It's been years Edition
PT: >Useful sites:
>Patch 7.16 notes:
It's been years Edition
PT: >Useful sites:
>Patch 7.16 notes:
>Azir rework announced for 7.19
So how long till we get the Rengar revert?
I miss gold/10 stacking.
ahri > holo
fight me
Same shit as before, tell us what ideas you had for a new champion
Okay, I did well in lane cause the Galio was retarded and kept building bulk rather than damage so he couldn't even take out my turrets fast enough.
But our god damn diana had no map awareness and the game spiraled into 45 minutes of pain cause the enemy team kept splitpushing our shit in.
After they got 3 fucking barons and didn't end when they had a chance like twice, I finally got full build and started racing between lanes cleaning shit.
Then we got an ace and just rushed mid hard to win.
Fuck that was exhausting.
xth for [Deleted]!
Brand is my favorite champion
My buddy gifted me Battle Boss Brand as a late birthday gift and I'm happy and grateful
They're aiming for 7.19
I'd imagine something ends up like Rek'sai and they gotta push it to 7.20
I want to be lewd with annie!
What is poppy's daily life like having such a lewd body?
xth for tightest girl
Skarner belongs to the void!
Some shitty pallet swap skin that was made legacy for a reason.
I want to look EXACTLY like Diana!
Why do these look so much better than the actual champions
>its another toplanebabs in lolg blame their jungler for losing lane
friendly reminder that 2 weeks ago in "the dive", Riot Phreak made a statement backed by actual facts that in term of "elo difference carry potential"
the hardest carrying roles are: Mid, top, jungle, adc, support
notice how jungle is third?
Yeah, in pro play thats different. in soloqueue however jungle isnt the most important. you can win lane on your own and roam/snowball, while almost every jungler falls off
you can tell when a poster is stuck in bronze pretty easy sometimes
>listening to phreak for game advice
Herald looks like she's trying to give you the high five
Ahri will never have as much cleverness, cunning, or sexiness as Holo. Get your shit taste out of here.
I want other men to be pleasured sexually by my wife!
I knew this retarded comment would come.
It doesnt matter who said it. These were Riot statistics. Phreak couldve told you. your grandma couldve told you. RIOT STATISTICS. doesnt matter who the messenger is.
>Riot Phreak
>the ADC main who said Rengar was unhealthy because players learned how to play him and use him to his fullest ala Riven
bitch is part of the reason why Assassin Rework hit the game.
Official statistics, probably. It wouldn't have made a difference who said it.
>Yasuo release
>Everyone is saying he's bad and rushing trinity force
>Remember multiple fucking times people saying that rushing Shiv on him was shit because it was suggested by Phreak.
You know The Forgotten Yorick and friends sometimes complain about being forgotten but when have anyone seen a AmumuFag?
Atleast People talk about Yorick, Illaoi, and Urgot, but no talks about this pathetic crap of a guy named Amumu.
Even Nunu is more popular and his name rhymes with Amumu.
So when you feel like your champ isn't popular just be glad it isn't Amumu unless your champ is Amumu, then you have alot to worry about.
Watching QT play Morde is actually making me physically ill, he's such a fucking retard.
its not about phreak. its about the riot stats he had to back it up. couldve been literally anyone saying it, its about the stats.
Orianna is so fun! I love her!
Based on what? Their matchmaking prevents large Elo differences, and I doubt they had a bunch of high-Elo players play on smurfs to collect data on how the matches went.
pray that Riot magically does it before worlds so we can see OG Sunfire+Visage Tank Rengar
Ahri! With or without dong I still like her!
I know people like to hate on Phreak but the fact that he is Diamond 2 while also being like 30 years old with a job as well is pretty impressive to me
>and I doubt they had a bunch of high-Elo players play on smurfs to collect data on how the matches went.
what are pro player accounts
every msi and worlds all the pros get accounts they can use to practise on
xth for Syndra
His hairline would lead you to believe he's mid 50s
i play alistar so that's alright i guess
pixiv has neat stuff sometimes
Star guardian Syndra is a cute!
I'm going to marry Poppy.
I miss saintvicious and his chest.
I hate you
someone give me talon x ezreal pics pls ;;
I miss saintvicious's hair
Do I get the great orb or just grind for the mega orb
back off
So does he I imagine.
>play urf
>get karthus
>get pentucky
To be fair he doesn't exactly play a lot, or maybe he just uses other accounts.
Ye, it's pretty unfortunate. Not a fan of the facial hair either but whatever. Or his casting now that I think about it.
No, go for the Great and Good or Great and two fragments.
>girls now can come "with or without dong"
What a time to be alive.
Hey man I am not trying to take her from you. Just pointing out that she looks cute in her new skin.
I thought phreak owned riot or some shit
do you think northernlion misses his hair
>Hashinshin going off on Riot because he doesn't like bramble vest
well I guess it is a good skin
38 days for Worlds.
I'm waiting for the Evelynn 'mains' to come out of the woodwork after the update.
Like all Corki skins are good.
I hate all men and I want them to die, /lolg/, even the ones who don't identify as men.
Do I want too much?
yes she does
>Try to talk about Morde
>People shit on you and call you a faggot or sisterfucker
Feels fucking bad
Grievous wounds is a garbage mechanic and the last thing this game needed was cheap, stat-efficient access to it.
Show me the stats
Because the actual champions are shitty low effort polygon meshes while this is concept art by a competent artist
did he go too far on your wife this time
perhaps youre in the wrong place
>play urf
>get my main man
>Proceed to force feed the entire enemy team a good helping of my Requiem.
>Flash in
>Wipe the entire enemy team
>say "eat shit"
>Salty fiora that was whining about our lissandra says
i fucking love making fags salty in this game mode. Goddamn.
t. soraka main
It was well worth the wait in my opinion. Do you think this is her best skin now?
>Grievous wounds is a garbage mechanic
It's already that time again? Where has the time gone? Will we be doing this again and again after LoL becomes mainstream, just waiting for the next Worlds?
Because dark colors + some glowing neon green makes everything look better.
>I'll at least give you a (You) for this one
t. healingbab
but men are scum and the only chance this planet has of survival is their extermination
>enemy team has a soraka and a tristana
>be taric
>buy bramble vest
>Soraka still heals Tristana through the thick and thin
It's shit.
This looks fucking atrocious
>the only chance this planet has of survival is their extermination
user I'm sorry to tell you
we need a man and a woman to survive
ahri blows holo out of the water. coming from somebody who really likes holo. you're garbage
shoo shoo dotards
Garbage in the sense that it doesn't fucking do anything or?
to be honest I didn't even want it to begin with, so yeah I'm happy with it (Multi is just too cute). I do think that's one of her best skins along with Justicar, but Classic is just far above everything else.
two eggs can make a baby with some modifications, about 40% of biology departments are female so if men were to disappear overnight a solution would be found eventully.
>a solution would be found eventully.
yeah if women get to decide who's going to lead the project without killing each other.
What does rank have to do with liking someone? It's impressive but that has nothing to do with the reasons people hate him or not.
there's no dicks so no dick measuring can take place
women are valuable for companionship and certain things, but leadership is not one of them
Alright so how is riot going to nerf Syndra now that she is getting a new skin?
Is draven the greatest champion that has ever been created?
there exist above average female leaders. That's good enough
a generation without men existing to tell them to shut up and go to the kitchen and and even better leaders will emerge
Not really, hes not cute... like soraka :3
Shins been on tilt for like 2 months now, and he's always fed
>"X is true. Our stats prove it."
>"What? You want us to show you those stats? Not a chance!"
Never change, Riot Games.
>and go to the kitchen and and even better leaders will emerge
how can I believe a woman that can't talk properly
i'm a schizophrenic and im not even this delusional
>Tfw no pentakill sona gf
ahri for fug holo for hug