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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.4.0)
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
>finally get Lua spy console
>24k affinity
Sweet baby Jesus
Valkyr is a good kitty.
Reposting for new thread
I've been trying to get saryn to perform well against high level enemies with a gas lanka all day and when things go well it's fuckin great. She obliterates corpus since she basically ignores shields, obviously trashes infested like everyone else but with grineer it's a total crap shoot. Some times it's okay but other times it's not. I know there are those webm's that get posted all the time of saryn obliterating level 100 grineer but honestly I can't seem to reproduce that unless I get incredibly lucky or my shot multiplier on my gas lanka is at like 2.5x which is like once in a blue fucking moon.
Killing heavy gunners is basically a coin flip. I know there are people who are adamant about saryn being good but I really just don't see it, she's the most inconsistant warframe at high level armor targets. I guess the solution is not to bring her to missions with armored targets but then why would i bother investing in her? She's not particularly fun, sure she looks great but then again so does mag but that's a waste of fucking time as well.
How the fuck do people play this warframe?
I know that one user in the last thread told me that condition overload was good and i actually have tried that and it works great, just toxic lash plus condi overload on a spore target does a lot of fuckin damage especially if the weapon already has 2-3 other status's that aren't toxin.The problem is I don't really know if saryn has the ehp to play melee properly, i guess i can solve that with healing return or life strike but she's still a bit squishy
That's a nice kitty
>it's Resource Drop Chance episode
you could try regenerative molt
A deal is a deal, Operator!
Yeah that might work
1) Condition Overload scales exponentially in damage as number of status procs increases
2) Saryn applies massive AOE status procs, up to 3 at a single time.
3) because of 1) and 2), Saryn can start her melee off at 4.1x multiplier
4) Relentless Combination melee builds rely on slash procs, and typically do not have more than 2 significant sources of status procs.
5) Because of 3), the weapons described in 4) can reach a 6.6x multiplier with a single additional status proc, and 10.5x multiplier with 2 status effects from the weapon.
6) This 6.6/10.5x modifier applies to slash procs
fuck you regenerative molt is fun
God this is so much effort to make one warframe to be functional at high levels, why do people consider her mid tier again?
I want to marry Nyx!
>someone leaves the squad without saying anything after you spent an hour doing a mission with them
why does everyone I love leave me?
not really, you press 1 and 3 occasionally. The math is complicated but it happens instantly
Most of us don't look at the team chat unless the mission calls for it (most don't)
Yeah dude, I should just be able to press 4 and nuke the entire map. That build makes here interesting and fun, not a dull press 4 to win frame.
there is a difference between wanting to press one button and requiring setting up weapons to make a warframe that doesn't even use an exalted weapon work
Not him but I did tried regen molt in sorties and seen how regen molt in sortie works too, it doesn't goes well at all.
The molt have some kind of range limit for drawing in aggro and it health won't last that long at all. It is fun if you want to use it for a few seconds decoy.
>"Complete a solo interception mission with level 30 or higher enemies and a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped"
Welp. Guess I'm turning that one into endo.
>Welp. Guess I'm selling that one for ~50 plat
Or you could just stop being bad.
>setting up
>using standard mods is "setting up"
yea you have no idea how this game works, stop shitposting in our thread
/wfg/ is only for people that know what the fuck they're talking about
literally how shit are you that you can't solo an intercept
>he cant use nyx and bullet jump everywhere, rendering the key penalty nonexistent
>/wfg/ is only for people that know what the fuck they're talking about
U be saying boi? Talk some senses now!
because people only see she her on small maps with a buffer and 4x cp.
the frame is garbage and not worth that much effort when you can just go run equinox or nova
condi overload is not a standard mod it's an 80 plat mod
>want to farm X frame parts
>someone wants to get X frame too
>didn't even started Natah
>it needs TWW
>want to help
>basically doing everything from start
>finally we farm the parts
>says it makes him/her so happy
>don't talk to me anymore after a week
Well, I don't know why I did it honestly, I was just looking for someone to farm it's parts. It was kind of refreshing doing parts of some quests, and I regret not being confident to know people ingame. I ended up liking said frame, it's fun.
Post frames
>Equip Vauban
>Go to Xini Eris
>Bastille everything
>Unveil your kamas riven
doesn't matter how much it's worth, it's standard
It may be an expensive mod, but that doesn't make it not a staple for pretty much every melee weapon in existence.
>infested mission
>juggernaut spawns
>F R O S T P R I M E globes it and stays inside to fight
>watch him die
>"wtf, shoot him"
I like the BIGSWORD but it sucks you need the 300 day zenistar for it
>juggs appears
>shoot him with my maxed soma with a god tier riven
>does aight damage, will need to shoot him for a lil bit
>friend 100-0's it in one shot with his tigris prime a mission later
Wtf is the soma just not as good as ive been memed
I mean its a wonderful workhorse gun but it cant do fuckin THAT
that must of been fun to see
>must of
Clearly he's from /int/ nothing wrong with that.
>first day back from not playing for a while
>get % off plat
>ignore it because i don't know anything new i want
>play for a few days
>get new shit
>no slots or plat
>get cryotic everyday
this happens every single fucking time
Why the fuck does Spira have the faintest disposition?
because spira is dogshit
>farmed frost prime a long time ago
>de decides that he's free now
>every retard has him
>it's suddenly a meme frame
Frost has literally always been a meme.
gotta wonder if it will hurt plat sales if people arent going to need to buy 1000plat to get a set from a veteran. they just automatically get stuff from amazon prime they already pay for. dead ingame economy.
>load up akkad for some easy affinity while I listen to tunes
>get matched with a edge frost who bubbles the pod
>he d/c's and squad leaves at 5
>try again
>slowva has joined the game
>mr15 and prime+tennojew cosmetics to boot
>leave at 5 again asap
Why are people this way?
Think of it this way, it has the best alt skin in the and most of them will not have it.
Wish there were more helms for Harka skin however, the others look stupid beyond belief.
IGN: Chuklz
Coming back because bored
There's so much new stuff to hoard
13 Loki Prime sets to sell
Time to enter trade hell
I hope I don't get too far
what the fuck are ayatan stars
>grandmaster founder
>hasn't completed the starchart
why am I not surprised
> Everyone and their mother has a frost.
> Only a handful actually know how to use him.
> Even less know how to pop the bubble.
>finally get Overextended
>put it into my Nova
>build around it
Oh god, I'm going to hate this, aren't I. Where should I take it first?
Back in my day the starchart was completed with a mere hop skip and jump with no node unlocking nonsense
thats just gonna make shit faster bruh
did getting a taxi unlock nodes on one of the previous star charts? i cant remember
Yes, I know. That's the point of a fast Nova.
oh well then take it to infested defense at low levels and overwhelm low mr shitters and get them killed before aborting
Ok ive been away for a bit but how is the Hydroid update? he use to be my favorite frame
I'm pretty sure it did.
one word nerf
IGN: Scoon
Roses are Red
Bombards hurt
I play Warframe for my daily squirt
>can't follow basic instructions
In great detail please
1 and 2 basically unchanged
3 and 4 has their range absolutely gutted in return for shitty gimmicks
I unironically like Frost Prime helm+Harka. The no-neck just works.
i dont fuggin know i have never touched the tentacle pile but everyone said he is nerfed and i dont care about him enough to look into it but supposedly he summons a slug now
and 4 got gutted
>implying 4 with range was helpful
>ignoring you can just draw people now into your puddle instead of the ai just circling around you
Hydroid Rework
>Make all of his special effects clear no matter what energy color
>Allow him to use multiple powers simultaneously, something that all Warframes should have anyway so it's not even a buff. It's common sense in gaming unless it literally breaks balance
>Gave him a monster in his puddle that does nothing. It doesn't even roar. Or move. It's just there.
>Health buffs that mean nothing without shield-gating. It especially means nothing when DE will not balance out enemies past level 40-60.
>No PBR, wait for Hydroid Prime
I can go on but let's see if DE makes any changes this week.
>2 melee rivens in a row
>Gave him a monster in his puddle that does nothing. It doesn't even roar. Or move. It's just there.
This is the most baffling part to me. Like summoning water tentacles is cooler than summoning a """""kraken""""" that does literally nothing, why did they devote the resources to it?
>>ignoring you can just draw people now into your puddle instead of the ai just circling around you
the range of the grapple is the same as the prenerf puddle radius
absolutely a nerf because it requires more effort to achieve the same effect, and you can't grapple when you leave the puddle so that's useless too
>sell a person something and say the usual thanks
>they respond "
inb4 Hate or Dakra Prime riven
I found that actually while solo with my twitch prime.
But also found out you just use your 1 and Tigris prime its belly to lemuria.
the first was a dakra prime
i feel like im going crazy but i'm 90% sure gersemi valkyr gives her a flatter ass and smaller bust
>aiming and clicking requires effort
This is Nova, one of the best frames/girl in this shit game and she'll take care of you forever.
Say something nice about her.
>Not using your own Warframe for the meme
can't wait for the anime smug spam.
she is an expert in radial symmetry
Why do people always draw Nova with giant tits? It's just baffling.
>radial symmetry
Which mission type on Lua is best to find those challenge rooms?
The whole deal with Nova is her pear shape. Giving her huge boobs just messes with that.
because breasts are the manifestation of mens hopes and dreams
>Not being an assman
Consider suicide.
>press 3 then not have to pay attention at all, EV will fill you up so you never have to leave puddle
>press 3 then have to click 20+ times then continue to pay attention, EV no longer affects you in puddle
She has a disgusting long neck
>needing ev with hydroid
new one
>EV gives you over 200 energy without killing the enemy while its on the way to your puddle
>no one else is killing anything because they're stuck in your puddle so you can't get syndicate procs