Who Is Colder Edition
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>0pen Tournaments
Who Is Colder Edition
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>0pen Tournaments
First for verifiable proof I'm better than nearly every single one of you.
>King of the Dead
There is only one
Firstish for fuck this shit wild is better.
i dont give a single fuck how strong mage is or not is its by far the least entertaining matchup in the game, truly the beginner class with all the free shit they get
Who wants 80g?
So you can google images?
What's your favorite card of the expansion?
What's your least?
>Deathstalker Rexxar
>Ultimate Infestation
i know it makes me a faggot but that image made me laugh
Sorry NA
If you re EU alraedy sent
>Excavated Evil
No fucking thank you.
Well it didnt take long for everyone to go back to aggro
frost lich jaina
shadowreaper anduin
tainted zealot
all priest players should hang
???Everyones still playing do everything druid and high roll priest
When the fuck are they nerfing Druid. It's not even Jade it's the fucking ramp cards that have been OP all along. Just gut them already. But I bet they'll wait until the end of the year. Fucking cock suckers.
Two months at the earliest
how does one get gud at this game? i feel like i understand the plays i should much but im awful
at deckbuilding and netdecking is kinda boring
is there a control/crusher hunter list yet? nusecret hunter is fun but I want to play giant dinosaurs
The same way you git gud at everything else
The expansion just launched, find a way to play around and counter these completely broken cards. It's too early to say if they're actively oppressing all other decks :^)
>half my friends list is playing StarCraft Remastered
>aftering having pre-ordered and bought more packs on release day
Blizzard is literally never, EVER, going out of business.
I've got to 5 with deathrattles + bonemare. You're still fucked if you lose the board but the deathrattles make it less likely. I've got an Owl in to help with taunts.
I have been playing control Uther and Bonemare Zoolock
At least I am not cancerous
Dota's card game will kill hearthstone just like Dota killed every other Moba.
80g quest NA, post your tag
and that would be
you must have dodged all the shamans, pirate warriors, and token druids. hunter is complete garbage versus them and that's all i see at rank 8. such bullshit
> i feel like i understand the plays
If this is true, then you are good at this game
>but im awful at deckbuilding and netdecking is kinda boring
But you'll never win.
If a pro baseballer player decides playing with a bat is boring so he tries to hit the ball with his dick, he will not score a point ever again.
He'll still be the good baseball player he always was. But he refuses to use the winning strategy.
That's you.
Is there a working DK Rogue deck yet or is the consensus just to put it in miracle standard?
LoL killed doturd and eventually something even more dumbed down and casual will kill them both
>just like Dota killed every other Moba.
Dota 2? Didn't kill shit. League of Legends is the biggest online game in the world currently.
Dota OG? It was basically the first Moba.
>jade is still in the game
since they introduced this i wondered how blizzard let this in the game, thinking its balanced
Are you talking about heroes of the Storm?
NA here still got 80g
>draft amazing arena deck
>afraid to fuck it up and don't play arena for days
Who else does this?
I streaked there yeah, I think I got lucky honestly. Here's the list in case you're interested:
### DR
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Fiery Bat
# 2x (1) Play Dead
# 2x (2) Crackling Razormaw
# 2x (2) Kindly Grandmother
# 2x (3) Animal Companion
# 2x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
# 1x (3) Ironbeak Owl
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Rat Pack
# 2x (3) Shaky Zipgunner
# 2x (3) Terrorscale Stalker
# 2x (4) Houndmaster
# 2x (4) Infested Wolf
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
# 2x (6) Savannah Highmane
# 2x (7) Bonemare
I'll do it, give me a second
I just add you as a friend? right?
Anonymous #14447
This game is only a minor step up from Uno. You wouldn't try and get good at something as stupid as Uno would you?
>It was basically the first Moba.
Reminder DotA is the original moba for retards
Before DotA mobas had
>Large intricate maps
>Multiple maps
>Support for more than 10 players
>Many unique objectives
>More resources than just gold
>Custom heroes
>Hero progression outside of items
>Base progression
>Creep progression
>Scripted abilities (70% of DotA's abilities are default WC3 skills)
>Objectives outside of kill x mob/building
>No neutral creep PVE bullshit
>Stats outside of Str/Agi/Int
>Options to acquire multiple heroes
>Real micro not "summon 1-4 shitty units"
>Battleships / Starships / Battletanks
DotA elitists are the biggest jokes in gaming.
It won't kill it, just steal a large portion of it's fanbase and future fanbase. Like LoL hearthstone will keep all it's sunk cost fallacy idiots and children. Either way we benefit cause if anyone is going to force bizzards hand it'll be valve.
when the d2 LOD remaster comes out i'll finally quit HS and farm SOJ until I die
also can i spectate a game for that quest?
Heroes is actually more complex than DotA so no
tides of blood didn't catch on
Yeah I know but it's still the game mode that got so insanely popularized.
>Heroes is actually more complex than DotA so no
dota 2 card game will kill shadowverse and shit on the recently deceased graves of gwent and tesl
DotA is the Hearthstone of assfaggots.
lol wtf is happening
There is nothing wrong with that webm.
>just now getting the legend card back nearly 4 years after release after ladder was made easier with the rank floors inflating his opponents rank
>thinks he's the best player on /hsg/
why would japs give a shit about a dota cardgame? gwent and tesl is already in the dumps. dota will join them in half a year
little blue demon guy got his last three attacks dodged by hammerhead guy
Random chance to stun + random chance to hit
cool thanks! I liked Warlock a lot in the past and black knight seems safe enough since you're right about everyone running big fucking taunts. Thanks again for the list man
>play wild because standard is even worse
>buff pally against a priest
>he gets lich king off 3 times over the course of the game
>game drags on, get close to stabilizing the board mulitple times
>turns out all 3 lk cards he got were fucking death and decay
Getting close to winning a shitty matchup but then getting fucked by rng anyways is the fucking worst
Macemane used to have an ability that had a chance to dodge any attack made at him. Stabby dude played like a retard.
Dota uses psuedo-rng effects, so if something has a % chance to happen, it'll increase in chance until it does, then reset. It was frankly very luck for stab dude to hit him so many times in a row.
>every deck is called a "nigger" if we don't like it
Man, you guys have an excellent sense of humour.
Ok fuck it I'm really sick of trying to make rogue work.
What class should I play to push to legend fastest?
Highest winrate deck you know:
>Steal a random card
>Use random card to generate a random mage spell
>Use random mage spell to generate 3 more random mage spells
>This continues for another 12 spells
There is nothing wrong with this either.
>battle.net is called battle.net again
Token shaman, jade druid
this needs to be updated with dk uther holding spiritsinger umbra fucking up priest's day
I fucking drew patches again.
replacing bnet with blizz app wasn't the greatest choice
why is doppelgangster evolve allowed to exist?
>6 mana summon three 6 mana minions
>but you need 2 cards XD
just why
Who gives a shit? I forgot they changed it until they announced they're changing it again.
>6 Mana 2 Cards summon three 1/1's
cry more
its kinda gay but its not as bad as devolve. that is the most disgusting card in the game by far.
>evolve is the thing you choose get salty over
>when jade exists
>when exodia mage; holding cards in your hand until you win exists
>when obsidian statues exists
>when divine shield, taunt and lifesteal are on every paladin minion
>dota 2: 2gd, bts
>sc: tastosis, apollo, rotterdam
>hs: lorinda
Which one is better?
>three 1/1s
maybe I'm just salty that my opponent just got sylvanas, that 3/8 treant taunt and boulderfist ogre
seriously what the fuck
Because there's always a risk that this happens.
Now there's your problem.
Just run Geist
Just Death Grip it
Just silence it
Just run Blood Knight and Black Knight
>decide to make a cool kazakus highlander mage deck
>next three matchups are, in this exact order, Jade Druid, Dead Man's Hand Warrior and Benedictus Priest
no thanks, at least wild has variety in decks
Losing to hunter really makes me want to kill myself because it's literally "they drew good you drew bad" since it's impossible to do smart hunter plays.
>plays wild
>complains about card balance
That's probably the worst one I've ever seen with the doomsayer to add insult to injury. I've seen three 1/1s before though
evolve and devolve are bullshit
would you be happier if I said he got 2 boulderfists and a 3/8 taunt?
>Druid kind of sucks
>Druid is the best class in every version of the game
>Druid is one of the best classes in every version of the game
>Heroes of the Storm
>Malfurion is one of the best heroes in the game
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Druid was fucking shit in Vanilla
>you are now remembering those 2 seconds when combo was nerfed and people thought druid would be as dead as priest
Druid was THE shit (in pvp) in Vanilla
me good player
me punch face
hey now, there was always a welfare spot for a resto druid because of battle res and hots
also rank 14 pvp vids of feral druids were the best
*innervates out a turn 1 yeti*
I'm playing an elemental mage with the new hero Jaina and I'm having fun.
Baron Geddon is the unexpected MVP, heals you for all the damage he does (including to your own face), and if the enemy trades into him it's a +7 heal
vanilla not hs classic you fucking mandrill
>High roll priest
What did he mean by this?
>tfw you were that one feral druid that used to bring out a notepad on why your +3% crit aura was worth bringing you to a raid