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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Post predicted stats for tomorrow's units
Arena Assault ending soon. What rank are you?
No problem that strat helped a lot of people back then.
haha how can ephraim even compete
I fucking hate you /feg/
>American hours
>Delthea posters
>Early threads
By not being totally delusional.
Drink this [b]B[b]otion, user.
Which character will be never ever in Heroes
Lucina is my love!
thanks gramps
Got a pretty lucky run and I don't think it's going to happen again. I need to build more thundercock counters.
Second daily Cloud. Hope you like it!
What the hell? Tana's always been hella stacked. Did you never see her official art?
Cormag is a lucky man.
Glade will NEVER EVER be in
>tfw fever
I'm dying /feg/, let it be known that cowtits are superior in every way
>Timezone shitposting happens more when Australians wake up
Really procs my skills
>Euro hours
>/fehg/ autist splitting general
>Aussies posting about how loli is pedophilia because it's illegal in ausland
>Tellius shitters and Magvel babbies
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
Axe villager Atlas when?
Clive is such a slut, cheating on Mathilda with Lukas, Alm, Fernand and anyone else willing while she is imprisoned. Then gets ''raped'' by witches and lolis, playing the victim in the hopes the deliverance will murder those who know.
This is why he could not be the leader.
rip user
Nino walking in the woods with clothes like that... surely nothing will go wrong, r-right?
Lucina is a whore who just cheated me out of my 6.50something rate of the Hero Fest banner.
Yes, I am still salty about it.
Shut the fuck up. No one cares about what you have to say, you're not important. Post it or not, that's it.
>QR Flier bad
continuing from old thread, if your posts ends in 5 6 or 9 you pick a class for a villager on my sov
so far done
mage gray
mercenary Kliff
>15 hours ago
In Alm and Celica army 2
Warriors twins as I feel like no one even remotely cares about them.
Was my only deathless run and I couldnt be fucked to try and get it higher but I think thats still pretty okay
While getting cucked out of pity rate sucks, it could be a lot worse than Lucina. My 5% pity rate on the TT banner got broken by Caeda
kill yourself, cloudbro is cool
>Play God Camus Axe
DC Axe Camus confirmed
>took tobin little without running cordelia
why would you do that and since when did we know his last name?
Would you play Alfonse/Anna/Sharena as a team together if he got a +3 on all stats?
I need some good reaction pics, because I want to find a nice avatar.
Daddy's Little Slut is a great girl.
trip back on
You don't get to complain until Jakob cucks you out of your 5% pity rate
Not too awful for a 4,534 score. At least I'm getting something.
Rank shitter at like 60k
Honestly Arena Assault sucks. It's a drag having to make a new team comp between each map - takes too long having to switch back and forth between the map screen and barracks. It doesn't help that I have no idea if the stupid coins are even worth my time.
On an unrelated note, should I use a 4* Athena as Moonbow fodder? Or is Wo Dao / Sturdy Blow worth hanging onto?
its merc Tobin not merc Kliff
Your illness has quite clearly already reached your brain. I'm so sorry.
Cavalier Faye
Soldier Tobin
I wish they'd do something about Caeda. I bet they know getting a 5* Caeda feels like pure shit. Better than Merric but that's not saying much.
18431 because fucking dancer and horse shitters are on every other map
So rude! Why are you so mean, user?
Should've been Sharena and Alphonse, they could've fit well with the plot they were going with
>legions save distant teams
distant counter legion new meta?
Are you ok, user?
Knight Atlas.
I hurt you because I love you.
>Being this edgy
Around 1.6k as of an hour ago when I rushed both Arena modes.
Cavalier Faye
Not an argument reddit.
How the fuck are you supposed to beat Legion's Lunatic GHB quest when you have to waste a unit slot for Legion?
I once replied to posts over 48 hours old. Can I be labeled an autist too?
wew lad
please go back to r.eddit
Camus and Xander
legion's not bad desu. he was able to kill a blue mage and cav when I went through.
/our guy/ is smol and therefore /feg/, kiddo
I managed it with Thundercock, Eldigan and Dancer. My Legion was level 28.
Praise be to Thundercock. Can probably do it with Thundercock, Xander and Dancer.
Etika is /feg/ culture and /ouryoutuber/. Reddit hates him because according to them he gives the fandom a bad name.
Fuck off already
It would hurt less if I didn't already have 4 of them and """""""Marth""""""""
>Implying I roll colorless
And before some sperg asks, I do have Bridelia already. She was the only reason to roll colorless unless your waifu/husbando happens to be cursed with such a shitty orb color.
Horse shitter, no one cares. No one was asking you. You have no skill, you are subhuman. Fuck off and delete your pathetic life.
>hello MY BOIS, it's finally time for me to play FIRE EMBLEM HEROES
>Y'all already know I need to get THAT BAD BITCH, ROBIN
>*gets 100s of dollars getting donation from little kids, reads every single one and ignores people in chat telling him robin isn't in the game anymore*
>*drinks 3 shots*
>after 2 hours, downloads the game
>*starts the tutorial, sees Anna* DAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMNNNNN BABY GURL
>praises the game for being super good and promises he'll absolutely continue streaming it (tm)
>takes another hour getting 20 orbs for a full roll
>goes to banners to roll, no summer robin in sight
>rolls on Nohrian summer, doesn't get Corrin on his first roll
>daaaaaaaaaaaaamn this is why i didn't want to play this game, fuck putting money into this it's gonna cost me $300
>we'll try this game on the next stream, let's watch another episode of BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA MY BOIS
>privates stream and never comes back to the game
That's Armor Emblem tier level of BST. You'd essentially running a 2 move team with Armoured Units' stats
I love that pic, is there a full version or it is just that cut?
only atlas remains
Can you post your strat?
with hone dragons
I bet you pulled a thunderweenie
Sitting in a tree, b u f f i n g, first come fury, then comes vantage, next comes Cavs with no disadvantage!
In the trash where she belongs
soldier atlas
Yeah, sure. What are you working with, by the way?
can axebreaker kagero one round legions?, if not, you could try something like axebreaker Tiki to wall them off. the problem would be dealing with the reinforcements who aren't asscary as legion himself, I feel, so someone like a Buffed nino should be able to kill those
Is he really like that? Is that really the kind of person /feg/ likes? A fucking nigger? Really?
that's good an all but when do we get to hang him ?
*tips MAGA hat*
Legion is good though
>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
go back
I like Hana
After you sweetie.
my favorite part about Legion's GHB is getting to hear this song
Post your favorite character that isn't in Heroes