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/wfg/ - Warframe General
my skull detaches from my neck and departs through the window, screaming at the masses in a horrible soprano "BUY PLAT"
I am right, but you misunderstand
Steam hours dont mean shit.
>shitter claims he is a veteran player, boasts about his 600 seam hours
>he has zero event scores and 250 hours in game
How do we fix valkyr
so this girl asked if she could buy plastids with plat.
and i told her i would giver some plastids
all over her face
I haven't played this game in forever and I don't feel like grinding.
I'm Master 14, and my favourite frame was my volt prime, with maximum SPEED mods, with a Hek, a Nikana Prime, and a Lex Prime. How underpowered will be favourite setup be if I jump back in now?
A visit to Alad V's place
well to be fair anyone doing any serious amounts of trading is gonna have at least 30% of their time in game be in a dojo or liset
>see ivara butt in previous thread
>decide to farm her parts
>get systems on first run, get chassis on second run
>he actually cares about hours in a game
prepare your anus for neuroptics though
>get systems in 2 runs
>get chassis in about 7
>neuroptics and blue prints took a combined 80 runs
>unlock Inaros
>become the sandman
this nigga is radical
the in-game hours only count mission time, I have spent countless hours in the trade chat for example, which don't count towards that
also this wasn't about how "good" you are at this zero-challenge game but how many hours you have wasted on it, you're just trying to look cool by saying you *actually* play the game even though your steam hours are lower and wow what a great guy you are and you sure showed us
Inaros with Covert Lethality is suprisingly fun. Pocket sand is a great skill.
macro captura is ingame time
>serious amounts of trading
Which also doesnt matter. Time spent staring at the chat feed isnt something to brag about. The only thing to be proud about in trading is jewing massive amounts more than the item is actually worth and selling stockpiled sets for profit.
Didnt say that either.
Last thread three anons posted steam hours, I was simply reminding them that they dont mean anything.
ive seen its pretty normal to have double steam hours, so just calculate with that.
Any idea which spy mission is the fastest for those last two?
I only have Rosalind unlocked so far, but it seems like the objectives always spawn really far from each other. Just running around the map takes ages.
>I can't see her while she's invisible REEEEEE Butt NO GOOD
I swear some of you are blind
You can replace the Hek with the Vaykor Hek from the Steel Meridian sindicate , it has twice the mag and more fire rate + the healing proc , very good weapon
LexP is still good , there is a AkLexPrime that you can craft later if you want more magazine , LexP sets are incredibly cheap (15p or so )
Nikana P is still good , I assume you have blood rush right ? if not go get it from moon spy missions or trade chat , also cheap
Post frames
>The only thing to be proud about in trading is jewing massive amounts more than the item is actually worth and selling stockpiled sets for profit.
What the fuck do you think the people that spend a lot of time in trading are doing? Having pleasant conversations?
>Last thread three anons posted steam hours, I was simply reminding them that they dont mean anything.
Why are you so eager to point that out? Are you feeling insecure about your hours played? Have you played more and think you have to prove something to yourself?
if you wanted Nyx lewds you could just have said so, I can post them without a reaon too
You're playing a dangerous game friend
>What the fuck do you think the people that spend a lot of time in trading are doing?
Trying to get those big trades. When you jew someone big time you dont brag about how long it took, you brag about your profit.
>Why are you so eager to point that out?
Perhaps ignorance draws my attention. Every naive poster that draws attention to their steam hours is reminded of this.
>are you feeling insecure about your hours played? Have you played more and think you have to prove something to yourself?
Psychoanalysis? You seem to be taking this personally, frield
I have a dynamic IP and it takes about 10 seconds to reset that. But you're right I shouldn't abuse that.
>Reminder: Mesa is the thickest and bustiest female Warframe in the game. And she hides this by bondage.
>mesafags on suicide watch
actually I want zanuka lewds
Mesa doesn't need your silly imagination, use that on Octavia or some other frame without any features.
She has the best legs and one of the best asses in the game.
You clearly don't understand what tight denim does.
I just think the cowgirl theme is hot desu
Thinking about getting that helmet, but the default blindfold is still cool.
Why do I love ass again?
not even gonna start the game
Pardon me, but how is this possible?
Is this the "You haven't shilled out for the god frames yet, you fucking platinum hating mongoloid" calling card, or am I just really unlucky for the quest riven here. I could see if it was a SPY mission without being detected, but there ain't any way I can do an extermination without someone spotting me.
>shitter can't solo an exterminate without being seen
ketchup is that you?
ivara sleepy arrows.
sleepy time pokey time
I forget, this -is- the place where asking even slightly gets you mocked. disregard.
Literally how you play Loki anyway
"being detected" means alrams raised
you can do that with any frame and any weapon that isn't utter garbage, as you can simply kill enemies before they activate the alarms
if that is too hard for you I'd gladly take that riven off your hands
>Potato alert
>Reactor again
I'm sitting on like 12 Reactors DE, I need Catalysts!
You need more black friends in your life, friend
more plat more slots more frames goy
>people actually pay 500+ plat for this shitty helmet in times of parkour 2.0
If I wasn't autistic about collecting stuff I'd sell that thing in a heartbeat.
Can't decide which frame I like more for melee fun, Ember or Saryn, or Sonar Banshee.
>always thinking of Nova as small and petite
>go to operator mode
>she fucking towers over my operator
I don't know how to feel about this.
When I wanna further upgrade weapons and war frames, does it matter in what order I use forma and potatoes?
(You) earned it
Every warframe towers over your operator because your operator is a kid. You have to compare warframes to each other, not the operator.
>Don't own Ivara
>Still trying to learn how to make platinum so I can buy Hushed Invisibility
>Loki's stealth useless until I get that and figure out how to maintain energy enough / get RNG enough to keep energy up for invis.
Attempts to do this before freaking the fuck out about it have gone as such.
>Go to Adaro
>Shoot at enemy and kill it
>It saw me shoot from 10 miles away before he died
Just realized how retarded I am and can actually sell it for creds and get this shit out of my inventory if I can't get a solution down.
>Trinity Prime getting vaulted
>Parts are required to hit exalted in Steel Meridian
Is this real life?
is this the best ass in the game?
they change them out for parts that are the same rarity but still in the drop tables
no zero
just sold a bunch of axi's to this guy that was buying them for 2 plat each.
he bought like 20 i think.
that seems really worth right? i never run out of these fucking things anyway.
it gets changed when something gets vaulted
goddamnit glen
You could just wait until you upgrade your loki for longer stealth time. You don't need Hushed Invisibility, you can kill with melee or use a common silence mod for your gun.
fucc off dornan Mirage's cottage cheese ass isn't the best
I've only got 24 seconds of invis before I need to cast it again, and the whole Endo deal is cockblocking further upgrading said duration mods.
all you need to do is just go into another tile before it expires, just watch the timer.
>just forgot to get my 10 traces for the first time
what's the point of this mechanic anyway?
Put it aside for now then, or ask someone to carry you and do all the work while you stay at the beginning of the mission.
Seriously I failed it countless of times using Banshee (because innate silence) while actually trying to be stealthy by crouching, but enemy radar is dumb and I would invariably be seen by enemies no matter what. Use Loki, 24s is enough, you take a good Lex Prime or anything that can kill lvl 30 Grineer in one or two hits, put a silencer mod on it, and kill them 4 or 5 at a time, hide before recasting invisibility, and do that until ~100 to 120 enemies are down. Grab energy restores, energy siphon, you'll get it in no time. Don't be greedy, know that enemies won't do shit if you have a silencer and you're pumping them full of lead, they're that dumb.
this 24 seconds is more than enough time, just bring something that kills fast and put Hush on it
Did they nerf Redeemer damage?
>it's an actual site
>and it's horsefuckers
Yeah, fuck Citroen.
Gotta make 20p for a Lex Prime then, or something
>start getting close to full of riven mods
>check out the cost for slots
>60 fucking plat
>for three slots
>20 plat per slot
I can live with charging for cosmetics and stuff, but this nickel-and-diming of slots is some greedy fucking bullshit. It's charging extra for one of the core fucking mechanics of the game. You collect the right mods for the right weapons for the right frame for the right mission, that's what it's all about. This is like releasing a fucking free to play chess game and charging pawns for the ability to capture forward diagonally.
>no one posted the proposed further changes to hydroid
> I bring Ember, no one brings speed Nova
> I bring speed Nova, no one brings Ember
Every time
>No word on removing the dumb charge gimmick from his 1 and 4
>No word on removing his 3 and 4's range crippling
It's shit
range is still shit
>Deleted] Anonymous 08/15/17(Tue)17:22:58 No.186237339Umbra confirmed for release during the Eclipse.
do operators grow up?
no one played him before
no one played him after
when it comes to less popular frames don't expect people that don't play the frame to give you a fair opinion.
>A single community suggested change
>implying DE has the foresight to do this
>implying DE has even started working on Umbra beyond the trailer
obviously not user, it's been hundreds of years and they're still kids
What frame is that?
Eventually. They just age really slowly.
Operators are space elves
they have been in those pods that also kept them alive indefinitely
I think they said somewhere that operators would age, and that they can die
nyx tennogen
Where do I get mesa nsfw the shit doesnt fucking exist.
so this is a theory so far
this could fuel a hype train
I don't get it. Their HQ is far from the path of the eclipse.
hype was literally NEVER a good concept, all it brings is disappointment
try the internet