Dota 2 General /d2g/ - Gulag edition




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...Dead game?

reminder that piplup line is the best pokemon


>wake up
>no patch

I'm a noob with under fifty games played, anyone want to play late night with me tonight? I play supports and safelane carry right now

nth for Axx


where are my e-sports? ;_;


user dota is a painful game is it stands

>obsessed with games
>tried so hard to go pro but barely got any results
>constantly cucked by his older, more attractive, more successful brother
>still remains positive
>just wants to be loved
explain why he is NOT our guy?

Guess nationality of this team

DotA is more fun to learn with friends



Let's not forget
>3k shitter who blogs during esports
he is d2g in human form but I suppose nobody likes looking in the damn mirror

>eosin has my ex added on steam

did i get cucked by /ourguy/

>csgo and lol have transfers.
>Dota has nothing of the sort.

Sweden YES

>that feel when pugna is your favorite hero but you can't stand him anymore cause he reminds you of all the pedo human garbage on here

seems multicultural and filled with half breeds so...American?


3k is still higher-ranked than half this general desu

in fact it's better than 70% of ranked players period

>have xiao8 and ferrari in your team
>couldn't qualify for a single lan

She's shit m8

Is dis true? I feel a lot better about my 4k now

pederasty is the final red pill

friendly reminder EG will have literally 0 (zero) american players next season.

Anyone who says 4k is average is either speaking in the context of their personal circle or just trying to sound hardcore on a mongolian basketweaving forum

4k is better than 90% of ranked players and 99% of all players. It roughly correlates to where Platinum would start in LoL.

Yes. Who would have thought majority of people are fucking retards



I just thought of something.

The new Pandolin hero has a rapier. What if he's the first hero where Divine Rapier is a core item on? That might make for some exciting Dota.

>give hero a rapier
>make him french
bravo valve

yes because MKB is a core item on mk too

It is you autistic retard, have you never played him before?

damn i love me some forced builds

Yes. You should, however, keep in mind that the average player often doesn't even read patch notes, much less joins a public discussion forum like Veeky Forums or reddit to talk about the game. He just plays 1-2 games on some of his days off

raper is core on medusa
Envy slark

still better than sheepstick and can probably join a t2 team until she's ready for T1 games

its not core at all. but its one of the few heroes where its not entirely a desperate move to get one.


they might win something


Who wants to bet that DirtSpirit is getting removed from CM again.

This. Her and Weaver.

Fucking hilarious how he's literally standing next to them and they completely ignore him. Didn't they noticed he has an aghs?

The whole tournament was full of weird moments where teams were blatantly not checking enemy items. I forget what match this was but a team defending dire bot rax blew a really important ult on a linkens holder and lost the game off it.

and ember

Hey I want to practice a roaming/ganking role to assist the other lanes and not jungle.

What choices do I have besides bounty/clinkz/spacecow?

Kill the no buyback core tunnelvision


>defile in the name of allah
This makes it shit

i'm spamming oracle now KSing every gank i made

pudge, seriously


Support CK

what went wrong

>pudge (for dem memes)

It was Liquid vs Newbee, kpii Legion Commander tried to duel Matu's Necro.

>censoring mmr
what a fucking pussy

>waaah i cant complain about you mmr


everyone on radiant fed relentlessly except sniper who was only saved by his range and probably not his skill

centaur literally feeding down mid

sven farm so bad i'd almost guess he maxed stun first

CM playing drunk and/or tilted, clearly didnt wanna support

those luna items are super iffy and gpm really low for how little (relatively) she died

i'd honestly guess this was a high-1k game based just off the item builds i'm seeing

>being a pedophobe

>buy orb of venom and boots

grats you're roaming now, on literally any hero with a CC effect. don't limit the possibilities based on what you see other people doing.

Bad players happened.

are swindle and zfreek full brothers or what? zfreek's name is zakari. i don't think there has ever been a white person named zakari


Been gone for a week but holy shit no wonder their subreddit hasn't had any top post about the arcana vote in a while.

Holy shit the vote is in for the Arcana and it either rig or really really fucking close

>there are people who believe this shit

What are some videogames where you mostly just chat?

4 farm heavy cores and a CM does not a team make

they had a good team to kite your cuckboy melee range cores around, as well as gangbang you and sniper.

>seeing the CM just now
oh yeah that'll do it

You just described an MMORPG. Glorified dress-up simulators. I don't understand how there are people who are "bad" at them.

He is worse than a Techies picker. He is, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, EternalEnVy.

>mom on luna
do not do this ever, she needs her abilities, build s&y or something, fuck, aghs would be better on her at that point.
>380 gpm
not very good, you want at least 480, work on your farming skills. But that's just stuff you can improve on, it wasn't what lost you the game, what lost you the game was
>autism dagon 2-18 cm
>Centaur and sven feeding their brains out
not only is his farm abysmal but holy fuck those items, like my god.
It was just a mess, plain and simple

Why do most dire heroes have cataracts?

Im having so much fun playing in LP. By some reason its less frustrating, even if the people is a little more toxic tahn ranked, I feel more free to do new things and playing well since I have the excuse that I dont kow the hero Im playing with, and not knowing what choices Im gonna have it makes it more fun.

I dont want to play AP ever again

Why does that guy have "not a penis" tatooed on his penis?

Actually you can check prev. votes and it all adds up. Also Valve have literally no reason to lie there

You know there is an unranked que, you giant baby. And in addition to single draft there's ability draft and other modes.

ehm guys


The expectations from rubick arcana is so much higher than pudge

You are a clown and dumb dude.
There are mor DENDI OUDGE PICK PUDGE DENIDI kids then these ledditor and retards like you.

can you retarded americans stop using super bowl and food as analogies for everything

So, how will icefrog buff him? Besides brain sap mana reduction he was left mostly unchanged. Good stats, great sustain, decent lane bully, but unreliable disable, unreliable ult and no push at all, outclassed by SS hard.
I don't think icefrog will give him a lane push but who knows, maybe give a talent making enfeeble an AOE spell so you can cast it on a creep wave. Ult is a real problem tho, impossible to keep up esp in NS, Nyx, ES and Sven meta.

He had the tools to win, though. Stick a 4k player into that game on Luna? Yeah, probably win. She can throne it in one push with manta and a couple other things. We've all seen it.

Ganbatte, user. Work on your farm.

valve rigged it so they wouldn't have to arcana-ize spell steal

What the fuck does that have anything to do with what I said?

yes, I know he had the tools to win that's why I told him to work on farming, if his farm were better he'd get his items faster, then at that point it doesn't matter what his retard team does he could just rat doto all the way to the throne

of course the retarded Aussie makes in into the article

when do I pick space cow to gank

When lifestealer is on your team and/or you're up against rats

Don't forget to bring dust, faggot

>tfw Pugna is my favorite hero and I deliberately spread the Loli Pugna meme in the hopes more comes from it

what if Pugna could change from titty-cow to cute loli on a whim, then would everyone be happy?

>bane level 25 talent makes brainsap an aoe