QT waifu edition
Don't forget Lissandra is the best and the literal perfect freljord lady
no reworks or VUs needed for her unlike the others
League of legends general /lolg/
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A Kat is fine too.
stop youre not imthem
liss fag a shit
that said i'm going to bed
good night /lolg/
please, for the love of god fix Malzahar's voidlngs. They're fucking retarded.
I liked having 7-8 out at a time if I spaced everything out correctly.
I'm going to marry Poppy!
star guardian jinx makes me hard as diamonds tbqh
>entire team is offrole, less than 5 games played on the champ, diamond 5 0 LP, under 50% winrate
this is true elo hell
xth for breast metal waifu
>tfw no pentakill Sona gf
How goes the climb, /lolg/?
its literally true though
Me too user
Father Gascoigne champ when?
>Recover account I haven't played on since 2012.
>Find there's been activity in the last few months.
>Read chat history, impersonate "myself", get discord info.
>Freak the shit out of the guys on it, get kicked.
>Notice the guy before me bought a bunch of skins since I'd last been on.
On another note, is four red doubleswords still the way to go on Yi? I want to dunk some fools since there's no Yi analogue in dota.
>yfw you get caught out and accidentally throw the game for your entire team and they roasting you
Warwick and Ashe are solid, teemo is fun but don't expect to have much game impact, but if you love living the life of charlie and setting traps for people it really makes people hate you, I feel he teaches bad habits though
Explain me how to play Poppy jungle. My tiny mind only allows me to play her top.
How tight is she?
Pray to god that the enemy jungler is a fucking potato. If he's even half decent at counterjungling, he's gonna fuck you in the ass.
I don't suppose anyone here would know where I can find a belt buckle that is basically classic Braum's shield, but sideways and with the ram's head rotated 90 degrees?
Holy shit boys I just fell in love hard. Ouch, was not expecting this. She's supporting for me this match what should I do?
>Get a teemo on your team
>Know you will lose
>You always do
Why are they never useful? Sure you sometimes win lane till 20m then you get shit on and become useless for the remainder of the game
You tell me my man exceptionally
>Pick Nasus
>Enemy top thinks he's being cute by picking Teeto
>my mug when
because teemo only works when he constantly pushes lane, he can't team fight for shit but he is really hard to stop if someone competent is playing him, especially if he gets early kills, he is hard as fuck to 1v1 since he will often kill everything in the duration of his blind, he is still pretty useless though, most of the time, once the game transitions into team fights, if he hasn't completely shit stomped a lane up to the inhib he has basically lost the game for everyone
Sup bitch.
Will the old Star Guardian skins get loading screen borders too?
I still miss wota.
>plat border in my silver game
Yikes, how does this happen?
how do I even survive against Kennen, he just has really good poke, not even Teemo is as annoying as this guy, empowered aa-Q-stun-50 more aas because I'm stunned
get a BKB it fucks kennen
Try it, bitch. While you're getting kited to hell by my team, I'll be farming stacks, dropping turrets, and two-shotting anyone who tries to come and stop me.
kennen stun goes through bkb dumbass
Sucks when they pussy out and never push the t2 tower which tends to be all the time
I want Crown to massage my boipussy with his finger, tongue, and dick.
I swear if they don't I'll actually be a little ticked off. My bias aside its pretty unfair to the original SGs in general, especially Lux.
Tidehunter > Tool Kench
>decide to try urf
>maokai on the enemy team
>six games in a row
this is fine
>We're 4 AP and a Lucian
>They have a Rammus
>Rammus builds almost pure MR, doesn't build Thornmail till fifth item and it's his ONLY armor item
>Lucian adamantly refuses to attack him
>We lose because nobody can damage him while Lucian is literally standing in AA range raging at us in chat for daring to suggest he damage the Rammus
This game happened weeks ago and I'm still tilted.
Try to carry noobs. It's too hard
>tfw will never own og trundle again due to getting perma banned
why even play trundle
kit-wise tidehunter's better, but I like tahm kench as a character more
>carrying other team members
>Not using a splitpusher to solo carry yourself
>no deja vu champion
generic just like all her other skins, the only good skin from this batch is ezreal
>ywn help ahri pick out a sexy new outfit for her bull
*Es you and your entire wave*
*confronts your melee range champion in the minion wave with W on*
*get stormraider to activate when 3rd Q comes up*
*double kills you and your jungler when he ganks, walk out with 1hp and full shield*
*takes tower first blood with the help of your ghost*
That's your opinion and I can respect it. I personally think the Ahri and Syndra ones are nice.
syndra is ok but its a shame about the syndra thing
terrible skin for a terrible champion, both theme and gameplay
I wanna swim in swimming in lulu user :3
I miss the double-Targon's memery.
S4 preseason a best.
>The orbs laugh after you ult someone
I love it. Just to add more insult to injury when you're one shot with it
Yordles are weak willed and easily hypnotized!
Yordle Onaholes.
The Ahri skin looks nice but the voice makes it dogshit. It's literally Lux with a chipmunk squeaking every time she says something.
>Just to add more insult to injury when you're one shot with it
And how long do you think that will last for? You recall what happens when top tier champs get skins right?
I've only played for 1 year
first year ranked I was a soraka main with only like 30 games total and I ended up bronze
This year I decided to carry myself mid
now that I've blown through bronze and mostly silver my lp gains are going down the toilet
I really want gold but I'm getting like +20 -20
if I were a little more autistic I would spam about grind like leonafag
Post your top three champs and favorite skins for them
>Needing cheap tricks to get a woman
Best guy!
Star Guardian Ahri is so cool, can't wait!
Yordles are walking cumdumps, nothing more
what role could a new female yordle fill?
Mid lane ad assassin
gargling semen demon thats what
How about six?
Jungler supreme
Tristana's long lost rival adc
Yordle turned noxian
I dunno but i could fill a female yordle
delete shaco and replace him with a dual wielding stealth jungler female yordle cumdump, then maybe shaco won't constantly be nerfed
why do you still die when you ult as trynd while diving the fountain of the enemy while vlad, fizz, etc dont?
>Yordle turned Noxian
We already have that (albeit a male, but still)
>the Azir rework announcement post asked for which direction players would prefer: long range high dps, at the cost of mobility and cc, or mobile lcs playmaker with less damage but more tools
>most azir mains choose the first option, most people in general found it to fit his playstyle more
>riot proceeds to NOT communicate with azirplayers even though they said they would
>they announce theyre going with lcs playmaker
this company is only getting worse if you ask me
cant wait for emotes and other jew scams to thief out money while making the game less enjoyable
Yes its a freegame, but the direction this game is going Im not to certain about. Seems like they started catering more and more to a casual, underage audience.
>yordle turned Noxian
Isn't that Kled?
Trynd gets hit by pure damage which pierces his invincibility, vlad/fizz don't get hit
noxus was really built around him, we need a recently converted
gank gank gank gank
poppy ganks are pretty strong because her stun lasts forever and youre also tanky enough to dive because of shieldy. if you arent getting FB for your team you are doing something wrong. I'm currently in plat 1-d4 elo and i still get fb most games lol
build wise, accept your role as a CC bot/secondary support. Build righteous glory first after cinderhulk, then locket is usually good after that. you can build titanic hydra if you are snowballing and really fed, but if you are so far ahead that you can build titanic hydra and capitalize on it, you're one-shotting carries with the Poppy combo while being unkillable, so you've probably won the game already.
how? Poppy does well against most jungles 1v1 in the early game.
>Only 3
Nah, fuck you, support fag.
You're cool
Nice meme
man I completely forgot he existed
haha wow I just got epic trolled! a guy in my game ran it down mid for no reason! lol can't believe I got trolled so hard haha
If you're not playing this freelo champ then you're just dumb, I mean what else can I say?
lethality or crit?
>be shitter from last thread who's only played vs AI and Aram
>take advice, try pvp, treat it like vs AI
>this happens
it can't last for long.
best bard skin by a mile
come on man, there are plenty of posts where its more than 3. I even just made this one to fulfill the wishes of the OP.
dont be a faggot
>that cs
also you're probably playing against legit beginners so the bot experience will give you a wee bit of an edge
user here who told you to treat it like AI, it will have its ups and downs but PvP is nothing to be afraid of senpai
>who is singed
ahri damage is still too high
hi who wants to be my qt girlfriend (female)?