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Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
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How about you read your own citation idiot lol
Hong Kong has a rich, distinct heritage from the mainland, and China isn't supposed to fuck with HK at all until 2047. The police (including the SDU) are not under communist Chinese authority.
Given their Westernized culture, strong historical connection to Britian, and hatred of China, the Hong Kong police stay as far from Chinese shit as possible.
If you wanted a Chinese CTU, you could have added a Chinese CTU. If you want a Hong Kong CTU, add a Hong Kong CTU.
Thinking about getting blitz net. Any tips?
when the fuck does new content come out though
August 29, if I recall correctly.
>Also, nth post for offending SK players by making one of the SK operators a defecting North Korean.
>its another "JAGER'D" episode.
>Cancer mains realizing they can't use the ACOG anymore
The salt is already flowing from the hills!!
They are going to make it a defecting norkie, 100%. It'll be how as a child they escaped from NK with their family, and the experience made them want to make the world a better place
it'll be the girl operator with this back story
I'm a Jäger main and I'm not upset at all.
I peek with ironsights for extra meme points.
What a cute operator
I wonder what she's listening to
She looks like she has mild down syndrome. At least her gadget can work well with Fuze. I think.
>two (2) more weeks
should have called operation health operation cryostasis or operation hibernation
I wish she got a gas mask the rest of her design like 10/10 though
>simultaneous Candela / Cluster Charge deployment
>MFW Jager loses his ACOG and spawnpeeking will be harder.
you're insanely good for short range, windows, or doors. Try not to hold long hallways/long angles if at all possible. Being up close is best. Also when you flash someone don't immediately put your shield down, either wait until they run out of ammo/stop moving around or flash again and wait
I've gone through the wait for XCOM 2, on /xcg/. You'll make it.
Look to your right when reloading so your shield still covers you
Aim down sight only when your target isn't looking at you or isn't expecting you cuz otherwise you die instantly
Try to cover your right arm if you're too far away to shoot your gun
Laser sight on pistol is mandatory
>tfw I just use acog so I can fucking see anything
why jesus
why must this happen
Don't ADS at all unless you've blinded them and/or they're oblivious
More like Operation Mid-Season Reinforcement Stretched Out to a Full Season Except Worse so Enjoy Your Loot Packs and Dickhead Doc Headgear But Only For Season Pass™ Owners Also Buy Our Elite Skins You Cucks
Because Ready Or Not hasn't arrived yet.
>inb4 RoN has the same focus on ACOG use
I wouldn't even mind buying elite skins if they actually had a large variety of skins with some decent ones, even overwatch can do this.
it's just a hair color you little bitches
Or another female GROM operator
>implying Mid-Season Reinforcements are bad
Mid-Season reinforcements have been fucking god tier since Skull Rain, although Skull Rain's was, by far, the best. To call OP Health a Mid Season reinforcement is an insult to Mid Season reinforcements
>Season Launch
>Add new map, 2new characters
>Mid Season Reinforcements
>Fundamentally change or severely boost 2 characters in need of a buff, essentially "adding" two characters to the meta
>OP Health
>Unbalance Kanal to stop one spawn peeker and then come up with a less retarded solution than breaking the map
>Here is a Skin for the GSG9 pistol if you paid us for a season pass :^)
Why do people even keep mentioning that game here? I mean it could be cool yeah, but it's an indie project that we know nothing about and won't be coming out for a long while. Not to mention that it will probably be coop focused rather than pvp, and will overall be a very different game from siege.
Nth for I L L I T E R A T E S
SO what's going on with ACOG? Are they going to remove them or is it just a ruse?
>Thermal scope
>God tier
Get the fuck out.
In all fairness noon used glaz before that buff.
>severely boost
sounds nicer than "make absolutely fucking retarded"
Removal of ACOG from Bandit and Jager has nothing to do with spawn peeking.Roamers don't need to have ACOGS.
Anchors need to have ACOGS because they are the ones holding defensive angles.
This move has nothing to do with ranked play which is essentially organised chaos and everything to do with pro league balance and the new lighting system that's coming.
>being a shitter
holo defense is the true masterrace anyways
user, that's why I explicitly stated "Except Worse".
Because it's the closest we'll get to a modern Tom Clancy RB6 story-oriented game.
>This plays a 3 to 5 second soundbyte whenever Yokai fires
Fuze is the cutest operator
I guess, but it's still quite a different game than siege is.
Well Glaz is a bad change. A really, really bad change. But you can atleast see they tried, what their hope / outcome was, etc.
Their goal is to take someone who isn't currently in the meta, and add them to the meta.
The main problem here is Ubisoft's decision making process is that of an 8 year old. They literally have no idea what they are doing half the time.
It's not except worse, it's just no update. Nothing. What good came of this? We got maybe one REALLY good update? Vaulting? Maybe match making but? ????
>not increased speed when turning corners as echo
>Only ever use holo on Jager
>Not affected in the least by their removal
>Ironsights on the mp7 are fucking great anyways
What's to be upset about?
There are no caltrops, after all.
Lower your fov if you have issues seeing details with 1x sights. Sound is your peripheral sense in this game anyways.
That's a surprisingly good suggestion coming from here, I thought about that earlier.. Since I have a better time on ACOG too.. guess I'll dial back the FOV a bit.
siege uses vertical FOV scaling so 90 FOV in-game is actually 120 FOV normally. 74 in-game is 90. This is probably why so many people have trouble using holo, you can't see dick all with a holo on 120 FOV.
Ye.. makes sense, I play on max FOV since.. ever.
So if the rumors are true, Mute might be getting one of the GSG9 acogs on his mp5k, which is going to be damn insane if it keeps its current, hyper-low recoil.
exactly the same as the GIGN MP5
If I'm panicking while ADSing, should I spray left and right, or up and down? Or should I get a grip?
Mid Season Reinforcements History, since we're talking about it
>Skull Rain
>Twitch gets second drone, in drone phase - drone is buffed
>Beard now has 2 shields, instead of one indestructible shield. Each shield has 150 HP each, vs 800 HP
>Doc can now heal team mates for HP, as well as "over heal"
>Added Claymore Mines
>Added Impact Grenades
>Red Crow
>Tried to buff Tachanka but, lol, Tachanka will never be good with his current gadget :(
>HUGE buff to all Shield OP's - they now don't get ass raped y Nitrocells. This made Monty viable, and Blitz less so but still not a complete joke 100% of the time. You can now actually use shield operators for fun and in casual games and win matches.
>Added an extra map that was already in the game so we don't know why it took them this long but, hey it's another whole map
>Buffed Fuze by increasing damage and range of cluster charges, and now carries 3 of them
>Gave Bandit 4 shock wires
>Smoke can now quarterback his toxic babes
>BB further reduced to 60 HP per shield
>Small buff to Glaz's ROF to try and make him good
>Velvet Shell
>Glaz gets retardedly OP thermal scope
>Further buff to Doc's overheal, Buck's skeleton key magazine count, etc
>Small echo buff
>Fixed DMR trigger macro exploit to limit ROF
>Revamp to dot sizes, and other quality of life changes to other operators
All in all, Velvet Shell was severely lacking in any real substance. Looking back on this, it's not surprising they immediately announced the delay of the next season and went into OP Health, which further has done very little compared to these midseason reinforcements.
Something must have changed at the studio.
Except it'll be the first Mp5+acog on a 2 speed, i.e, a lot more flexible. Plus a lot like rook, he'll be able to place his gadget and fuck off, making him a half decent roamer if he plays a spot with a quick route back to obj, and he has a nitro in case he needs to make one.
>Velvet Shell
>Glaz gets retardedly OP thermal scope
Wait, what the fuck did he do before?
He had a scope, just no thermal
He just had a normal scope
I'm getting this game next weekend.
Please give me spicy R6 memes.
Nothing, he was just another meme operator like Tachanka.
how about some tips so you dont piss off your team
Glaz's original power was basically the ability to switch from ACOG to No ACOG - but this isn't as important on something like PC, and on consoles you can generally "get by" without having an ACOG when slicing the pie
The thing that made him shit was that his gun had about roughly same damage as all the DMR's in the game, but shit rate of fire in comparison (painfully slow)... So meanwhile Buck, Twitch and Blackbeard can run into a room with their red dot or ACOG rifle and spam fire the fuck out of everything, Glaz is sitting there going CHUG CHUG CHUG
They added the thermal scope, and let him keep his smokes, and shit just got crazy. If he didn't have smokes and relied on his teammmates he might have been okay for the time being but, yeah...
Whatever comes handy I'll take.
No, he was good. You just needed a shitton of experience. The thermal sight was a crutch for people who couldn't see or aim.
okay, most important tip is don't buy the starter edition like me so you don't abandon the game after 20 hours of grinding
>The thermal sight was a crutch for people who couldn't see or aim
if they just added thermals to allies and the hostage, 99% of glaz players would be teamkilling all fucking game
in typical ubisoft fashion, the directional vaulting "fix" only works when it feels like it
Just accept that opening few games is likely going to be you getting fucked. Siege is heavily reliant on map knowledge.
Pick Rook as your defender so you can just plonk down your armor and see what other defenders do on round start.
Intel is key, learn to get on cams and use the compass to make calls.
How have you guys been doing lately? I've been feeling a lot better and playing a lot better siege as well, I have a positive win loss ratio and my kd is at .80. Only took me 178 hours...
After the entirely game changing Skull Rain and Red Crow reinforcements, Velvet Shell's was a real let down.
That Glaz thermal scope really did change the game, but not in a good way.
Oh so you mean like that whole pastebin that is in the OP? Because I read that at work and was interested.
>green hair
why though?
go back to ded thread
Holy fuck Ela a srs qt.
Why not?
You're right, it should be the flag's red and white.
It's a fictional character model created on an obese man's computer that he was paid to make.
Going to make her head hitbox easy as shit to see baka
it just looks really out of place
>Obese man
You don't know that t b h
Siege is a completely different game than literally the entire Rainbow 6 series, so?
exactly so people should stop mentioning it in the siege general
exactly look at all the discussion of the other R6 games here
>tfw have to wait for WOTC
it's just not fair
Why the fuck do shotguns have so little ammo? Especially the saiga. I can carry more in my jeans pockets.
because shotguns dont have 30 round magazines.
wish ubi would actually fucking realize that and give more ammo, at least then you can use it to destroy things without having to worry about being stuck with only 2 shells left over.
>Carrying more than 3 of these in your jeans
You must have some pretty deep pockets.
who cares
I'm only salty that ash and hibana don't lose theirs
the game would absolutely be better off if all 3 speeds were confined to 1x sights
that way you'd have to choose between being a flanky speeddemon or a slower and more methodical acog dude
instead ash gets YET ANOTHER BUFF, well fucking done
So what is the new girls ability
I have 4 pockets.
Everyone on both teams is too busy arguing about her hair color, so she can calmly walk in and take care of the objective without being shot at.
yeah it would be a tight fit with the 2 reinforcements and infinite barricades
It's a nerf.
Loud wodka bottles.
Ehhhh, it's different but it's not. It's closer to R3 than anything. Vegas kind of fucked the franchise up. Siege returns to it's roots with modern gimmicks.
>being this much of a new fag to the general
I miss when the OP had info on getting 3 running with all the cool shit on the newer engine
>both def ops that are on equal footing to ash in terms of speed, guns and optics gef their optics taken away
>this is a nerf to ash
What's this new engine