>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>tfw there will never be unit trading
>tfw even if there is IS will limit it so that you can only trade 3 star units
>tfw gacha games are the epitome of jewish trickery but this gacha game is fun
>One OP is pickle shittery
>Other is going to get image deleted
Let's use this thread
Come tap on me in the catalog, user!
Reminder to ignore reddit saying Amelia is good.
SoV is Echoes
>implying I don't fap to this multiple times
Fuck off with this reddit shit.
its up to us not to let early posters and reddit dictate which thread we go to
this thread isnt much better but at least its not that pickle trash
Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be Hisame?
We need Swap Atk 3 to finally end the ATK meta once for all.
Just a heads up being "obsessed with reddit" can get you banned now.
I love daddy's little slut!
Bishop Serra pls
>originated in /feg/
I swear, the way you morons use the term is just as misconstrued and convoluted as fujo" and "whore."
Got the link with all of them?
I know, but some kid keeps changing the "h" for "n" on the link
fe heroes gf how to get
xx chromosomes detected
>home grown /feg/ meme
Jordan fuck off boey is shit and cant take hits
I prefer she go with Gerome.
Thanks, I can start reporting this shit now.
Morgan is not for lewd.
The Nino one did. But then some fags from r/fireemblem wanted ones of their waifus and started making more.
In your dreams (in my dreams too) the hotpockets are worthless.
Will we ever see a Summer version of the Askr siblings?
"Legendary" Knight
Sorry for the late response hope you see this friend
Id probably use fury but out of hinatas
Is this a doujin or just a one off picture?
Wish I was a girl and not a filthy male!
Escutcheon or Pavise for Tana?
Oh, I missed that. Sorry.
Doujin that will never get scanned.
Gerome is for Cynthia.
When will this be considered spam or signaturefagging. Thus meriting a 3 day vacation.
Why Glimmer and DB?
I will fucking roll a Henry one day.
>Shirtless with cape
Alfy is so adorable.
Sauce before ban
Glimmer was just for memes involving hilarious numbers, she has moonbow
DB lets her double quite a few units when buffed up, but like I said I'd use fury if I had more hinatas
Lady Serra handjobs
it looks like manyakis a.k.a. mike inel to me.
like, a lot.
>getting this triggered by a meme
i honestly pity you
legendary in bed
I rolled a cutie offbanner, but she is +atk/-spd
Is she still useful as is or do I feed her off?
I really like her art and wouldn't mind running her if her bane was different but I actually have a lot of spare fliers and so I don't want her to hold back the team dynamic, you know?
Sweet thanks user.
Never, hope you enjoy our home-grown smols!
This place can't ever have anything fun without being hated by contrarians for no reason
fuck what was it
I see thank you bro, I hope Valter is good enough to use, I can give him hone flyiers.
>Sharena posing proudly
My best friend is so cute!
Morgan humping
She's fucking great that way, just keep the brave lance on her, deathblow/dragback, done deal.
Nobody but your 1-2 friends from reddit finds this forced shit fun.
+atk helps a lot for Hinoka, and since she's not as fast as Cordelia she's fine without the speed. Slap Death Blow on her and she'll nuke on initiate while Cordy can do other stuff thanks to hone buff.
>le redoot boogeyman xD upboat (lol
Please leave.
grinding Morgan
She's not your best friend anymore, she's weirded out by how you keep staring at her feets.
I like Hana
>this triggered over your forced meme
Her gimmick is being Cordelia without the spd. That's a good IV for her, as long as you keep her Brave Lance.
This reddit thread survives but /feg/ approved pickle thread dies. Wow
Being contrarian is a phase, user. Since the Tyler meltdown, I came to realize that this place is frequented by more childs than I thought
If this autstic shit triggers you then you don't belong on Veeky Forums, it's our autistic playground and you're not welcome here. Go back to your shithold offsite community.
busting a nut in amelia's cute little butt
As a black this bothers me greatly..
>Veeky Forums is contrarian against everything
>Everywhere else is a hugbox that filters out any dissenting opinions
Just once I'd like people to like and dislike what they want without caring about what others think
The problem was you making the thread 20 or so posts early you sperg
Stop making early threads
how 2 build amelia
t. redditor who only came here when Heroes released.
Holding her tight while she leglocks you in a upright straddle.
Stop playing feh
>40 atk
>tfw fell for the merric meme
You speak for nobody, plebbit. Drink bleach.
Oboro's big butt
i got a +atk one
it's okay
giv axe 2 sheena
Why does her SP seem so low?
I've been training her with a Lance valor unit, with the skill equipped from the start.
Normally I'd get at LEAST 1300SP from levelling to 40 without th skill. Wtf
Breed 3
Oboro's big thicc tan tall Japanese basketball athlete butt
Give her slaying axe to Sheena, the Princess of Gra.
Get better drop rates and then we'll talk
It's not Friday/Saturday yet you dumbo
I don't think even having a tharja or camilla smol made could kill it, not yet, anyway
>Gets Tana
IV reroll when?
Benching her like any sensible person did in SS.
give sheena axe
>go back to the empty constant grindfest
No, fuck you.