remove jade edition
>Deck lists, news etc (Buy Premium For Us)
>0pen Tournaments
remove jade edition
>Deck lists, news etc (Buy Premium For Us)
>0pen Tournaments
Kill yourself if you play druid.
everyone who is at a decent rank is playing jade
Everyone at a decent rank should kill themselves I guess.
your shieldbearer is showing mayte
Reposting my shitty deck, try it out if you like its pretty fun
Changes are welcome if you want to drop your 2 cents, if I could I would have added another Iceblock Doomsayer Nova and Alex.
Hey guys, welcome to the new thread. Let's try and keep this place civil, huh? We're all here to discuss a great game that we all love to enjoy, after all. Really hope everyone's enjoying the new expansion!
i finally killed a druid jade cuck with meme deck
I'm going to cry.
Everyone is playing fucking priest and that gay mage shit
>druidnigger can't even spell
I know I am. Best expac since League of Explorers.
We're still in an early meta m80s, post sone decklists you've been playing
Doesn't matter if it's meta cancer, memes, your homebrews, pro twitter fire, hearthpwn travesties, just post em- Midrange Dragon Priest is back
Who control/fatigue warrior here?
Hey now, don't bring Ben into this, he does amazing things for this community and truly goes above and beyond. If anything we should be praising him more often.
>6 mana 4/4
Does reddit even fall for that shit anymore?
>shills replying to shills
shillception in here today huh
worse than ever over there
>greedy decks and druid have pushed aggro out of existence
>mfw free wins with miracle
At what rank do i stop seeing literally nothing but cancer druid and chink warlock?
Is miracle rogue really that strong right now? And is it viable without emo assassin?
Rank 25 or bottom legend
Handlock feels genuinely good, climbed to 2 so far with this more traditional list. I couldn't ask for much more than a meta where zoo is garbage and Handlock is high tier desu, defile is absolutely insane
I'm forever stuck in 11-12 because it's literally all anyone plays there so it's pretty much a 40-60 no matter what i play unless i want to mirror.
I don't run any kft cards in my miracle rogue deck
I keep sherazin in the mulligan in pretty much every matchup nowadays, everyones so fucking slow
It's still pretty decent, Voss is not the best unless you're looking for outs though
Valeera lives to fight just under the radar another day
The higher you climb the more cancer you are going to see. Although the higher you climb the less warlock you see. Looks like all the warlocks are stuck in the trash ranks.
This entire expansion is trash and the meta is worse than MSG.
>druid only 15-20% until 9
bullshit i say
>inb4 hurr durr it's not settled, give it 3 weeks
all that means is pirate warrior hasnt reemerged yet
climbed from rank 15 to rank 11 today with this deck, hopefully break 10 tonight
Who the fuck runs 2 spirit lashes?
Lilian really doesn't feel like a legendary to me. I could just use Hallucination to choose a good card instead of two Redemptions, and I usually end up getting a few different cards from Undercity Huckster anyway without getting rid of my good spells.
Should I make a warrior deck, or a shaman deck? I have both DKs.
post your lists for either if you have them please
murloc quest shammy
Ah, the only legendary cards I have there are patches and Edwin, I have everything else at least
>last 15 games were 10 jade druids
>switch to something with a better matchup
>no more jade druids
Give me proof that the algorithm isn't stacked in favor for druids.
stop queuing jade druid
I'm thinking of making a poorfag freeze deck but it feels like there's not much synergy, you need to freeze stuff to play cryomancer so you have to wait past turn 5 but then you might as well play a strong card like bonemare.
I dunno, I just can't figure out how to make it work.
What's the endgame plan for this deck and on what turn are you planning to end the game? I'm thinking that rather than adding doomsayer stuff it might be better to add some more early minions n stuff.
early morning hatemail from a midrange hunter
Nobody is stuck at 11-12. You're just not playing well.
>turn 1 8/8 LAPDOGS
>innervates out a jade spirit and concedes
it's what they deserve
>play token shaman for shaman daily quest
>end up against defile warlock and 4 control/quest mages
where were these guys when I played rogue yesterday?
this happens to me every fucking week
I dont get it. He had his dk?
>just stop getting "randomly" matched against cancer druid
Just play Casie's miracoli list which is basically the same as last xpac with two miracle cards instead of Sherazin and the Kang dog, you can just get one off of Journey Below anyway. It's still choice.for cucking Priest
I mean she has an interesting effect and I can see a world with more token spell generators where it could be sweet, but right now it's awkward and has anti-synergy with gadget (which they'll print more of I think in preparation for his BANNNED status)
Why do rogues complain that their quest got overnerfed? It's exactly the same as before - requirements went from 4 to 5 and you got the dk that lets you replay a card.
you dont understand anything about the game, stop posting
you are stupid
Because the card was relatively balanced already at 4 and having to have one more boihce makes it unbalanced and unplayable?
why lich king though?
it's ridiculous how miracle is still the way to go for rogue. blizzard is completely clueless when it comes to rogue. fucking idiots.
Meta shift, I think. It thrives against mid range and races control before it goes too late. But right now control can out value and you handle late game cards in that deck when you need a certain list for optimal speed and closure
This deck plays like Secret, try and get early board control and some face hits in, once you are in range you burn them down.
Get you some nice draw and cheap big minions for your enemy to try and deal with while you smash face.
Freeze effects work on face as well, so once you get a good turn you can Frost Bolt face and play a Freeze minion, same goes for Nova, you can drop a Nova and a Freeze minion to draw a card or get a 7/7 on board while your enemy is frozen, unless he has some form of removal or taunt he will take 7 face damage.
I don't get it either, what happened?
So arena is just whoever gets bonemare out first now?
>1 mana 5/5 chargers on turn 4
anyone want to trade quest wins? Im sick of fucking ladder and i just want my gold for arena
>playing arena at the current time
It's your gold but i wouldn't recommend it
nope na
i literally have no fucking cards cause i came back late ungoro after not having played since like tgt
Don't have too many cards and I invested a lot of gold into my f2p miracle. You guys mind giving me tips on what I need to craft next? I think a second prep is my priority.
I'm a newfag at hearthstone and decided to all in on an actual meta deck that seemed enjoyable to play.
I don't either. I'm assuming he topdecked his DK on the last turn since I used the 0-mana shadowform with beardo and didn't topdeck anything, which he yelled at me about and then unfriended me
Hi Ben! This really FUN thing happened earlier!
I think quest rogue might be playable in a more control setup now. combo: poison might be enough to carry the shadowstep target, and shadowcaster can finally help in procing the quest.Has anyone tried it out yet?
>Druid DK
>Paladin DK
Which one do I craft? I was thinking Aya since I'm not going to buy any MSoG packs anymore but I don't really want to spend all my dust on a legendary that's only used in Jade Decks.
Wish me luck HSG!
paladin dk is super fun, the entry is great and the horsemen are sick, people are so scared of them
Druid DK will fit in all Druid decks and last till April 2019.
Same goes for Paladin DK if it is a control pally.
Aya rotates in April 2018 and can only be used in Jade Decks.
I hope your computer catches on fire and burns down your house.
I hope you crash and burn
How useful is the wagon/doomsayer combo?
Paladin it is then. It's looked pretty solid since it was announced,
It's not
Because the King is crazy and helps you close games I assume
I actually prefer Aggro Rogue to Miracoli and that deck was the saving grace of MSG for me, it's not the worst right now because people undervalue aggro but is obviously still inferior to Pirate Warrior. I hope they give Rogue more tempo tools in the future with gadget out of the picture (not like it would even bust wild anyway because Rogue is currently shit there)
>can't get legend with a homebrew deck
It's terrible lol, it's just a fun aggro deck I play vs friends sometimes. Might play it in legend now, it's pretty damn funny when it works.
Is this accurate? Anyone think they know a better card for any set?
>inb4 ">surprise "I predicted literally all of these would be broken you're a retard if you didn't predict all of these I've never been wrong about anything in the game ever".
Yes yes of course you did, I know. You don't even need to say it, I know.
Caverns below wasn't even good. Aside from that, your list is accurate.
Yeah but you got it as druid so who cares
patches, spirit claws and undertaker people knew would be broken day 1
trogg was also known to be op when it was announced even if it took ay ear
Post your rank.
miracle isnt meta
prep is important yes craft that
Nah, stay mad druidfag.
definitely 2nd prep. you could also add questings and get rid of 2nd mimic pod and vanish. obviously thalnos is great in rogue but as your f2p i'd go for prep first and consider integrating questings in the current meta
grats on chosing the most elegant deck
Literally everyone predicted ultimate infestation.
What could I replace bittertide hydra and living mana with in an aggro druid?
I tried some cheap variations with little success
>actual high level gameplay you rank 15's will never experience
>b...but ur druid :(
but it's fun
yeah that seems like for the best
not sure why i've ignored questing and coins so much
play another deck.
>high level
>druid gameplay
>high level
nice joke pea brain
I should probably just start conceding against priests. Not only are they pretty annoying to play against. The games take forever.
>tfw you thought you wanted control but not 40 minutes of control
Those are the two most key cards in the deck amigo. I don't think you'll be successful with aggro druid without them.
if you were a f2p user and got a golden legendary, what would you craft??
>High level gameplay
Come on. At least if it was patron you would have a point. Druid is so fucking dumb as bricks to pilot.
Hurr durr i ramp
Hurr durr spreading plague
Hurr durr dump hand
Hurr durr ultimate infestation
I've been thinking of building a "Zoo Rogue" where you just play a bunch of cheap stuff and try to close with Southsea coldblood, if you get Valeera out of it you can do even more damage but it just wont work in this meta.
>and nary a single rank was posted
Stay mad shieldbearers. I've hit legend with Hunter, Paladin, Warlock, and Shaman.
Do you have any proof of either of these claims? Did you actually record any of your or anyone elses predictions or do you exclusively say you predicted things only after the results are already known.