Fighting Games General /fgg/
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play doa
woah i don't remember this character being in a fighting game at all!!!!!!!!!!!!
post the webms
play power girl
No "gooberbros" today...
Only me.
play sfv you little bitch
How do I play Bison?
yes mommy
Only if Jaime Lee Curtis becomes my mommy
fucking cammy main thinking she's good at sf
i stand by ghodere
why did ghodere ruin our reputation?
>zangief main
>hates women
>plays sfv
literally not our guy
i do not know any person going by the name """ghodere""" and i do not wish to associate with said person
cammy takes a lot of skill i bet you can't even fw tk divekick, don't ever reply to me
Already do.
Why would you want to associate with any tripfag you dumb anime poster?
What is the best alternate costume in SFV? What alts do you want?
brick is our guy
Newfag please stop
don't lose your gums Jamie
Samurai Ryu is cool.
Chun-Li should get a jiang-shi one.
ok for people having problems with bison:
-df+hp is plus, be careful about pushing a button
-roundhouse is plus, be careful about pushing a button
-the TARGET COMBO that ends in df+hp is unsafe, punish it
-when he has v-trigger stocked, just know he's going to try to slide or dash up button into it
-all scissor kicks are minus except ex which is plus
-all infernos are unsafe as fuck except ex which is safe but minus
-all devil reverses cross up in v-trigger unless you are in the corner
-his entire gameplan is getting massive damage off frametraps, use those v-reversals and take throws if you don't have a good read, this frustrates the bison
ok bros, go get him!
Have you guys considered the possibility that after all these days what if gllty is just an awkward looking legit female with unfortunate neck anatomy. Ricki's out and open about being trans, so is Kayo. Everyone loves Kayo and tolerates Ricki. Ricki even got a playboy article on her trans struggle. I imagine gllty would jump onto the sympathy train pretty quickly if she's a legit trans.
Who says stupid shit? Okay...
Forgot your trip, dumbo.
Is there a single f2p fighting gaem on PC with a decent playerbase?
what happened with ghodere
We tell him to moderate his sexist rants but he always has to "Ghodere"...
I wish the mods didn't fuck shit up and ruin the Injustice 2 general.
Forcing the general onto /co/ is awful because since it's /co/ and all.
Anyone DOA5LR xbone?
reminder that tekken 7 is superior to sfv and nrs games
why the fuck would they put a video game general on /co/
touhou fighters
you can download some on ps4 right now, or just play the free versions on pc
>Forcing the general onto /co/ is awful because since it's /co/ and all.
Lol I always talk shit about NRS game but that is horrible. That's like putting /fgog/ into /jp/ because "gachashit is not vidya"
What does df in df+hp stands for?
Post mains for all the fightan you currently play.
SFV: Necalli
UMVC3: Iron Fist/Hawkeye/Doom
3S: Q/Makoto
Down forward.
Every board has a FGO general because FGO spreads like the cancer it is.
delet this sexist post
I would but my mains chart is pretty outdated now.
Will Brick be the target of ESPN next?
down forward
I main constantly changing characters to run from my own inadequacy
What is your agenda?
The removal of problematic elements of society
Because it has a comic.
Some mod actually dumped an /int/ thread straight into /jp/ for no reason (or was it vice versa)?
Half way there was confusion over the sudden flag changes.
it's just like monster girls and boat girls
the hype will die and the general spam will stop
we don't need another inquisitor purging shit show
Spergs never stop though
What did he mean by this?
all 3 of those things could easily remain as persistent as touhou
monster girl general's been around for years though
I can't stick to any character consistently anymore. I might try learning Q if I get back into 3S sometime. Any advice for playing him if I'm not that great at charge characters?
>super platinum
>10,000+ matches played
>60% win rate
>get sponsored by GRAPHT, a team with haitani, fuudo, mov, yukadon, etc
really makes me think
Ghodere are you going to sue the pants off ESPN?
Also post your match with gilty. I'd liek to see it.
One day they'll fix the voice thing and we'll be golden.
I use to think this too, but I was just terrible at SFV. NRS is still poop.
>5000 matches and stuck in gold
ChocoBlanka went to 1 (one) tournament in SFV and she's sponsored by Echofox, a team with Jwong, Tokido, Momochi, JDCR, and Saint in it.
>b-b-b-b-b-but sfv and nrs
every time
gllty is a scumbag tho
Katawa Shojou is still a general to this day.
Restricted to Veeky Forums but it shows the persistence of spergs is unstoppable.
Scrub silver here, can anyone share a tips on how to practice anti-air in training mode?
Having dummy jump in on you is pretty braindead. In real match you're pressing buttons when your opponent jumps on you, they mistime their jump/distance, sometime your spacing is awkward and you're buffering other things,changes the arc of their jump with divekicks etc and it is a chaos. How can I practice real match situation?
>Lol I always talk shit about NRS game but that is horrible.
I know.
What if Makoto was a boy
Just play more. The more you do it in real matches the sharper your reflexes will become. Look for patterns in their jumps if you see any, Maybe the rye throws two hadokens then jump in, etc.
except chocoblanka actually does shit for the japanese FGC, her and momochi
what has gllty ever done for the US fgc? be trans?
thanks gllty
Who are you playing as?
>KSG is more active than the vast majority of the boards on Veeky Forums
What are they even discussing? It's baffling.
desu it's a real missed opportunity to not have all titans playable
begs for money, lies, punches gief players, sold signed daigo books for money, calls gief players pedophiles
never gets old
Currently Chun, but as mere silver scrub I'm not balls deep in her.
I need help /fgg/ with a mental block in gooby gear
Can somebody help me understand teching. I'm so bad at it all I end up doing is mashing buttons in the air hoping they drop the combo and when they do I just get counter hit. I think the OS is hold a button and press the other to get FD but am I just supposed to do this when ever I'm being combo'd? And when the fuck should FD on the ground, I'm using all my meter for nothing
Would better visual cues greatly increase the ease of learning fighting games? I feel like a big thing new players don't understand is that there is a lot of time where you basically don't have any input, and cues to better see those frames would help them.
will there be another /fgg/ guy again?
yeah hold a button and back while mashing another button in case they drop the combo the best option.
FD just depends on where you want your opponent to be after he finishes his blockstrings greenblock if you want him further away or just block if you want him closer.
Also it blocks chip damage in case they try to cheese out a win
>high iq character stuck in a gorilla game
Its not fair
Should I always be going for techs in the air? Pressing so much buttons is melting my brain
Who the fuck is the guy that sounds exactly the same as Mike Ross anyways
Well you can always try bursting out
I think that's perfectly reasonable. For some unknown reason most fighting games want to hide framedata from players, I don't understand why. Like let players go into a mode where they get hit with normals and it lets them know which of their moves can counter it. I know its asking a lot for a company like Capcom that can't even fucking fathom the 3 braincells needed to put in an arcade mode. something they managed to program into their fucking game in 1992 for fuck sake Capcom kill yourself.
Mike Ross
Damn Mikael Rossonova with the advanced talking over himself skills
>after story c
guilty gear's story should just be Zappa and friends ghostbusting adventures
does anyone have that most recent tom brady rant with the dramatic injustice 2 character select music going in the background?
i think he might have deleted it
yipes does it better
>I know its asking a lot for a company like Capcom that can't even fucking fathom the 3 braincells needed to put in an arcade mode. something they managed to program into their fucking game in 1992 for fuck sake Capcom kill yourself.
They haven't even figured out how to allow players to rewatch the SFV opening cinematics