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>Using Amelia when Heck and Sheena exist
>20 posts early
You know what to do guys.
>Amelia is the highest BST unit in the game now
Literally how
Tharja is okay
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Clarine will save the calvary meta
Why? I mean, I already changed the txt if that worried you that much
Of course she is, but tharjafag is not.
Do this
*unzip penis*
>meaning anything
Damn I guess Tobin is S tier now
>A senile old fool once called me a beast—a wretched beast that lives only to kill and take what it can. I will kill that man one day. Still, he is correct, of course. I am a beast, with mouth full of fangs. I do take what I want. I'll take whatever I desire. From anyone. Knowing this, you have made use of me. And you have granted me much power... I cannot understand your actions. Do you intend to control me? Or do you long for me to be your master? Either way, you have become my finest prey. I will not permit another to sate their bloodlust on you... Just me.
I want Valter to ravage me.
>Amelia has 173 BST, the highest in the entire game, a powerful weapon, and what is basically a Hone Mov for armor
>Tana has 34/36 offensive stats, a unique weapon that gives her good Def against melee, a C skill that helps her allies maneuver much better, and to top it off, she comes with Moonbow
>Innes is basically the ultimate anti mage archer, far better than Niles could ever hope to be, coming with CA to fuck over TA -Raven, and his bow is basically an -Owl tome
>Seth............. is a source of a 5* Ruby Sword+
>NuFE shit despite hype with magvel
NuFE fans are shitters
>Amelia is the trainee unit with the highest speed despite being an armor
Why is this allowed?
most likely upgrades sacred seals
Too bad she's still a sub par unit.
Yeah Hector is easy to roll right?
Get in line, I will have all of my holes ready
/our guy/ got betrayed by ISIS, he doesn't deserve this.
I need Frieza's blessings tonight if I want Tana. H-He's coming soon, r-right?
Her armor is like the weighted clothes in DBZ, it just trains her to be faster
W-what did he do to her?
Pandering, user.
After yesterday you could tell Seth was going to be shit
Sucks for Sethfags
You're now imagining running into him in Tempest
>Sheenafags still trying to defend their shit waifu
>Narcian rerun again
>no Xander
Just wait a bit
I bet she's bloated stats, no way can she be that high.
>Hm? You desire to touch me?
>Never think that I am yours. If you displease me, you'll regret it.
>I will master you. Someday.
>Show me. Show me. Grovel like a dog.
>You are mine now. Entertain me! More!
I'm glad they kept the whole rapist thing true to his character.
>the run-down Jamal-build shed of Cordeliafags
>Tana has 34/36 offenses
the literal state of Cordyfags
>Ruby Sword at best
>Only good for defense
>But not that good
>And can't even protect Eirika because he's not blue/green
They did him dirty.
I'm going to roll for Amelia!!
>Tana BTFO Cordeliafags
>Amelia BTFO Sheenafags
>Innes BTFO Niles
>Seth BTFO ....The city of Stahl?
>people like me will never get him
Fucking damn it ISIS, I really hope he's shilled out when Warriors becomes a thing since apparently his GHB isn't happening anytime fucking soon.
>Samson is posting in this thread right now
Innes is never going to be a threat in AI hands.
You know, this is going to sound ridiculous, but I'm glad tinyhands has been the most meta-centering unit for a while, because all this waifu faggotry is getting way out of hand now
>need to 5* Valter just for this
>need to 5* Narcian to be fair
Wyvern time motherfuckers.
Is this the bully Cordeliafags hour or something?
Getting abused by Valter!
At least Zephiel and Ursula only threatened to kill you if you fucked up somehow. This guy doesn't care, he's already set on killing you.
Me too user what are we going to do ?
>Close Defense Tana has a 34/36/38/25 statline
Jesus Christ
I like Hana
So Amelia and Sheena have replaced Hector wholesale then.
Legendary night.
Cheers /feg/, may your free rolls go beyond four stars
Kiran makes some poor life choices.
>because all this waifu faggotry is getting way out of hand now
>waifu faggotry is getting out of hand NOW
Hi there! I see you're new to /feg/! Enjoy your stay!!
This guy might be upset
Reminds me of how Karel wants to kill Mark if you're A-rank.
Where are the writefags I need Valter feasting on summoner gender doesn't matter laced with the degeneracy that this man rightfully has claim to
Those are different numbers, its not the level of 35/35 kanpeki
>Dies to any mage and dragon with decent attack
It's fine.
Only one can hope
Are you ready for the inebitable infernal ursula?
When will Mozu get added to make Bridelia useless?
In Heroes itself I mean. This general has always been a cesspool in that regard.
>yfw +spd is +4
I believe armors usually hit about 167 to 168. Villager and trainee type units (think Donnel, Nowi, Gray, Fae, Faye) get about +5 to their normal BST. Amelia fits the criteria.
It's fucking insane.
Because play Sacred Stones.
Burger King GHB when
You too user. May our IVs be +spd.
wife sheep
At least I got her, don't know if roll on the magvel banner.
>that much investment in a unit
He's their husbando. No regrets, likely.
>Implying its not just Arran with an elaborate falseflag
There's already a villager archer and she's terrible and a cuck
You're right, it's better
Sethcucks got btfo
These can't be real stats. Why are they so low?
And arrows too. She's a flier and her weapon doesn't provide boosts against that.
She's no longer a cuck though, she has (you)
>Amelia BTFO Sheenafags
Not with that RES she ain't
Draug/Wendy/Sheena is 169. But yes 173 is insane. It would make her possibly a match for loli dragons in arena.
Is there a loli dragon villager in Fire Emblem?
w-who still /rollingforseth/ here
is it confirmed to be fucking Narcian again?
isn't this his third time through?
why are they so reluctant to put Xander back up?
as one of only 2 actually good GHB units he should basically be available every other month if not more frequently
I want Valter's valter
That's Stahl
>Seth is the only one who can resist Kiran's brainwashing
The finest example of knighthood.
Too bad his stats suck.
>>Amelia BTFO Sheenafags
that just means there's room for a good villager archer
He's my second priority for a free roll if there's no greens.
>why are they so reluctant to put Xander back up?
you answered your own question in the next line
>Is there a loli dragon villager in Fire Emblem?
I wonder what it takes to ask a question this stupid.
I will make Fort Def Ike a reality
Why is Raul so triggered that Amelia is shit?
Draug has 172