>Patch 4.06 Notes
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>Patch 4.06 Notes
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Xth for Beepy is really nice.
PotD on Chaos? Or expert
This is a lalafell lady thread
r u a cute catboy
beepy, please buy me things then let me dump you, and afterwards I'll make fun of you for being a nut then re-add you when I need you to buy me more things
im a lalafell lady
I got you a thread will you marry me?
Does Soft have boys?
How do i send private messages in-game pls help i'm retarded.
No, this is a fat cat cat thread and always will be!
please queue for the final steps of faith Q_Q I've been waiting for days...
/tell character name
Yeah I know what's coming next.
Looking to draw female characters in this outfit. Please list the following with your request and I'll be happy to draw her:
•A certain pose.
•Joints or no joints.
•Something growing from lying.
This is to help practice drawing different types of bodies as I would like to do that. Thank you for the patience from those who have requested.
why that outfit in particular?
Thanks user.
>•Something growing from lying.
what does that even mean
Sitting down, maybe like in your picture
No Joints
Hell yeah
thx user! ur a nice guy too
I'd have to know who you are to be bale to answer this.
Wait, does Stratos really make fun of me?
Sure, make a pf
We can co-exist
Like this, I suppose
No joints
Your choice
would you fantasia into a catboy if we become engaged ingame and irl?
I'll ask you tomorrow, I'm suppose to be sleeping.
you amber and lily are the worst
M.S., 2233
I need a new ps4
I find it cute.
The original story has the nose growing from lies. In this case it could be breasts or butts or hair. Or horns like someone said. Tail even.
Remember, if you are over the age of 30 you are ancient as far as Final Fantasy is concerned. Just ask Auron.
Alright, I'll be happy too. But what is growing from lying? And what would she lie about?
>I'd have to know who you are
take a guess
Don't pretend to be me!
Sure thing. She's cute! What would she lie about?
I don't particularly like using fantasia and I think that you should like me for me and not my character so my gut reaction to this is saying no.
okay sounds good
what do I even have in common with those two
But I already gave you a pro
sorry I'm not good at discerning one user from another
Alphinaud is cute
>All this fucking Knight's Bread
Why does it have to be so easy to craft, I'm drowning in it.
gee I don't know maybe that you two are batshit insane manipulators that will do everything they can to make themselves feel a little bit better about their miserable life
The only option to grow is the apron bulge
dick, not having a dick
If you move far enough away from you4 screen this looks like a scary face, with the twins' heads for eyes.
They also raid on an alt that's neo prog as healer.
Grin depicted
Joints up to you
Blatantly lying to increase bust size
ultimate autism
That's not a grin.
Yikes. Let's play sometime.
Beepy is cute
Moving gatherers between expansion is making me want to kill myself. Who the fuck though it was good idea to have gear that actually allows you to gather something several levels above 50/60.
there is literally nothing wrong with face 3
Are you coming?
Lies about not being able to swim. I'm not very creative
there is everything wrong in being a cake boy
i don't really like it, it's just kinda weird
Lying on purpose for that is a cute idea. I'll be sure to draw this.
your choice!!
this isn't me
Sure thing, I'll be sure to implement that.
Why the heck are there two discords?
they're the wrong way round idiot
I guess there really are none...
That's the face of man who solicits homosexual ERP.
who did I manipulate
Knew it was coming and it still hurt.
•At an outdoor gym with two elezen babes sitting on my curled biceps, preferably Duskwights. Or just whatever strikes you.
•No joints
•Breasts, obviously (actually, the butt would be awesome, alternatively)
idk in the cut pics and bismarck doll pics you looked really cute
Alright, I think I get it. Thanks for providing your character, it's easier to follow. I'll do my best with your character.
Straight into a man's butthole.
Oh hi Mark
sugi stratos etc
But I'm a happy memc@! Happiest memc@ around!
RENA you fucked over rena big time now fuck off
I should watch that movie some time.
Please do not put a penis on my future wife. Thank you.
Sorry, can you both put all your details in one post? The information crossed over and I got confused.
No worries, I'm not planning to draw penises on anyone. Especially your future wife.
Catboy commishies
How's your raiding going bois? Capped yet?
Don't make me laugh
I cut off that dolls head and threw it in the trash. Kind of sad becasue I literally had it since like 4th grade.
you know sugi still wont talk to me to this day? like a year and a half later and I'm still blocked
>i fucked over rena
Capped Tuesday. I'm just joining "please help me clear" PFs now until reset
rena fucked them over you spaz
post new cutties
i need to fap...
>Magnolia Moof
He seems cute.
just think about all the emotional abuse you've put done to people. yeah.. that's right.
Got into savage for the first time. Tried to get a v2s clear but its not looking like its going to happen this week ; ;
owo what's this
Summer event was fun, wish there was a bit more to get with the tickets though.
heres my slark figrue I guess
you see I can't buy into this arguement becasue I've been told by countless people none of this is real its just a video game
Sitting down on a wall or something
No Joints
I guess you can do her chest, she might be lying about her dps
still havent gotten any further than o1s
do you have any good logs I could use some right now
Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Thank you too. I saw the second picture where she's looking at that bird and it inspired an idea. But her nose would have to grow. Would that be okay? I understand if not.
That's very nice of you to do i'm sure a lot of people appreciate your help.
You'll get it eventually just stay positive friendos, I believe in you!
Go for it!