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>30% edition
>Deck lists, news etc
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>0pen Tournaments
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>the one game my opponent highrolled the fuck out of the game is the average game of Druid
Druid is such bullshit, I dont think I lost even once today on my climb to 5.
I appreciate the work user
*Summons Yshaarj while you have four mana crystals*
Nothin personell, kid.
>Never be able to play your win condition
>B-but it's at the bottom of the deck
>It doesn't matter if you cannot play your win condition
### Token taunt
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Mark of the Lotus
# 2x (2) Druid of the Swarm
# 2x (2) Power of the Wild
# 2x (2) Wild Growth
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (3) Crypt Lord
# 1x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (4) Fandral Staghelm
# 2x (4) Mire Keeper
# 1x (4) Spellbreaker
# 2x (4) Strongshell Scavenger
# 1x (4) Swipe
# 1x (4) Violet Teacher
# 1x (5) Nourish
# 2x (5) Spreading Plague
# 2x (7) Bonemare
# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent
# 1x (10) Ultimate Infestation
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I cut one nourish because it was always a dead card after I infested and it obviously was in the bottom 5 cards in my deck.
This is a strong mage list if people are looking to play Frost Lich Jaina. I've been winning about 60% of my games at legend, altho I'm not sure how well this does vs Jade; I've only seen one Jade Druid and I lost.
Post the picture on reddit to get some sweet upboats/rage and your account deleted.
>they said druids would be dead thanks to geist
>they said I could play fatigue decks again
I didn't claim it was the average game, and I did say
>He would've had 7 more turns after that before going to fatigue. I don't think I've ever survived that long against jade as control paladin.
You're free to record your games against jade druids to see
1) How many cards could they draw with a 10 card draw infestation
2) How close to fatigue the game goes
3) How many infestations they use and do they use their nourishes/wraths to draw cards
Then you can figure out the portion of where drawing 10 cards would be good. Try to get a sample of at least 10 games.
Reply to me again when you're done. Thanks.
We went through these same things when discussing Gnomeferatu, and I'm not going to bother with it again. You're free to go play the card to discard your opponent's win condition, but there's a reason why no one remotely decent runs the card. If you want the arguments, you can go check the archive. For now, I'm just going to call you a retard, because you clearly are one.
>spend a turn doing nothing but milling a card and playing a 2/3
>expecting to make it to fatigue
Good luck.
Mage DK needs a nerf, probably the removal of the Lifesteal clause.
Hunter DK needs a buff, perhaps decreasing the cost of the zombeasts/making it free to activate.
Seems decent. I think people forget the deck doesn't need to be full of elementals to be strong, the water elementals from the hero power are more than enough
I aint ever run from nothing but the police
I tried the elemental version, and it sucked. I even crafted Pyros for it, reeeeee.
>playing wild mill rouge
>shit over everyone trying to play greedy control decks
Everyone knows ultimate infestation will get nerfed, but how will it get nerfed? Place your bets.
how much dust is it to make mill rogue? I have N'zoth already
Pyros is mediocre at best. I hope you had Baron Geddon already, because Geddon is easily 10x better than Pyros with Frostlich Jaina.
15 packs of Un'Goro or Classic?
hunter dk card is great, it's the hunter class itself that sucks dick
Brann and Preps are the most expensive part.
But there I was a quest mill rogue I would try but I don't have the quest unfortunately.
Blizzard did nothing wrong!
Buy some more packs!
btw. Tune in next week when we discuss why "STANDARD DRUID CARDS WERE JUST A BUG!".
Ya, I have Geddon in the list dog.
Hunter DK is easily one of the best DKs. The problem is it's in Hunter.
if a card that you have a gold version of gets nerfed, do you get to disenchant it for 1600 dust or is it still just 400?
Frost lich Jaina or Open the Waygate?
I don't know what the lines mean.
The lines are just extra notes of things I have zero of so far.
>arena makes blizz the most money from hearthstone
>blizzard fucking hates it
The ghoul has a deathrattle discard your deck. That way the card isn't really nerfed and they don't have to give a full dust refund.
Do you play the n'zoth deathlord version?
I just made the shit up myself. But yeah, I have Deathlords and N'Zoth.
Not the guy you're talking to, but I play the N'zoth version.
Highly recommend slotting N'zoth. Especially with Slimes/Deathlords.
Great fatigue combo, especially with shadowstep/vanish. You can keep a wall up until they draw dead.
I doubt it considering the hundreds of packs people pay each expansion.
Waygate for sure
Even though DK Jaina might have heals up her ass, there are decks that can out tempo it
With Exodia you only have 2 counter decks being Aggro druid and Shaman. All control decks are your bitch
I'd seriously wait on both. There's no guarantee that either will be good.
oh okay
yeah, thats what makes it seem fun to me. Just milling them and putting up a big wall
>Mage DK needs a nerf, probably the removal of the Lifesteal clause.
There is literally no reason to play her then. You play her for 9 mana in the hopes you can recover with the lifesteal.
>winning games with coin still in hand
Why is this allowed
I really wish we had all the information of the stuff blizzard fucks with
Those 2 are absolutely the best summoning voices in the game
I once had a really stupid game that went to fatigue, I keep wondering what the card he held onto was since he had it for so long. Finally right before I died from fatigue he used it and it ended up being the coin.
DK Jaina has a higher winrate than Waygate. But waygate is harder to pilot imo.
In-context, hunter DK underperforms.
If hunter as a class is bad, buffing it's cards is what should be done.
Bumping up the battlecry damage to 3 damage might work well enough.
Rank 20 players, ladies and gentlemen.
I wouldn't say harder to pilot, i''d say completely dependent on generating cheap spells from tome.
This is a count of all rare+ cards I have 0 or 1 of in Un'goro and Classic (lines are just cards I have zero of)
Should I buy 15 packs of Un'goro or Classic?
Waygate isn't easy to play but a fuckton more fun
Hunter DK isn't the problem, it's the other cards. That's why it was pointed out that the DK hunter is actually great. Hunter doesn't need one of its' best cards, that it can only include one of, to be better. It needs to have actual good cards in the lower mana slots, and a way to stabilize against aggro that isn't just a weaker aggro game.
creating a single over powered card for a shit class is bad design, DK hunter is extremely strong but hunters have zero support for it
Plus you get to cuck druids.
I fucking hate druids so much. Why the fuck did Ben print that fucking stupid card.
Why is building thematic decks so shitty? I just want a Silver Hand Recruit Token Paladin to be viable.
We did it boys.
Stopped playing after Old Gods and came back for Frozen Throne.
This is actually my first time making it to rank 5.
I'd love to get to Legends as well, but I don't know if it's realistic.
>"coming back" now means "having infinite Renos for the rest of the game"
It wasn't fun then, it isn't fun now. Your class already has get out of jail free cards.
Wait a fucking second
>5 bonus stars
Or am I mssign somethign
makes you
>get bored of playing wild Reno Rogue and go to standard to play Priest
>first game drop Anduin DK
>clear my board
>second game drop Anduin DK
>clear my board
>third game drop Anduin DK
>clear my board
Guys, I think I might be retarded.
Congrats dude, five is a big milestone. If you want to push for Legend you should understand that it usually takes as long, or longer, as the climb to 5.
Basically if you maintain a 55% winrate from 5 through legend (which is good, because these are good players), you're going to have to play over 200 games to get there, starting from 5.
Did I just get memed?
2 burgly bullies then left 1 token from death knight uther alive
Hero power, beardo, adapt, hero power, coin, hero power
I was at five stars rank 6 and got a bonus star putting me at two stars in rank 5.
>Infinite renos
>3 health heals if your opponent doesn't play around your hero power is the same as Reno
>It was just a bug
Haha guys, we didn't make a bad decision here, looks like the game just messed up its own coding out of nowhere, right? We were just trying to create a better experience for players :^)
FUCK Blizzard, holy christ. They're like the most dishonest kind of politician. They won't even say sorry because it implicates them as being responsible for the problem (which they absolutely are). They really value their own image that much? An apology goes much further than they think it might.
spiked costs more mana so of course it's going to be better. what's so confusing about that?
Shhhh user, he doesn't know he can kill Baron Gedon. Don't spoil it for him.
My winrate is 59%, if the number of druids keeps increasing (as well as that of other slow decks), as I expect it to do, so will my winrate.
Winstreaked to rank 10 from 15 without a single loss with this.
What does hsg think? Does it have potential for further ranks?
>1 mana for taunt and a 2/6
>taunt itself is worth almost a mana
>a 2/6 is worth about 3.5 mana
>over 4 mana of extra value for 1 extra mana, all packed onto one card
what the actual fuck
since when do legendaries only give you 400 dust back?
this is fucking horse poop
They realized that 5 mana +2/+6 is shit so they made a better card that would see play. Would you rather have them print more cards that don't see play?
I attached a picture to this post of all of my missing rare/epic/legendary cards from Un'goro and Classic.
Can someone please tell me if I should buy 15 packs of Un'goro or Classic?
Since the start of the game
>taunt itself is worth almost a mana
>a 2/6 is worth about 3.5 mana
where the hell are you getting these numbers
are you seriously this retarded?
I refuse to believe you are.
I thought they gave like 600 or something before, I've never actually had to dust any until now
oh well, it's still very little dust in my opinion
100% it will not. They'll move innervate to wild, say everything's fine, and tell you that jade lotus is rotating out "soon" when it's not actually fine.
>tfw made 2500 dust from dusting all my gold cards that I have extras of
you get full dust value
it's not really that complicated
Yeah I see this as something they'll do, rotate cards people have so they can print new ones you need
What the fuck is up with everyone past rank 7 in wild running some form of reno deck
>tfw accepting the fact I can't make DK hunter work
I've tried face hunter with him stuck in, deathrattle hunter, building a control deck, secret hunter
why is he so shit
he'd be great in any other class, he just sucks because it's a control card in the most aggro-y class
Lyra is the best one, poriod.
They won't HoF innervate in the middle of the year. They probably won't HoF it at all because it's part of druid's identity.
Cmon anons, why so silent?
Try midrange without secrets. People dont have any answers for buffed up bearshark. Its pretty fun
It's fun
Reno is a fun deck
They could have moved him to classic and nobody would have a problem
They hall of fame literally whatever they choose, 'identity' is completely vague
They did it to Power Overwhelming
its just that though, a "fun" deck I want my decks to be good
Ughh...it's good I think? How well do you against Druid and Priest though?
Wow it's almost like you've put him in every unusable memeshit deck except for midrange hunter, the only hunter deck that's been good for about two years.
PO isn't lock's identity.
>when you're so fucking late you fall over
Becuase 2 damage AoE has never been a good enough board clear
Hemet+Highlander BEST GIMMICK
seriously, if you have the cards, try it out