/owg/ - Overwatch General

>The Summer Games 2017 event is Live!
>last year's summer games items are back for regular pricing (1x), while new items are also available for event pricing (3x)
>the event ends on August 28th

>Event item tracker

>DEATHMATCH has been added to the PTR
>includes both 6v6 TDM and 8-man FFA
>along with a new map built for FFA (it's bloo's family home)

>Most recent developer update video

>Newest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20861969
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

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I have never been more proud to be American

Tracer is a lesbian and enages in cunnilingus DAILY

Sombra online.

I want to BE mercy.

Here comes T.Racer!

Hanzo is a meta hero and I play him whenever I want

Get a dildo and shove it up your ass. That should do the trick for you.

>tfw you'll never date Tracer

>when people lust over and want to fuck D.va's voice actor

You know she's a Korean Christian, right? As in, one of the most batshit crazy groups out there? Do you really want to get involved with one of those lunatics?

dick dont care

You're one silly bitch, twinkie. I've seen crazier groups, honestly.

anyone wanna play together?
I just want sweet +20% exp bonus

Eu: Sayonara #2335

Tracer likes to kiss other women on their wa-wa's. Is that the sort of person you want to associate with?

enlighten me

>solo queue while already tilted
>Hanzo main insisting he's carrying us while constantly out of position and complaining about no heals
>every single hold of the objective is a failure because he dies first and then we're 5v6
>get audibly annoyed at him and tell him to consider his positioning every time he dies somewhere I can't heal him from and asks for heals

>he gets three kills near the end of a round after the rest of us die but then he dies to a straggler
>I get called a bad Mercy for not being able to get to the point in time to res him before the round ends

>his duo queue friend starts insulting me

>now I'm sub-2800
I genuinely don't know why I care anymore.

>Korean Christian
how do you know? WERE YOU THERE?

Widowmaker here

I want a pet Gengu!
I would walk him and keep him well milked!

switch or i throw

>shit team, getting steamrolled on defend gibralta
>go symm as joke
>get 40 kills, full gold

what the fuck?

is she that good on some maps? with the current winston as king of tanks I dont feel confortable taking her

if you're not t500 symmetra is viable

But can you give him a bath?


So is Doomfist getting nerfed and if so in what way?


something idiotic

>pay $60 for a tf2 clone
>100 hours play time
>instant regret

>he paid $20 to play maskless reaper

lmbaoing @ da life uir lving

>payed 60 bucks for Overwatch


>I'm dogshit horrible with the characters people say are the easiest to play, like Mercy, Soldier, and D.Va
>Do much better with characters like Sombra, Torb, McCree, Ana
>People say those are throw characters and bitch all game long that I need to switch off regardless of how well I do

No shit I would, crazy girls are some of the best experiences you can have as long as you don't stick around too long, just go in for a few pump and dumps

Get a load of this flexboi

is Zenyatta as hard as people make it out to be? i wanna boop with my orbs and heal while at it

zenyatta isn't difficult, you just need to learn how to lead your shots and be fast enough to scare away flankers before they rape you


>is Zenyatta as hard as people make it out to be?

He can bully flankers and shits on tanks by virtue of existing.

>paying extra 20$ for a handful of dumb skins

>Rein gets POTG
>ults and gets a quad kill
>last two seconds of POTG is him just standing still and looking at this bullshit

Why is this allowed?

yes literally no reason to play any other healer over Mercy

He's pretty easy as long as you don't have a flanker on your ass all the time

>We felt like 3000 Skill Rating was a good breakpoint for the decay rules, as it was around 10% of the competitive population (see above). If you do decay, it only affects your current displayed skill rating. This decay does not affect the internal matchmaking rating we use, so we can still place you in fair matches. When you do come back and actively play matches, you’ll also typically gain more SR from a win until your displayed skill rating and internal matchmaking rating have again reached “equilibrium”.

Make your own, user. I use this pic as my mouse pad

You should have learnt by now, man:
Don't bother with comp unless you have at least 2 other people to play with you, I only say two because it at least has half a team whos willing to listen and its rare to get 5 other people to play at once unless you have really open schedules.

He's very forgiving considering his abilities have no cooldowns but his projectiles take some getting used to. You also need to remember that you don't have escape options like Mercy with her wings, Lucio with his speed-wall riding or Ana's sleep dart so you need to commit and fight for your life or die trying. He isn't ridiculously hard, you just need to mainly master his damage potential enough that you can give any flankers trouble for pouncing in your room.

I may have just met the most pathetic person in 3v3
>He's an opponent in a match prior
>Beat him and his team as Winston
>He's a teammate on the next game and throws the game simply because I'm on his team
>We lose
>Say in public chat "Are you happy? Your pettiness over me being a teammate is what caused us to lose."
>He says "I am happy, because I don't like you."

They need to nerf her ult and buff her other abilities so she isn't just emp suicide-bomber

>not talking shit and getting him even more mad

>americans are so fucking dumb they just let the payload go to the final point without contesting it literally once.
>the screen before defeat just shows your team's reaper trying to go for an epic flank from behind.

Not gonna stay on that server full of complete chucklefucks lmao. Those dumb niggers still pick Reinhardt.

I've lost hope that they'll ever introduce clans into this game... but SOOO much bullshit could simply be skipped, if you didn't have to play with random losers.

I asked him why he doesn't like me by the way, and his answer is literally the most retarded thing I've ever read
"I don't like you cause you kept killing me last game."
Gee, it's not like he was an opponent.

>your skill rating is not being used for matchmaking

Mei is beautiful!

Reminder: Widow statue ships in 16 days

I will post hot glue when it arrives

What the fuck am I looking at

Ana needs love.

Think of it this way. Would you rather a top 500 player that decayed to 3k be placed in matches with other top 500/GMs or with low diamonds?

Joke's on you: they DO get matched with low diamonds - even low plats in QP!

>that janky animation

No thanks.


I know that from personal experience, QP doesn't give much of a shit about SR.

Godspeed, user

>her hair os just one congealed mass

wanna hear a joke?

you people are still playing this garbage game.honestly, are you still clinging to the idea that the blaring flaws of the game will be addressed?

Animating hair is hard.

goodness, I never knew ana was such a cow

What is the worst of said flaws, in your personal opinion?

Glaring, not blaring.


god I wish that were me

>Ana porn is always of the captain amari skin

She is cute!

>Irin skin
>Demolition icon
Mad men.

thank god

Clint eastwood skin for McCree when?

>getting carried when I played doomfist and sombra for fun
>win 21sr
>actually play my main heroes, get good stats and impact on the game
>lose 25sr

It works because it captures the Pharahfag audience as well.

What did he mean by this?

She hides it well under that coat.


I only still play this game cause literally nothing else is out, this has been a gaming drought
and its the only game I play on PC cause everything else is shit

as it should be, people want a healthy milf not some burnt granny cyclops

I'll bite

His On The Range skin comes pretty close

>tfw can't decide if I should spend gold on Summer skins or wait for the Halloween skins

>be in diamond lucioball
>people dont know how to fucking play the game
I got two niggers hanging out in goal instead of playing a little more offensively and I lose every fucking time they do it

>pick lucio
>stay on healing for the whole game
>just stand there
>15k healing

wtf im a lucio main now


If you don't want her when she's old you shouldn't have her at all. If you waifu her you should be ashamed.


how the fuck can anybody play weakbra? her dps is less than 50 and the hacking isnt that good. emp requires korean pro tier coordination to work

>tfw don't even play OW anymore but want Mercy's footpussy skin

Blizzard sure knows how to make their skins. wew

Can you guys post your crosshairs, I'd like some ideas to steal

I feel you user

>every elimination adds 1% capture or 0,1m payload push/withdraw in favor of your team
>multikills are now counted slower, allowing team comps without burst damage to get hexaple kills announced
>multikills enhance the first meme arrow percentually

I feel like lucioball is way too generous with SR. I'm not good whatsoever and got placed diamond, same with my friend and all of my retard teammates. Diamond is the new gold

It works in green too, I just see red better for whatever reason.

I haven't bought a new single player game since Dead Space 2, I know your pain

which hero

As you said with >coordination to work
She's a harasser, if you have a people who react when you hack an ability reliant hero e.g. Rein rip then people can swoop in for the kill while you soften them up with your smg. If you're going in solo and setting up for nothing to happen because nobody is responding to it, then its just a waste. Its a strange thing how teamwork is a powerful thing, but people don't bank on it.