/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

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How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 15th of August:
1941: Heinrich Lohse, Reich commissioner for Eastern Territories of the Ostland (Eastern Europe) region, decrees that Jews must wear two yellow badges, one on the chest and one on the back; that Jews cannot own automobiles; and that their presence in public places will be severely proscribed.
1941: Last of the remaining 25,000 Jews in Kovno were removed to Viampole. Each is allotted three square feet of living space.
1942: On Shabbat, “the Germans entered the ghetto in the village of Zagrodski, ordering the Jews to leave their houses for a roll call” and then left to stand outside all day without any food or water.

CK2 DD 62 - News from China

EU4 DD 15/08

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.1

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 18/07/2017

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

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first for farming Ottoman ducats with trade wars

fourth for hoi4

did a thing

You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this game is so popular. These people have never heard of strategy games in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Civilization 5, they were completely alien to them. And they can't enjoy these games because they consider them boring. They want a game that isn't necessarily smart or deep or immersive, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good games or good strategy, nor have they ever picked a book about history. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. EU4 is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love history". The entire foundation of the game is built upon the dichotomy between "silly events and fun stuff" and "this is actually historical and realistic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "this game is alt-history but can still be interesting and challenging" bullshit that EU4 shits out in almost every campaign is what appeals to it's audience. The game doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any historical event, so it spouts these random rng events. Nevermind the embarrassing, forced "references", or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the devs want to remind you that this is historical strategy, or how the entire game is a series of different forgettable campaigns with just enough incompatible historical references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for acknowledging them, or how the nations have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious stereotypes than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Europa Universalis 4.

Austria-Hungary only desires peace, yet the Slav means to surround us. The Balkans will be free of Russian meddling.

Where's HPM

lads, if I form the SGF as austria do I lose all my non-germanic states? venice included?


just conquer them


>conquer what gives you 3k ducats every 7 or so years plus 10% of its income


Post Ireland games if you got em

>these railroads
Believeble worlds.

3k ducats m8
This must be some kind of mistake. 3k ducats as in 3,000?

Is this like the number three and then three zeroes after it you are talking about here?



Is that the three thousand you are on about? And what, you are trying to tell me that you get this every 7 years? You mean like S.E.V.E.N. years yes and years as in THREE. HUNDRED. AND. SIXTY-FIVE. DAYS?

what the fuck, this is amazing

quite impressive.

Based Rob BTFOing the redditors.

How the hell do you play EU4? Everything is so complicated and there is so much going on. I feel retarded because I can't grasp what is apparently the easiest GS game.

Yes I'm reposting this because you fuckers were too busy shitting up thread to stay on topic.


white men

pls answer this is of the utmost urgency


Only 20 or 30 episodes to get the general gist of it. If you're a strategy fag then the more time you put into learning the more hours you'll get out of the other end.

>9.16 inflation
Oh yeah, totally worth it.

Y'all are faggots

Thank you

That Filthy guy sounds like someone I know in real life. Anyway, thank you.

And of course the AI spent them right before the peace offer

Whatever, there's Venice and Spain as well

Any advice for where to go from here? I had bad luck with the jihads and crusades (jihads hit me, crusades went for this one dumbass in Sicily who converted to the court physician's religion) and by the time I recovered the Sultanate of Rum had been thoroughly memed on by the seljuk turks. Currently I'm considering just expanding as far as possible in Europe and then just hoping the next crusade damages the turks enough that I'll be able to grab some provinces while they're still dealing with whoever goes on crusade.

Who unironic /reddit/ and kekistani here?

wrong pic, was supposed to be a reply to regarding where I'm getting the inflation reduction mana from

No worries m8. It's a pussy out answer to link a video but there's no real way for anyone to tell you the answer you need. If you had come here whining about the trade system I would have helped you. If you had come here whining about fort zone of control I would have helped you. I can't help you with the full thing though.

The tutorial videos for CK2 is much shorter (there's only 4 or something) and it's arguably a much simpler game to learn. Also, if you do watch those videos don't make Scotland your first game. They are retarded by every conceivable factor I can think of. Try France, Spain, Ottomans.

if you mean just forming it then no
if you mean becoming it then yes, you have to release all your non-german states as puppets to be able to become the SGF

cat with a gat I dare anyone to try and prove me wrong

>1941: Heinrich Lohse, Reich commissioner for Eastern Territories of the Ostland (Eastern Europe) region, decrees that Jews must wear two yellow badges, one on the chest and one on the back; that Jews cannot own automobiles; and that their presence in public places will be severely proscribed.
>1941: Last of the remaining 25,000 Jews in Kovno were removed to Viampole. Each is allotted three square feet of living space.
>1942: On Shabbat, “the Germans entered the ghetto in the village of Zagrodski, ordering the Jews to leave their houses for a roll call” and then left to stand outside all day without any food or water.


can I reabsorb them later?

>-70% Tech Cost
Why do "people" play this meme mod?

ye ofc
it'll cost you loads of infamy of course

I'm playing CK2, and my liege tried to revoke a country from me. I refused and war it is. Now, my liege is in another war where he has a large ally with him, but this ally is not in the war against me. Yet this large ally army can still be used against me and I don't understand why? Italy is not in the war against me, but the Italian doomstack just attaches to the shit stain army of my liege, and then he can somehow use it against me??

Please advise.

R&I confirmed as a dirty kike

Oh, yeah, I love CK2. Other than Vicky it's the only Paradox game I've played. I just can't grasp EU4, though, so I'll check those videos out.

build up your own holdings and maybe vassalize georgia

if you need money meme up some merchant republics

I don't even know why I'm about to do this but h-here we go

40% comes out of maxed out centralization and education, something only possible for small nations. The rest comes out of being Protestant and stacking all mana reduction ideas in the game

i am /r/incels. does it count as reddit?

>the Italian doomstack just attaches to the shit stain army of my liege, and then he can somehow use it against me
by attaching, they become part of the army. thus if they engage in battle, no matter diplomatic circumstances they will help.

it's dumb i know. all you can do is avoid engagement until his war that the ally has joined is over.

Started and finished a couple nights ago. My industry went to hell once I got out of Britain's sphere, so I had to go to war around 1920 to get access to their Scottish coal RGOs, since as you can see I had almost a million men producing dye. It was a fun lesson in strategic sphereing and playing with a liberal government.

>150k standing army vs lone disarmed island

payback for the fourth crusade, baby

Prove me wrong by winning that, you won't.

How is your map so fucked that little into the game?

I don't know anything about V2 I like Irish Counts and EU4 runs can someone tell me if this is good?

how acceptable is it to take pomeranian lands as scandinavia, minding that my ruler has the pomeranian bloodline?

I took the war because I wagered I could dumbster my liege. I hadn't figured on him having an army 3x as large because of that silly mechanic.

Wtf man.

All of that kindly sponsored by the Ottoman Empire

threadly reminder that anyone who asks these questions is a literal memed on cuckhold and anyone who answers is tumblr



Alright laddo. First step - make sure that they can't land their meme doomstacks on me

Going to be playing a comfy immigratiums FRCAiums game, does anyone have any tips on how not to fuck up?

He already won against the turks.

In HPM what decides a country's civilization level when released? I've seen Crimea released as a Civ lategame, but when I try to create African dominions they're all primitive. I just want a comfy African commonwealth.


Also, does the AI cheat for money in CK2? I'm anticipating him going broke from all the mercenaries he's hired, but he keeps getting gold from somewhere.

Half of Venice and half of Naples down so far, Spain is slightly scarier tho

Hosting Heirs to Aquitaine



Please fire up changeowner and fix Africa's borders.


first off, mobilize to beat the rebellions, take panama early and i'd advise attacking mexico during the mexican-american war. FRCA is one of few countries where i'd ignore crats until much later and just go straight for literacy, since it's so low and it's next to impossible to sustain any crats even with 1% spending if you go for 90-100% education spending. that is what i learned from my 2 runs but, maybe you'll have better luck than i did

Do you just play EU4 meme games all day?


How the fuck do you beat the 18k nicaraguan rebels with 10k~ mobilised though?

no as far as i know. but the ai is observed to act erratically in order to avoid debt. for example, it could imprison lords and ransom them for money completely ignoring the risks of tyranny.

Fair play man man I am jealous.

I just parked in the hills one province over and they walked into me. Your starting general should have defense points.

That's 3 (three) hundred years into the game.
What are you talking about?

Yeah, but they start in their capital, and if they hold that for 60 days they win, and it takes longer than that to recapture it.

M&T question, are peasants and heretics really weak or is Brandenburg doomed to fall into rebels? Brandenburg starts with 2k army and 6k forcelimit, possible rebels are
>10k peasants
>8k heretics
>3k separatists (Poland)
Also it seems that I lack tehcnology required to raise autonomy.

Day 1 start building a cav unit, you can recapture it within the timeframe.

Not even fair what the fuck.
How is it that you managed to hold that many ships without going red?


With 16k men? Bullshit.

>How is it that you managed to hold that many ships without going red?
As I said above, kindly sponsored by the Ottoman 18 ducats per month reparations. I wouldn't have done this if I didn't enforce reparations on the Ottomans before that

peasants will always win because MnT is a communist mod made by tumblr for tumblr

I figured it out 30 seconds before I made the post.

you only need 20 good men

aww the Grand Armada is hiding from me

>Swedish War of Faroese Freedom

So what do you get out of Venice?

Trade power. Or more specifically, 12.5 ducats of trade income from their main node that they now have to share with me


That's the spirit

I appreciate this live-aar
Keep going

I will. I'm planning on adding Spain to the list of Cypriot tributaries for the extra 20 ducats of income, maybe Genova as well for another 20

I'm actually enjoying this playthrough m8 even if it is memey as fuck. If it were IRL a massive 'arms race' of who can make the most 50-gun monsters would have begun for control of the Med. Quite interesting to think about. In the end Spain would win though.

It seems that the pope has become the new Genoa, which is even better because his massive blob gives him a lot of trade power from all the provinces, and I am about to get half of that in both nodes around him

martin luther was 100% correct and did nothing wrong

it's not that hard user just literally do what we said lol

>epidemic of consumption
>isolated entirely in your demesne

ffs man

Two thirds of Europe agrees with you

>proddy france
pathetic mod

One should question why did they Mary Sue'd a character whose only good trick is torturing people and nothing else.
And why do they hate Stannis for being "ambitious" (which is a mischaracterization of Stannis as a character.) while that's the entire point of Daenerys as a character.

That's barely half of Europe.

>what are the Huguenots


>protestant france
bloody hell


>Eastern Europe