it's just like your mongolian textile sanskrit scrolls. Think about it. Boring plain jane, gets BLACKED, she turns into a total slut because the bbc was so fucking good, she goes gyaru tier, has 3 kids then finds a white cuck to finance her and her halfbreeds. Then she continues getting BLACKED while her salaryman cuck atm machine slaves away at a dead end job. It writes itself! God damn Square needs to hire me. I would make them so much money. Japs love the fuck out of NTR.


Good god do you play on a toaster built for WoW?

Top taste, but you forgot Sadu


More underboobie

>Cammy from street fighter clone

The Japs also have shit taste.

I seriously want to kill myself

Stop posting and get to work, faggot

Tell someone who cares, this isn't your blog.

My graphics are literally maxed in every (in-game) way. Welcome to FFXIV textures, my friend.

okay i'm putting it up now, in private tab under S.K.

Square needs to keep you far away from their games.

Then who's your NPC-fu?

>Common peasant that can't appreciate the sophisticated tastes of a true patrician.

And people like to harp how this game is graphically superior to WoW. Laughable.