>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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GHB when?
Fuck you jordan boey is shit and cant take hits
ShiTHOTja is worst girl.
Champ here gib team
Confession time.
I hope Ced gets staff'd.
Anomalous is roro
saving armors!
Lyon GHB when?
I love Faye, /feg/.
When does this game start getting good?
not happening, horsetyfag
Alright /feg/: ENG or JP Valter?
Did not know kaga visted /pol/
Kys Arthur.
Bravest Bride
Hi clive
Once you start fighting Crimea
post your favourite smols!
things pick up on the boat. Get great when you start to directly kick Daein arse
Nah, I did it for Teeny.
who /no self-control and rolling at 5 orbs/ here?
>Saving anything when she's the worst green armor
Me. Can't help it.
Tana is amazing
I mean Daein fuck
Quick Riposte 1
Quick Riposte 2
Wouldn't +HP be better for Panic Ploy?
I actually like the sound of the English voice more. Japanese is cool too. Not sure which delivery I like more.
>want to make heavy blade cordelia
>don't have quickened pulse
>have to wait until double SP time to level my +Atk Tana so I can reap the benefits of +12 SP per kill with Robin
fuken hell I need like 3 of these memelords
which is better: +atk/-hp or +spd/-def amelia?
/feg/ is now a unit, what are his/her stats?
Characters you'd make 3* exclusive from the 3-4* pool?
>All dagger users except Kagero
What's the verdict on Innes? Does he have a niche as a strong mage baiter/initiator or is he just a weaker Bridelia?
>putting S+ tier in 3*
The Bridelia of enemy phase.
who is jordan? did a new retard accidentally dox himself?
Imagine a +spd-res +10 fury Amelia with tempest, hone armor, fortify armor, and goad armor bonuses
>3.75% on Tempest Banner
I am fond of the Valter smol, though I also like Nergal
>highest BST in the game
>can play heavy defense, tank, or even hyper offense with the right builds
>worst Green Armor
Literally the only thing stopping her from dethroning Marquess Ostia as best Armor period is the fact that she doesn't have innate Distant Counter
Valter ENG > Valter JP, his JP voice doesn't sound crazy enough
Yo I NEED to fuck Tana
better pray for a sacred shop that uses sacred coins to get sacred seals then, because I use her and it's actually legitimately fun, being able to drag back a hector or a tempest boss 3 times and let your units gangbang it (at least, what little HP it has left)
Someone posted a tweet from Dolphin's twitter and consequently we found the one (1) FEfag that had replied to it and then it snowballed from there. Turns out he posts anywhere an FE community exists and has some stupid nu male opinions
>46HP; 49 with HP+3 seal
The only units It wouldn't apply to are armors. Most infantry, mages, cavalry and flyers have low enough HP for Panic to apply
kill yourself reddit
This is your cav unit tonight
I really want to use setsuna. Too bad I don't have a +spd one.
Is that Toru Ookawa?
Best enemy phase archer and second best player phase archer
Bretty gud
Takumi had the best offensive spread of currently pullable archers up until the release of Innes, who has 33/34 (Taco has 32/33).
If you don't have an archer, Innes is a good one who fills a really strong niche in the current Arena metagame.
I think you're forgetting how absolutely stupid Armads is.
If it was inheritable, the top whales would be putting it on fast shit like minerva, because then you can double even faster things and I think maybe it breaks through wary fighter.
Is tomorrow the last day we get 4 orbs per day?
>being able to drag back a hector
How the hell is she dragging back Hector without getting instantly destroyed, doesn't the HB meme set use Brave Spear?
Not an argument sweetie.
He's been doing this for the past few threads, stop responding
mine uses firesweep.
I had an old set that used brave lance though with windsweep because I had too many alms
Neat, thanks. I might try for him then even though he's stuck in colorless.
Japanese voice has a good feel, but I think english has better delivery over all
Choke on a nigger cock, Drill.
Just got my Hardy Bearing seal. Who's a good candidate to put it on?
What's the 1k cutoff going to be this TT?
>Every new Archer makes Klein one step closer to being worse
Anyone who doesn't run Vantage or Desperation will benefit from it
To be fair, QR 2, DC, and Vantage 3 WITH a good statblock and a weapon with decent Mt is a REALLY fucking hard thing to compete with. And that's excluding your C-Slot, Support, and Special.
One of my favorites. She is good with an Owltome
Would Iote Shield be better or Fortress Def for maximum memes?
Too much.
>just encountered a Tana in Arena
>53 Atk, 42 Spd, and effectively 35 Def with her weapon
>plus Guidance
Holy fucking shit why is this allowed
*tips MAGA hat*
*marches in Charlottesville*
Just got a 5star Ike, I heard he was gud, is this true?
20 orbs, time to sumon in nohrian summer with 4.50% pity rate!
Lyon is cute
>Want to make the flyer meme team with Tana, Valter and Minerva
>Only red flyer is Palla and they are non-existent otherwise.
Might just deal with the weak link and have some fun
Close Def and Earth Boost are better, but if you have neither Fortress Def is okay.
Don't bother with Iotes shield, since you'd have to sacrifice a GHB unit and she should never be taking on ranged units anyways.
If you've been logging in every day, all 20 orbs on the first list should be marked off soon. If you somehow managed to miss a day or two there's still time to grab orbs for those missed days.
>Innes's bow has the same effect as Owl tomes
Alright boys, who will be the archer to get a Prf with the same effect as Blade tomes?
Yeah he's great. People say he's worse than Ryoma because of his lower speed and res, but he's great and he takes almost no SI to be useful
She doesn't love you.
Maximum meme would be Shield burst + Escutcheon
Caeda is decent with the right buils
This thread needs more Marth
She also doesn't have the best Axe in the game
She's most certainly a solid 2nd though, at least in terms of non-flying axe units. I have no clue how she compares against Minerva and Cherche.
Anyone got a good Tana build?
After all those orbs I got a +res -spd Corrin... Can I use her with blade tomes or I'm ripped?
Tana is for paizuri