>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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First for fuck off jordan
>spend $120 dollars
>no amelia
fuck off anna
i just want huge girl
Today I dreamed I went to the same school as Femui and turned down her confession. Then she proceeded to wrap her tail around me and force me to fuck her in the ass.
That was a good dream. WHY CAN'T I SUMMON HER IN A BIKINI?!
I'm getting in the game and I'm gonna five star your cock user!
>turned down her confession
fake and gay
Summer Kagero!
As long as we're talking about twittersweeties, theprinceofiris is my hubby.
Surely you can drop 100 more dollars, it won't hurt you much. What are you, poor? Ahuehuehue.
What's a good catalyst for summoning huge girl?
Best flier to sacrifice Hinoka's worthless to?
I just want honkers. pls.
That's my wife
I just have a knack for rolling it seems.
Once I get enough of this slut she will break the world.
whats the definitive amelia build
depends on her ivs
Fury that armour movement skill and probably vantage or Desperation.
Distant counter if you can do it.
Building heroes isn't hard user.
Headpatting Severa after doing a good job in battle! Letting her know how much she means to the team!
Robin would be an animal in bed. pls make me scream daddy grima
nobody cares tyler
>Get ready to drop my last few orbs on Hero Fest
>First roll is -def +hp Julia
>Push my luck by rolling SS banner
>First roll is +atk -hp Sonya
So this is what it's like to be a luckshitter. The green drought in my box has been cured with 10 orbs.
You can't control yourself in a dream, user. You think I would have done that if I was in my right mind?
rate my bonus unit to use on my flier team until i roll a tana /feg/
My beautiful, perfect wife who I love so very much and owe my everything to.
Hey guys, new to FE and I just wanted to ask; why does everyone keep calling Ephrim and Hector "lords" when they don't use swords? I also saw Lyn use a bow, but isn't that cowardly for a lord (well she's a girl so whatever)? I thought they all used swords, I mean how else can they be lords? Spears and axes are for peasants and bows are for women, everyone does know this right?
I also noticed this user here angry and confused, does he not like our FEW reveals? I thought they were rather encompassing of the fire emblem series. Post here in question:
Rath, please. We all know you love your wife dearly.
I want quick riposte, desperation and fury to be in FE16
Why is it always people named Tyler?
I wish I had dreams about Femui and all her Nohr siblings. I wish I went on fun anime-tastic adventures with them.
Instead I keep dreaming about those fags on the Hoshidan side and I don't even like them that much. Stop being my dreamwife, Hinoka, you're off my radar and only useful for flybuffs.
>Bramimond's journal (not explicitly Apocalypse but whatever)
>Sending Stones
What thing will cameo next, you think? Ereshkigal? The Loptyr tome? Some obscure non-gameplay item I'm forgetting?
>roll fucking nothing over 200 orbs on Hero Fest banner except -spd jaffar, 5* Fae, and an irrelevant IV Eirika
>get Amelia in like 20 orbs total
Hero Fest rates are a fucking lie.
Also not brave enough to keep trying to pull for Tana.
H-how is +def/-res? It feels average at best, but I'm happy to have her.
Convince me not to /feg have 55k feathers.
She's great even without +Atk or +Spd, just be thankful you didn't get a -Spd
Lehran's Medallion?
Your subconsciousness is trying to tell you something, user. Maybe you pity Hoshido since they aren't as cool as Nohr. Maybe you pity Hinoka because she was cucked by the plot and barely anyone likes her.
Raul trying to force another waifufag out of /feg/ with his fake news.
he's one of the worst sword units in the game, 5* someone useful instead
Use them on Tobin instead. You can count Alfonse out, but not Tobin.
Ohh, yeah, that'd be a good one.
valter is overrated TRASH
would rather use clair even she has better offensives
What about Anna?
Congrats on the Renewal and Swordbreaker SI
Which FE characters are most likely to be scarred by years of unspoken verbal abuse by their parents?
Hinoka loves you. Why won't you love her back?
Please do not lewd my daughter, she's for headpats only.
But my arena score... I need did get all the feathers.
I have a vague feeling that the fire emblems themselves are off limits
>got Tana and Seth one after the other earlier in the morning
>now Ninian and Julia one after the other, now have everyone on Hero Fest
God it feels good to be F2P.
Anyone got that pic of Faye's big ass being shown off in her cleric model?
You are going get struck by a lighting soon. I hope you enjoy.
Anna is a decent unit, worse than Legion, but still decent and has a cool gimmick of being able to Escape Route AND Wing of Mercy at same time.
and impregnation!
Do the better prince.
The Tempest Trials bonus stats are the best feature they've added. It gives you just a taste of what it's like to have +10s.
I like Hana
Do her face on Linde's body now. for shits and giggles
>already used $200 on previous banners
>want Amelia though
I won't do it though. I know this won't solve anything.
me too
>lesbians need to be gassed and please write more mcorrin/water lewds pls /feg/
What did Jordan mean by this?
Okay, so long as she's useable that's fine with me. She was all I wanted from the TT banner, and after 40 orbs I was starting to regret not pulling Herofest instead for higher rates.
Hinoka deserves to be shot out of the air with arrows and cry in sorrow before she hits the ground.
Lord doesn't mean necessarily they use swords, usually means that the character is from a special linage and mostly the protagonist
theprinceofiris is unironically the buzzfeed of Fire Emblem.
>steals content from multiple fire emblem communities and doesn't source it
>shills constantly, fusses over retweets and how many upvotes they got on reddit
>tries to hide that they're a nu-FE fag by praising other games but full defense force whenever someone brings up being unhappy with Warriors because MUH CHROM JUST BE HAPPY
>obsessed with a shit character
You don't even need 5* to get into tier 20 anymore. I got in with Berkut a few seasons ago.
Upgrading Alf for more arena feathers would just be a waste since you're spending 20k and your earnings would stay the same.
Making Severas fight to the death to see which comes out on top!
God, Noire turns me on like no other. Her shyness makes me stronger than diamonds
Why does a horrible character like Micaiah have to have a great design?
Jordan has the right idea.
t. Tyler Raul Fizzart
Why would you respond to that?
>Bitter Camus snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag
>Cotton Candy Hair shoots an arrow into Bitter Camus's skull
>Bitter Zeke snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag
Hopefully they add a sacred seal that grants Tempest Trial bonuses to other units, not just the bonus ones. Not outside of trials, mind you, just so you can get bonus stats on a favorite unit without getting the bonus points.
>+10 units get even more
>+10 Celica pushes 180 as a mage
>Lord doesn't mean necessarily they use swords
Just when I thought I couldn't finder a dumber poster than tharjaanon, here comes this guy to prove me wrong. IF THEY DON'T USE A SWORD THEN THEY ARE NOT LORDS YOU DUMB FUCK. WHY DO YOU THINK THE TERM SWORD LORD EXISTS?
I like her. She was my first wife in Birthright and my 5* reroll starter.
will valter be a bonus unit next week or the week after?
i don't know how long i can handle using subaki as i roll for tana
don't bully him! he's inoffensive
there's a lot of cool dudes here, like 1 for every 2 shit ones
What A skill shoud i use for +spd summer corrin with desperation and blade tome? Swift sparrow? Darting blow? Fury? or go full meme with heavy blade and galeforce?
I personally want Reposition and his friends
See what you've done now?
No one else was that stupid.
I was in a similar spot except I had that courage. I ended up getting another Amelia since I got the rare all green board.
3 weeks of current units.
Do you have the Tana head cutout itself
I'm not a dick and I like to help people
repo, pivot and shit are cool as well. Movement skills a best
I think if I was Corrin I would publicly execute Hinoka, it would keep my cover with Garon while lowering the Hoshidon army's morale.
Easy victory would ensue.
Oh no it's Julia!
I don't think the hoshido army's morale would take much of a hit, I bet most of them don't know hoshido even has a third prince.