/srg/ - speedrunning general
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SERG? more like DED
toastrider is the realest speedrunner
he has completely forgone grindmonkeying and only practices single stars
he doesnt speedrun because he is scared of rta single segment, which is really pathetic. also claiming people have to match a certain standard before doing runs is the most elitist thing i have ever heard and also very false
the-elite + mario kart 64 time trialers meet
>claiming people have to match a certain standard before doing runs is the most elitist thing i have ever heard and also very false
t. grindmonkey
keep posting lol to show how much you dont care, toast. grind monkey posting is only done by little 16 year old such as yourself
t. exposed grind monkey
wow 3 posts in a row with the word elite in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>grind monkey
>using the lowest tier srg cancer buzzword possible
you are only exposing yourself
*banshee screeches*
why is it always the same guy posting this nonsensical erp shit?
t. mindless grind monkey who doesn't know what erp is
NKR would be proud
Birds can laugh.
Bonobos can howl.
Monkeyposting is hilarious and is directly related to speedrunning.
you are erotically roleplaying as a monkey in part of your fetish that has forced you to post this shit for over 3 years, myself and everyone here is well aware you prancing faggot lmao
Birds can laugh.
Bonobos can howl.
Monkeyposting is hilarious and is directly related to speedrunning.
nuke it glenn
I thought grinding wasn't speedrunning?
keep posting lmao to show how little you care, toast
Birds can laugh.
Bonobos can howl.
Monkeyposting is hilarious and is directly related to speedrunning.
All 3 of these statements are blatently incorrect. Why waste your time?
grinding and grind monkeying are not the same thing
Grindmonkeying is a form of speedrunning.
why did you delete?
It's actually a meaningless phrase only forced by freaks on /srg/.
This isn't an argument.
That is also a non-argument.
Imagine doing wrong movement for no reason.
here comes the triggered squid response
Imagine shutting the FUCK up
No one does movement for no reason. There is always a reason. You would have to be brain dead to not understand this extremely simple concept.
>samefagging your own incoming exposure
>No one does movement for no reason.
some people do lmao
False. If someone is doing something, there is always a reason. Most likely they are currently more comfortable with doing it the way they are doing it. It's a very simple concept.
>being scared to do movement you're uncomfortable with even if it's easy
Not everyone finds certain movement the same, difficulty wise. It's an extremely simple concept that's really worrying to me if you can't grasp it.
another fuckin argument AGAIN
>finding movement hard that literally noone else does
Yep, you are a non-runner. As expected. Thick, too.
This is not an argument. You're not even trying.
"go massive or go home"
poor people do both when they swing by their local burger king, kfc, or wherever the fuck for dinner every night
yes they do
why did you delete?
My portal run got rejected because I'm STUPID.
thanks for the late response!
how do you speedrun portal, what are the strats?
its a pc game so you just mash quicksave and quickload until you see the credits
*runs "inbounds"*
*goes out of bounds but it's ok because the camera is seperated and remains inbounds*
*goes out of bounds but it's ok because it was ~unintentional~*
*uses glitches to shoot portal through walls and walk through walls but it's ok because you arbitrarily avoid going through the black outside of the game although it makes no difference anymore because theg ame physics and walls don't matter anymore anyway*
>beginner strats that are literally designed to be piss easy are hard for anyone
>intermediate strats that are literally designed for intermediate players are difficult for a 52 player
who asked whitey mcwhiterson?
52 player? what?
An SM64 runner with a pb of 52.
Literally what are you talking about?
Why does Squid constantly adjust his angles mid movement instead of just learning the angles ahead of time by practicing?
Which part was unclear?
Your blatant lies.
How am I lying? Even on lakitu skip you can see him wobble left and right during longjumps.
Why not ask him now? He's live.
another thread with all toast and lyfey shitposts
stop posting
I've seen this opinion posted so much on srg that you could almost say it was a monkey just repeating the same thing over and over.
>mid 52
because sm64 has horrible controls
What? Who?
XX:00-XX:19.99: low
XX:20-XX:39.99: mid
XX:40-XX:59.99: high
Squid has low 52.
Why are you talking about Squid?
or just y'know have fun running the game
i do it for the dopamine
>purposely being bad
That's let's playing, not speedrunning.
time is the measure of that. and toast has a bad one lmao
all these screencaps expose toast in here as the freak. they read exactly the same. what a retard
Toast is toast.
>mid 52
Being too stupid to control it properly doesn't mean the controls are bad.
Being good at SM64 does not make you smart and being bad at it does not make you stupid.
These discord kids are absolutely unreal, lmao.
>being bad at a game means the controls are bad
that's what you're saying.
*parrots What?*
shouldn't "What?" be in quotes
Arguably it could indicate you're smart. Mouthbreathers would never be capable of figuring all the quirks out. They'd just burn out stuck with a shitty time.