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Do you consider this a person?


i want to be ouma's dumb dog!

Nope, she's just fiction. Like everyone else!


good girl

kaito big dick


fuglies arent people

Why did he wear the hat, /drg/?

quiet but not too quiet

DICE is best!

Because he's a cuck

he is ashamed of his ahoge, alternatively, it was a memento from his uncle TF2 scout

I think Moogie is very cute even though she basically ruined everything. And that isn't a glasses character.

Do you ever sleep?


And that isn't because I love glasses characters*

>not master_1200

>no true glasses character

You're not even a scotsman.

She sleeps at odd times like me it seems, it gives the illusion of constant presence

Angie and her beloved Saihara!

It is confirmed

Mm, I suppose so
Impulse purchases in general, if I go to town on business I never just do that and leave, I'll get lunch in some cafe, I'll buy something for the sake of it
I have a box of those candy cigs Hoshi chews coming in the post and now I'm not even sure what I'll do with them when they get here, ha

true, thats the one thing holding her up, true glasses characters are trash
im out of the antipsychotics i need to sleep, usually id be asleep by now... usually. i feel everything slowing down and powering off



Why not stay awake as long as possible? You're basically max danger from Plutonian

Turn on a animated movie, those always put me to sleep.

Bad idea, extreme lack of sleep gives me hallucinations and I don't even take drugs.

You could try out some ASMR too, not sure if it's all that effective for you because not everyone gets the tingles.

I know the feel.

Don't be a wuss

Why'd they give him spiky teeth?

ive done that before. i took three adderall at a con, forgot to take all my other meds, and stayed up for 3 whole days before passing out in group therapy
fun times
i'll just listen to some asmr or something i think. anything with english voices causes me to stay awake because my brain tries to listen to the words

Do you read paper books? The blue light from the electronic screens are pretty bad for your sleep patterns

It takes a lot of willpower, but I believe in you, user! Cold turkey is pretty much the only way to go.

Then why not be a pass-outer? you gotta free yourself from meds

Normally I would agree but if they're antipsychotics, it's probably best she stay on them.


It appears he has spikes in his teeth in canon.

Because they're antipsychotics

Best giri.

It's not that easy user, so that's pretty shitty advice.
The quitting process is slow and you can't just stop taking the meds out of blue
I accidentally forgot to take mine for 2 days and I felt like I was dying

>The quitting process is slow and you can't just stop taking the meds out of blue

I mean you could but almost every spree shooter had suddenly stopped taking their meds

I think those things are called moe fangs, typically give them to (kemonoki?) based characters.

This makes me glad I never take meds despite being prescibed them, I don't wanna end like Poyo.

I want to shove my face in kaede and peko's chest

I actually never noticed that.

She has a prescription for stuff, don'tt encourage her to drop important medication

>why should someone who's psychotic stay on antipsychotics
Wow, is that you, the real SHSL detective?

Fangs (yaeba) is also a popular design and charm point with cheeky or animalistic anime characters. Hell, there are even people who have gone and modeled their teeth over that in Japan.

we found saihara at long last boys

you know, like,


From what I heard, pills are bogus placebo pretty much applies to everything, right?

I think being unmedicated has the higher chance of ending up like her.

Seems like you're feeling better

Not prescriptions, no

Fucking no, that's not right.

What country are you from?

And also in Kaede's fat rolls?


god me too but only kaede.

No. Only for some things, but it's moreso being wrongfully prescribed. I mean this as no offense to her, but it's clear how deeply troubled she is, those problems would be ten times worse if not medicated.

Hmm. A little bit. It's still going to be a pain in the ass. Thanks.

i want peko to pet my head as i fall asleep


Hah, you learn something new every day.

From the Eggman Empire

Unmedicated Poyo is quite a scary thought

I had canines, irritating to eat with those. Got them smoothed out when they grew in. I don't get how people can pay money to permanently have your teeth like that.

Its like videogame boss.

She is


Happy birthday again, Spookie Moogi!

They think it's cute to look like that, kek. Pretty much the same reason they go to eye surgeries to make their eyes bigger/similar to animu eyes.

saihara secretly go to chuck e cheese

Normie Saihara would definitely be the kind of person who goes there while he tries to keep eye contact with the cashier, only fail and stutter.

That's cute, I hope he has fun there

>he goes to different ones and lie about his birthday for attention
>the cashiers talk each other
>saihara is mentioned
>saihara gets banned from it

Teeth cutting into your mouth every-time you chew isn't really worth it. I looked up the word in google images and looks like a crooked tooth. They look better in the anime, same with eyes.

I like shark teeth and teeth trope stuff too but applied to a real person, it doesn't look great.

Apparently those were founded by the owner of Atari who designed them as a way to get arcade machines into the public consciousness, which is a really fucking clever piece of marketing


They don't let you go in there without a kid and the games all suck now anyway

Now if only they didn't have animatronics.

shark teeth are mega adorbs in real life!!!
and you know what else is super adorbs? real life demon tongue!

Would Normie Kaede go to Pizza Hut with her friends?

Oh god what the fuck....


Rick Baker is cool

No because she doesn't have any.

Apparently they're getting removed and replaced with live Chuck. E's instead

Reminds me of Tron's crab bot from Legends 2, awesome find Poyo! You're a real connoseir ofcute!

Thats rood.

Rude! There's no way someone as cute and nice and pretty as Kaede is as pathetic as me

Dr3 on vita when

In September

t. Saihara

Himiko getting to go inside Chuck E Cheese because he looks like a 10-year-old

Christ, I was eating. fuk you bitch

Saihara is a very nice boy and gets along with everyone

I want to go with her!
