/fhg/ - For Honor General

Glad edition

Previous Thread :>>Season 3 Info:
pastebin.com/wENXbKNh (embed)

>New players:
pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed)

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

first for connection errors

Fuck centurion and fuck white people

FemGlad best girl

I wonder if anti-Cent fag will pop a bullet in himself when he realizes Cent isn't be nerfed anytime soon.


>(embeded) (embeded)
does no one ever care to not do that besides me?



my bad i'll change that for any other threads i make

Bless this meme

I got my CCent and Lawbringer at Rep 9, I'm ready for that sweet Legendary-only loot table.

Still need to get my Roach and Warden up 1 more rep.

Is it out yet

anyone got pictures of her feet

12 more hours

Do you think Valk is jealous of Female Gladiator?

>doing a move that guarantees the opponent an untechable wake up gb
>when it's a cent
>next to a wall
>falling for the heavy soft feint into gb when it's cen't only way to attempt to continue the combo
This guy earned his death lol.


Considering her concern is earning her people a place in valhalla and not being the best girl with a poking weapon and shield probably not

>le centurion is not op guys lelz

Can't wait to make POV executions with the new heroes

What is the problem? It's just "shitter makes mistake and doesn't even get max punished then makes other mistake and dies" the webm.

>literally all of that could've been avoided


FemGlad Pantsu in her trident stabbu

You realize the gb after a conq's running charge into heavy is confirmed by any character, and the second GB wasn't even confirmed?

Not counting the time for maintenance as well, right?

This femgladiator coming to knights sounds pretty rad tho. I don't the know the other guy your talking about.

Oh. If you're counting maintenance then it'll bbe 13 hour. Well, 12 hour 45 minutes now. Only 1 hour of maintenance but who knows this is Ubi, it may extend to 2-3 hours lol.

Are we getting the opportunity to preload S3 shit? I'd rather be able to play the game as soon as I'm done with college

The problem is nobody at least on ps4 has caught wind of that free gb and I don't want them to figure it out

To pass the time, give me your new legendary armor set ideas

The only OP thing about Centurion are his light parries, more so if there is a wall behind the guy at decent distance. Since you can get Around 120 damage off it without gear and feats.
Cent sure as hell is fun to play in 4v4 though.
It's just lovely to pugio and catapult someone.

Aside from high tier players, I don't think most on PC know either.

Just rip off random shit from dark souls. I'm serious. Give Warden a copy paste of the elite knight set. Or at least a fucking helmet based on it.

To be honest, it shouldn't even be there. It's one of conqs only good mixup tools and it confirms the enemy more damage than it does him in every single instance you use it (except a cent not near a wall, who gets the same damage the conq gets)

7 is the new magic number now, right? That is, for getting the teal gear tomorrow.



To get chances for it yes. 8 is consistent, 9 is nothing but teals
>tfw when I have 3 characters to rep 8 and 9
I'm ready for some nice blue!

Higher than level 3 bots when?
Practicing against a warden bot with my orochi to try and figure out the best sb punish and the bot is an absolute pushover.

are they just going to keep upping the gear requirements every season

probably ya

No. Legendary is the last tier
They are just going to add more gear sets, probably change some gear stats around every season tho

If you are actually against a level 3 and shitting all over it then it's a matter of character matchup and not just the bot being dumb.
orochi is literally one of the strongest characters when played well

I got LB and Nobu to rep 10 and 9 and this will be the first time I get the max rarity as it is released. Cent and Warden are at rep 6 and I don't know who to prioritize.

They said this would be the last tier level, but we'll see if that holds true. They didn't say they'd stop adding gear though, so expect to see new models going forward at least.

(anyone think that they should up the hype process by about a week for the new hero announcements? I think a teaser with three weeks before release isn't a bad idea, then the trailer with two weeks left)

>season 4
>Ancient Gear

I'm opposite of you lol. Cent is 5 levels away from being 9, Shinobi is Rep 10
And warden along with shug are your rep 6 levels. Can't prioritize right cuz their both fun to play

A sallet and a plate chest piece

oh, thank god. I love new gear sets, but I don't want to go leveling my dudes up constantly just to keep up with fashion

>Never have I wanted something so much until seeing it now
Ubi should hire you

Make sure you use your credit card to buy steel so you can scavenge some crates for AMAZING drops, bro! And keep in ind that because we rebalanced gear stats again all of your current stats are absolutely worthless, or even hindering to your character in game! Better get new gear. And I hope you don't just want one specific aesthetic.
I think they should let us buy specific pieces of armor that have no stats or something so I can look however I want. If you want gear stats for dominion then just keep grinding out crates goyim.

Oh shit, my Cent is only 8. I'll have to try and power level him tonight to 9.

My shug is getting more love recently, only rep 3 at the moment though, watched a streamer I liked and her shugoki inspired me to play him.
Although I do get tired of constantly whiffing lights into chained heavy feints into more whiffed lights because everyone I face as shugoki is too scared to initiate with anything other than a gb and is constantly walking backwards.

>not switching to glad
what are you doing user

I'm not him, but I don't think it's worth even considering maining anyone until you have them at rep 1, not before they are even available, even if you have studied the gameplay videos, how it looks like they play don't always match up with how they FEEL to play, and I think that's what you should look for in you main if you wanna enjoy fights.

I'm on console so I can apply pressure. Even the infamous assassin goddess of 30fps is almost easy to beat. I just love his design and feel

I'm certainly going to play Gladiator, but I want to make sure to get some sweet gear for my Centurion as well.

Gladiator looks like a lot of fun. I have 25 chests so I'll probably use 13 on my centurion and save 12 for Gladiator if I like him.

I'm on console too! I'm still spending all day whiffing lights and feinting heavies while the opponent smugly walks backwards away, when they do get close they just do nothing until I attack, then block and gb to remove my armor. I do love trading PK's lights with my own and headbutting her, the best is when she is about to lunge into a sidestep heavy or gb so I just let a heavy fly.


Did Gaelic user translate the lines

>Run into new players in elimination on console
>Don't go easy on them, because I'm playing for fun, not to protect the feelings of new players
>Teammate every single time I come over to gank "I GOT THIS" "WOW" "WOW" "WOW"
>Messages me after the game calling me an asshole for not going easy on the new players
>Tell him I don't want to baby new players when I just wanna have fun, and that I'll play how I want
>"That's not playing, it's bullying"
I can't imagine what happens to someone to make them such a fucking pussy in a video game


>he finds shitting on people that don't even know how to play fun
Pathetic lad.

What's the most autistic thing you've done in a fight fhg?
Mine is using the twirl a whirl orochi emote, and parrying while in it. Like general tozen does during the boss fight.

>not finding satisfaction in helping out noobies

>>"That's not playing, it's bullying"
hahaha, what the fuck. If you beat somebody in a game you're a bully now? You should've just done what the devs said and swapped to a different hero, so rather than whoop their ass on your main you can woop them on something else and get easy levels for a character you don't play as often.

I just want to play the game. I'm not actively seeking out new people, it's not my fault or problem when I get matched against them. I just want to play the game and do my orders, not hold someones hand and teach them how to play

>rep 36
>mfw just got annihilated by 4 man rep 0 premade

Is there really smurf accounts in this game what the fuck

Not him but I see his point.
I find satisfaction in helping out newbies, however my satisfaction is trashing them so flawlessly they message me asking how to get good with "x character" and then politely giving advice and linking decent youtube tutorials.

It's apparently the name of some clan that one of the devs is from. that's it

I can't think of anything more cringe than someone who plays Nobushi or Orochi. I immediately envision an obese acne scarred weeaboo who jerks off to cartoons.

I parry lights sometimes.

>my first time in forhonor launch week.
>get ganked to death by Conqs and warlords
>go to duel
> Peace keepers(console)
>go to elim
>honorfagged to death
Yeah my first time shaped me into just a guy who doesn't care, if it's Dom I gotta win for leveling up.

>Decide to give duels a chance since I haven't played in forever
>I'm rep 43 overall
>Get matched against a rep 1
I love how ubisoft isn't even pretending they have any kind of matchmaking anymore

>implying it takes over an hour to git gud at this game

Imagine being so pathetic that you believe beating someone in a video game is bullying. This is 2017.

I've seen this so I know it happens. It's not the case for everyone though. Nobushi has the best range in the game and orochi has some strong punishes a lot of people play them because they are fun. (just not at fhg theoryduel level)

What's the cheapest way to get a season pass?

>old Xbox days are gone
>no more BR duels or the trash talk after
>no trash talking on other fighters
>all the banter and laughs
Now it's just "toxic" and "eww you're a meanie"

use a key reseller.

It was always this way, we just didn't know before overall rep. I was always pulling out rep2-3 characters and my opponents had no idea most of my characters were at that level and weren't my main.

Report them for griefing.

For warden or law

You won't get that with randoms, make some friends through fighting games or who like fighting games and you'll get that friendly shit talking you miss.

Ever since a recent patch I've noticed I've been "parrying" friendly attacks, well apparently that also works with deflects because I just used a Nobu on my team to get an untechable GB on an enemy, new team strats?

You can so easily get communications banned or worse on Xbox now for saying mean shit. Any offensive messages will be used as evidence and if you get reported for voice chat then they will eventually just ban you.
I know it works because I false report people often and Xbox Live sends me a message confirming they took action on some of my recent reports, thus encouraging me to keep doing it. on a side note original Xbox games are coming to xbox one and apparently Halo 2 is getting dedicated servers again so maybe BR duels will come back.

Ok lose the ornament and you're in ok tier

Always been the case, you can only parry a friendly attack if it hits you as you are parrying an enemy attack, and although it might mess up your timing for your parry punish, the revenge meter counts the parry and it fills up a little so it's not all bad. Also it looks cool.

Can't wait to have the remixed menu theme. It may not sound great to others, but I find it relaxing.

part of the chadwarden set

But the Lawb I GBed wasn't attacking, only my teammate Nobu

are we getting a new main menu theme?

Anyone remember when they had a guitar in the character select and showdown screen for like a week?

Name of the ancestral Homeland of the Gilivrey Clan to whom one of the devs belong

>wardens, like raiders.
>only mate with their armor on.

Not in the sense that the factions tunes(you know the ones) are different. It just adds a new tune or tunes in the background. The new tunes come from the season 3 logo screen. Check any of the warrior dens streams on YouTube. The countdown before it, is the new sound.

Haven't played since launch, what's the status on Conqueror? is he still good?

>Peacekeeper with Assasin's Creed emblems
Just kill yourself, there's no redeeming your intense autism.

I wish Warden had arms like that.

I kinda like that one though