Pefect waifu and perfect freljord lady edition!
Reminder that unlike the other freljord women (sluts) Lissandra never needed a VU or a rework! She's literally perfect!
Pefect waifu and perfect freljord lady edition!
Reminder that unlike the other freljord women (sluts) Lissandra never needed a VU or a rework! She's literally perfect!
Other urls found in this thread:
>started playing Bruiser poppy with Cleaver and IBG
pretty fun desu friends, W passive ensures especially big slow fields.
Best couple
Liss is objectively a shit
he deserves it more than any other champion
opgg is an mmr estimation. it's usually off by a fuck ton.
>play a tank instead of a carry
>only win games where your team is good
>barely get MMR
woah wtF???
Jarvan the lV. one of best husbando!!!
He is a prince, loaded, brave, smart, and has a jawline to die for! I love him!
xth for breast metal waifu
Jinx is cuddly and cute
hey hey
guess what
fuck you
Gunblade Vladimir?
Best husband!
He's a cool rockstar that all of Noxus loves!!!
>one of
there can only be one, it's draven
After Orianna gets gutted like the bitch she is.
So never.
If I just send my Mordekaiser rework to Certainly T with a pretty picture attached anonymously will Riot just stop fucking around and give it to me already?
I love Draven too!
>posts shit tear man material.
Only Braum is qualified to be called "best husband"
So why is Gunblade a must on LB again? Wouldn't Morello rush be better?
Can anyone give me some jax tips?
I wanna try him out.
>people will defend D&D
>Decide to take a break from Ranked
>Queue up for a nice old fashioned
>Ultra Rapid Fire mode
>Except it's All Random
>Get Olaf
>My Pride
>The champion I got a pentakill with first
>Back in the wee years of League, in the year of 2012
>Don't know what I should run on him
>Run Thunderlords
>Fighting midlane against a Lucian
>Just decide to spaz out on him at level 2
>Beat him to death
>tp's back
>I beat him to death again
>Proceed to build a Death's Dance and a hand full of crit and damage items
>A Righteous Glory so I can accelerate faster
>Proceed to run the entire enemy team down
>Time my R correctly against their Azir that loves to try and save his wall for me
>burst through that shit like a man after coke
>Proceed to wipe the floor with every single motherfucker
>Get a Pentakill
I do miss playing Olaf
So do normals have their own seperate mmr from ranked? Because I feel that we had no reason to win that game but we did.
Braum too bara for me but I love him just for her personality.
> the darker the sky, the brighter the stars
I love that quote
Yeah, of course they do.
>best husband
>post most bland generic bara bait man in league
y a w n
Draven best husbando!
>ice shard
>Explodes a dragon
wew lad
Yes they do.
Rotating Gamemodes also have their own mmr.
UNIQUE –LIGHTNING BOLT:Instantlydeals175 - 250 (based on level)(+30% AP)magic damageandslowsthe target champion'smovement speedby 40% for 2 seconds (700 range) (40 second cooldown, shared with otherHextechitems).
guess the champ
Are you literally retarded?
officer zyra when
Also her Q counts as single target last I checked
Braum is super cool and so is Draven but Draven might be too much of a playboy with the ladies! And how are you gumi? Long time no see
fug elo hell
>clearly has Dark Skin
We've been duped.
Azir was a Kang all along.
>reached 30 lvl a couple of days ago
>wanna start a new acc
Fuck. How do i stop doing that?
I want to untilt Crown
How do I get on doing that?
Either Kayn or Talon jungle
how late are you
Yes. It's because of this that I don't touch ranked cause my ranked is bronze but normals is silver/gold.
Ahri! I want this skin to have whiskers but it's unlikely so I am conflicted about buying it.
kys solar. Gumi is a better dravenfag and you're a ho with multiple husbandos.
>Shurimans are Egyptian
>These features are surprising to you
It's breathing fire, so I guess it makes sense that if it's neck is punctured, the fire should start coming out from the wound.
So a site introduced a new API that scans input to see if it is considered toxic
As such I want to see what lolg thinks
Give me quotes, names, sentences, phrases, chatlogs anything really that I can input into this to see how toxic an AI determines it to be
>Egyptians were confirmed to have Western European genes
>Especially the Pharaohs
Very surprising.
Stop taking teleport at low elo. Use ignite and just crush your lane to the point it's a 5v4.
its neck, not it's neck, my bad.
Oh my goodness you're still stalking me 0_o Draven always would appreciate more fans and
>implying even if you have a so you don't look at porn
My champion has zero kill potential before I get at least 4k gold worth of items.
>western European genes
Maybe late post-diadochi Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptians didn't.
xth for Syndra
>he deserves it more than any other champion
Uh, malphite would have a word. not that he's useless but malphite kit is definetly outdated and he's too one dimmensional with its only niche being a literal wall for anything that uses attackspeed in which he's vastly outclased anyway
Looking for someone to aram with on euw, gonna go for a game in the next 5
>he deserves it more than any other champion
I don't even need to say his name
Xin would like a word.
how many games do i gotta play for an ip boost to be worth the cost
>>Egyptians were confirmed to have Western European genes
>>Especially the Pharaohs
Its no secret they're heritage would be heavily influenced by Mediterraneans. Azir having a darker skin tone isn't surprising either.
If he was full on white, then that'd be bullshit to "Gods of Egypt" levels of ridiculousness
hue hue hue
There's literally no way to calculate if an IP boost is worth the cost because there's no metric to correlate RP with IP. IP boosts exist purely to accelerate IP growth temporarily, it's a matter of how quickly you need it.
stop playing gp
It's not. If you play regularly, you'll eventually run out of champs to buy, especially with runes going away soon. Assuming youre asking about these boosts, you're most likely too new to learn a new champ faster then you earn IP to buy another one.
Well, that depends on you. basically what said
I'd say it just isn't, though, unless you really need the IP on a new account for..runes? who buys ip boosts honestly
>artist draws yordle with huge boobs
Oh man mocking lissfag never gets old
Don't tell me what to do fag you ain't my dad and even if you were I moved out a long time ago and you can't boss me around anymore!
pretty good anonymous!!!
thanks anonymous but its mean to bully people!!
Draven best husband!!!
heard you niggas talking shit
GP has early kill pressure with his passive. Dudes probably playing Nasus
Started playing kat. she's very fun. But i feel like against mobility I don't have an impact since they can just get out of range of my daggers fairly easily.
Any tips? Feels like i have to put more in assassin match ups than i should and abusing low mobility/ranged champs means that i have to shunpo CC on time and have to play around getting bullied early
graves j4? literally any ad-jungle-being-played-like-an-assassin-when-they-aren't-assassins
Why is there a severe lack of water related champs from the sea?
Only nami and fizz. Excluding kench because he's a river demon
>be nunu
>forget to take smite
>get away with it since the other jungler is mentally disabled
>Finally get to the "Win 5 pvp summoner's rift matches"
>Suddenly I can't win a single match
>Literally wind up with 75 assists before I even get 4 wins.
Fucking hate it when I get into a loss string.
>Start another match
>Our kayn doesn't take smite
Oh boy.
Because fish aren't that interesting.
The one on the left has a bigger dick
Spam q, press R on cooldown
Neither are bird people, and a grumpy old demi god who is jammed into the lore just because
There's a lot they can do with the water theme as shown with all the skins related to it
I don't like Lissandra. She is cold personality wise and seems like a plotting jerk from her voice lines.
ok, just won a game and got 20 but at the same time im on a loss streak so i would think i'd get even less lp but something is fucked
but sempai, Poppy wins team fights.
Solar by the way. In an artfag husbando fag. I'm super shy though :3 That guy keeps bullying me and telling me to kill myself 0_o
Lamb's got a nice butt
reminder that champs with old icons will get visual upgrades/reworks soon™
this includes
hey cool the more husbando posters the better!!
just ignore that guy i guess, haters everywhere...
if you're on na and is ok with joining a dead club the lolg husbando club is open
just post user or add me or whatever
Like half the roster needs a fucking visual update
Even twisted fate is looking lanky right now specially considering how utter shit 90% of his skins are
Does this mean Skarner will finally get a VU to become a void monster?
skarner has updated icons
annie nicer
You know I'm really disappointed Rek'sai's not getting a skin out of this.
Or at least a fucking Chroma. I'd buy that concept for her.
>Riot still hasn't made Mastery 8 with a black banner and isn't giving out complimentary chromas for reaching Mastery 8
most alpha mid laners buffs when?
Honestly just give them all void chromas. Make it a pack to get them all. Boom easy ass fucking money
Would you FORCE a Lulu?
One of these years.
Is this an older meme?
>same splash art from release
Soon pham
reminder that if you're playing Mordekaiser top instead of mid you're playing him wrong
Reminder that if you are playing Morde at all then you are playing him wrong