Best DK hero edition.
>Deck lists, news etc (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
Best DK hero edition.
>Deck lists, news etc (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
Name one (1) group of developers more incompetent, unprofessional and arrogant than Team 5.
I'll wait.
Answer: you can't.
>/hsg/ actually fucking died
>Most fun DK
>Worst cards in the expansion
Whoever is working on tf2
That's not any of the 3 princes.
>Implying Gul'dan isn't the best DK
we never have this issue in lolg, the moment we reach 700+ posts, 5 threads pop up with a waifu in the op
I'm making a hunter deck, help me out
Uh why is (((rexxar))) the op for best do?
He isn't jaina.
you accidentally didn't post a picture of shadowreaper anduin but it's ok we all make mistakes
Any tips for Arena drafting? Dont think I've ever got more than 6 wins, usually get about 3 or 4. Always just seem to be offered a choice of 3 shit cards and then get stomped by decks with better synergies and cards I wasnt ever offered.
>dumps hand full of ramp
>10 mana while you're at 5
>Get "play 50 rogue cards" quest
>Make super shitty deck of cheap card and draw
>Wild casual
>Face pirate warrior
>He ropes every turn
>He barely play minions or uses mana
>He forgets to attack
>He play Leeroy turn 6 and dont attack
>He seems to have trouble dragging and selecting targets
>Waste heroic strike without attacking and uses mortal strike on a pit snake, even though he never played any other minion
It was either a 3 year old or someone with some real mental disability. Anyway i felt pity and after summoning a 22/18 Edwin i conceded.
The sad thing is that he almost killed me, even though he seemed not to have a clue what he was doing. He missed lethal twice. Fuck pirate warriors.
Waited a whole year for Friday the 13th: the Game to come out.
Dead after two months due to no communication and shitty, under-handed tactics used to silence their communities complaints about the game.
I'm actually really impressed with you guys, /feg/ has a bunch of posters that fight over making an OP with their waifu and/or favourite shitpost in it
DK jaina is worse than normal quest mage or even basic freeze mage
At least the art is good, right?
I like the card because it reminds me those cool ass mtg cards but it's obviously busted in hearthstone
>mfw the actual literal state of valve.
This is what happens when short term profits are valued over artistic integrity and long term player satisfaction.
I'll never understand it. One of the richest fucking companies in the world and they ramp up their shitty business tactics and lazy dev cycles rather than using the increased money for more effort.
Only counter Ive found to this is using the unraveller in my midrange druid. You just have to fight aggressively for the board then use tracking/stitched tracker to make sure you can drop it as soon as you have board control and the druid needs to resort to swipe/wrath/infestation to get back in
And druids "comeback" spells are already weak as fuck compared to other classes, so unraveller makes it next to impossible for him and basically forces them to just try and throw bodies at you
Those are the worst leggoes, hunter got the worst support.
Its pretty hilarious how bad they've been as a dev company. Completely abandon their titles that everyone wanted more of and instead get a few people to work on a card game that is very likely going to use the same random loot box system as csgo and dota
How do I make this work? Besides 400 dust
400 dust towards aya blackpaw
Use him, young brewmaster and kek yourself to death.
The heaviest, greediest Control Priest deck you can possibly think of. That's the only way.
Reno jackson.
Deathstalker Rexxar is my waifu
>tfw lifesteal Bittertide Hydra heals your face when he hits your face
>tfw stealth Rhino
>tfw taunt poisonous Bloatbat
>6 mana charging 9/9
>6 mana 6/9 taunt can't be targeted
>tfw everyone else fucking sucks at making Build a Beasts and nobody can deal with it
now Blizz just needs to make an actual fucking Tutor so that I can actually play this guy every game without needing to double tracking and loot hoarders and shit.
make a deck with only card draw and removal and no win condition. Hope you opponent gets bored and leaves
Like this.
>win 4 games in a row.
>feel like a god.
>go on an 8 game losing streak.
>consider suicide.
Fuck this game makes me feel feels I don't want to feel. Also i suck.
Lifesteal dreadscale was one of my fave s.
Filling the other deck with weasels is fun too.
I don't like furries/jade cancer
Okay user I'll tell you but keep this on the down low
Raza + Anduin is busted as fuck. Drawing these early basically autowins you the game, the problem is it's fuckin difficult for priest to draw exactly those two cards.
Run a metric fuckton of cheap cards, all 3 or less. Some tar creepers, lot hoarders, all that. Literally 2/3rds of your deck should be this.
Now run Hemet.
Absolutely demolish most of your deck until you draw your combo.
Replenish your deck with Benedictus.
You now have combo online and enough fuel for it.
>get win 3 times with Rogue quest
>no DK Manleera for memes
>no Malygos for lucky wins
>decide to netdeck a Jade Rogue that looks fun
>1st match vs Jade Druid
>outjade him after 2 fucking Ultimate Infestations, 2 fucking Spreading Plagues and 2 fucking Earthen Scales
>kill his taunts with Plague Scientists and kill him
>2nd match vs Token (Jade) Shaman
>control the board early and kill his big stuff with a bunch of poisonous effects
>he concedes
>3rd match vs a fucking Jade Rogue with a very similar list
>we basically play the same fucking cards
>win because Xaril from Journey Below gave me stealth
>stealth my Aya and Shadowcaster her next turn
>turn 10 N'Zoth with 2 Ayas, 1 Xaril, 1 Undercity Huckster and 1 Jade Swarmer
>he N'zoths and concedes
today was a fun day
here's the deck if anyone is interested
Do it lad.
Life is pain.
the madman
Cocaine thoughts: the deck
Dk rexxar, corpse widow, stitched tracker, bear shark and even play dead are all solid cards tho
Bear shark is awesome if only because it means I dont have to run animal companion anymore because fuck relying on that rng every game
Hell even the bloatbat has been putting in work for me
>opponent rexxar does some idiotic buzzard combo
>it works out
>don't concede and let him finish it
>he starts playing stupid shit instead of just killing me
Why do I even bother giving them the satisfaction of getting their combo off when they are going to do shit like this.
the guys who made Planetary Annihilation
>make people spend upwards of $90 to get the game on Kickstarter
>then release it on Steam for $45
>then release a "standalone expansion" that's almost exactly the same, then make your Kickstarter backers and regular customers spend another $45 on what's basically a patch
fill deck with card draw
drop him+brann and return him to your hand with brewmaster
watch as your opponent, mill rogue, burns
Priest cant go infinite
But Benedictus basically says "Im never going to fatigue. Better kill me before I kill you with shadow missiles!"
Hes a solid card for what he does, I just wouldnt play him too early and fuck your draws up
Anyone got a good rogue deck?
desu I'd take Valve over team 5 any day. At least dota and CS:Go are balanced and get regular updates to adress broken shit when something dominates the meta.
Who's ready for MEMES
>mill rogue
No, this deck will get you against malfurion the pest every game.
>Its the game they abandoned Monday Night Combat for
My rage still burns
Fuck uber I hope they go bankrupt
bane of doom is such a fucking awful card now with all of these shit demons
Valve doesnt run cs:go, they outsource balance and shit now apparently
And dota has always been down to icefrog. Everything valve has contributed to it has only made it worse and fucked the game up
>The absolute state of dota cosmetics
>The travesty that was the 7.0 update
Dota was great back in beta when it was just dota 1 with better graphics and a touch of tf2 on it.
Now its like a bloated corpse being kept alive by icefrog
How do you draw cards as paladin ? No divine favor thats for agro.
Lay On Hands
Curator and acolyte I guess? Idk dude Divine Favor is pretty okay in any kinda deck, it just shines in Aggro.
That's the spice
you play druid and nourish
heh, easy
Ok, i legitimately opened 6 legendaries in 60 kft packs.
What the fuck is going on? Every other set before this one was absolutely nothing but pity legendaries.
Is it something with the expansion? Is it more likely to pull legendaries this time around?
No way I got this lucky.
most legos are shit so they dont mind giving them to you now
>interview with no shoes on
what is this degeneracy
Rexxar and tracker are the only two decent ones. Bearshark has terrible stats
3 mana 4/3 is bad?
It would only be bad if it didnt have elusive.
And the opponent is gonna have a shit time trying to have a minion to trade into it against hunter when alleycat/hyena/crackling razormaw are coming down
A 3 mana 4/3 with useful text is "terrible"?
What isn't terrible by those standards?
So what you're saying is Valve will outsource Artifact balancing to someone competent rather than not doing anything like Team 5 does to Hearthstone?
Hippie hipster fucks
Yeah, it is. Because 3 health is extremely easy to deal with or trade. If it were a 3/4 it would be great
I'm stuck going back and forth between rank 6 and 7 longer now than it took me to get from 25 to 7 this month
Why Toast looks like he is dying inside?
>play 5 games
>get bad matchups
>get out drawn
>get out RNG'd
>go 0-5
Just play kolentos taunt druid, i got 5 in 2 days.
>currently 6-0 with murloc paladin at rank 4
I'm so glad this deck survived this shitty expansion
What are you gonna use to deal with it on t3 against a hunter? You cant use removal and hunter assumes control of the board in the first 3 turns harder than pretty much any other class
>When the cheat priest highrolls with Barnes but you banked 4 mind controls
Feels good
He didn't get a card to reveal so he's feeling down. Go and buy some cheers to cheer him up.
>Team 5 are great because there's even worse companies out there
get fucked BnHA kiddie. Don't forget to go to start going to bed early to wake up in time for school soon.
- war axe
- that's it
Not sure yet, valves being lock and key with Artifact. Probably trying to think of a way to come back from the fuck awful response to the announcement
Who regretting their crafted cards here?
Crafted DK jaina cause control mage seemed fun, now missing dust for actual good cards
Literally any taunt. But please, continue to fight for your shieldbearer tier class.
>can't understand acronyms
Let your brain catch up before posting.
You cant clear everything hunter has with war axe. Big bad wolf gon get u
In a sleep deprived state I crafted lillian voss for memes. Mega regret. But maybe she'll be better once auctioneer rotates into hall of fame and rogue gets support for a different archetype
Crafted hadronox and hes pretty satisfying tho
I don't know what that's an acronym for. You're really hostile for no reason man.
What if rogue had a card that gave them spell damage on their next spell? Would that be too broken because of FoK and eviscerate?
>play burgle rogue against any class
>steal shit that completely throws priest game off
>steal Call of the Wild from Hunter and make them concede
>steal Don Han'Cho who makes my arcane giant a 13/13 for 4 mana
>steal endless supply of saps and use them against enemy rogue
burgling is fun
>Creeper, Burnbristle,any low cost creature because 3 attack is a common statline
Hunter is garbage, quit denying it with m-muh bearshark
I'm worried this is a bit top heavy, what can I remove for more 1 and 2 drops?
Not everyone watches anime to know about Heroes.
What 3 attack taunt are you playing t3 or earlier lmao
What's with your hate to Boku no hero?
Pretty sure no one plays the 3/2 taunt.
I assume it's related to 's image and is an acronym for some shit-tier anime that you wouldn't recognize even if you browsed /a/ frequently.