Fighting Games General /fgg/
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jive lmao
You have 20 seconds to explain why you're not playing Guile.
wow brick sucks at melty
Guile isn't a girl
OK, can we someday have a manly OP picture? Just one time?
Best couple.
Are NRS "women" the most disgusting fighting game bitches ever created?
What could of been
>make fucking awesome stage
>the player can only see an incredibly boring portion of it
Goddammit Capcom.
>Sajam said
Why is that SFIV Ryu
I hope you have a wonderful time playing fighting games today /fgg/!
Her parents must be proud
why are retards like you so mad at NRS games
no nazi but it's could have been
mely or vsav?
Put Lord Raptor in Marvel Infinite.
Too much ram
I want to fuck an animal
dedd thredd
Then you should make the thread. Easier to change your own behaviors than others.
I like SFV and have fun playing it.
how do you fix the issue with not being able to find matches in SFV
iirc some update fucked it for people and I guess I'm one of them
play a better game
So the Season 2 leaker said that Sagat and Sakura are definite parts of Season 3. An insider on GAF said that Oro, C. Viper, Q, and Necro are also in some for, of development, although they may not all be Season 3 characters.
What do you guys think of this lineup?
basically perfect to me
I feel nothing
Happened to me as well after I hadnt played in a long time. My not rage quitting icon had disappeared. Just keep searching until you get a few games, either ranked or casual so you get your icon back assuming yours is gone too. Finding games quickly again.
Don't give a shit
don't reply if you're not going to help...
anyone excited for sagat is an idiot that hasn't been paying attention, sakura is not dan and is therefore subpar, oro, q and necro i'd be excited for, c. viper i'd be iffy at best about.
Why? Who do you guys want instead?
I want more 3s characters so it would be nice if it was more than just a rumor.
idk i was excited for akuma and he lived up to it for the most part
i only care about viper but i know they'll make her easy mode
plus they'll neuter burn kick and her mixups probably
he's my sub
good line up but the actual legit leaker said oro, viper, q, and necro are confirmed to NOT be in season 3
How do we fix him for SFV?
Anyone DOA5LR xbone?
What if jive sagat has akuma's neckbeard but is still bald
finger missiles
why would anyone unironically think viper would ever have a chance of getting into low execution fighter jive
Terrible female models are legitimate complaints though, not like nthe hateboner made up shit.
Ibuki retard
you act like they didn't completely retool some characters.
His new design will be similar to his old one but since Juri already has an eyepatch, they're going to give Sagat a robot eye.
That supposed to be young Sagat on the left?
>Oro, Q, Sagat Necro
Hype but Capcom will fuck it up somehow.
>tfw found a game where I can be the big fish in a little pond
This feeling feels so good being better than everyone else
The GAF person just said they were in development, not that they were definite parts of S3.
bros, I just stole my first soul
make sure to give it back when you're done with it
she was in low execution vs capcom 3
Sagat and Sakura are pretty much the only two classic characters I want to see back, would be really happy if that's the truth. Everything else is a nice bonus, that'd be a good lineup for S3.
Yes. And it's a superior design to his old version. It needs to be in SFV.
Id be happy to see Sagat, Sakura, Oro and Makoto.
wasn't she pretty high execution in mvc3. i remember there was that one player and the controversy over his stick that he modded so that he could hit viper stuff easier.
a 4 button game
who would want a retooled viper though? her entire gameplan is actual hard execution (unlike the retard bringing up ibuki) and insane mixups, why neuter that
He looks like a completely different character to be honest, what's the source of that art? It'd be nice for his V redesign to take some inspiration from it I guess. Any change would be welcome.
I'm just saying viper having had tough execution is irrelevant to her chances of making it into 5.
>Terrible female models
meant for
It will be something like this but with the bandana over one eye
>tfw if everyone in the fgc stuck to a single game we'd be able to rival other esports
I eagerly await the day when Blizzard ventures into fighting games.
he had something like that in sfiv, it was my favorite saggot costume.
Riot has to release whatever Seth Killian is working on at some point.
That's retarded.
does SCIENCE belong in fighting games?
but my point is that by default she's a hard execution character, it's literally in her design. If you aren't going to stay true to the character why cut her dick off just for jive?
>I eagerly await the day when Blizzard ventures into fighting games.
May God not allow that.
>her dick
because v is a different game than iv.
host pls
Same. Can't wait for when they finally release tracer's game.
Overwatch is a well polished game made with a lot of love attention to small things, and a team always listening to and giving back to the fans.
I think they can manage
Do you even sell out shows in the Makai realm bro?
so what are your hopes for viper gameplay wise
If science looks like that, sure. More science please.
you mean reddit tier epic fedora faggot "science" or real science?
>SFV is not as easy as I thought
what did infiltration mean by this?
The director's Yoshinori Oh No, he's obviously going to make sure that every character is as stupid and goofy and possible.
No, but science's mom does.
I don't have any, I didn't like iv let alone viper but I think seismo traps/mines would be cool.
rip juri
I thought the season 2 leaker said Oro, Q, Necro, and C. Viper were definitely not getting added to season 3.
Overwatch has no idea how to nerf/buff characters without ruining them in a shooter. Balance in fightan is even more important than that genre, how are they going to make a fighting game?
he doesn't win now
whose the young thug of the FGC?
Only makes it more clear that they have no intention for the game to be a success, and are just waiting for it to die out. They should just put in Ingrid already so that it can turn into a halfway decent product, it's not too late but only Ingrid would be able to do it.
Make it so that everything is based purely on reads and fundamentals
Are you guys going to bully Maximillian in this thread too? Please don't he's a good guy.
The GAF leaker said they were in development, but not necessarily season 3. Just like Sagat has been playable since before season 2 started, but Capcom has been holding him back until S3.