/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

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>2017 Summer Event Part II

>2017 Summer Event CM
Servants with new Swimsuit: Raikou, Nitocris, Nobunaga, Artoria Alter, Fran, Ishtar, Helena and Nero

>Riyo event and welfare Berserker
>August 2-16

>[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clear reward is a "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.

30 Jul-16 Aug: Sherlock Holmes
news.fate-go.jp/2017/0807ffirw/ Extended

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



Thank fucking god that her first ascension isn't as retarded as the other two.

The maid swimsuit is kind of dorky but I like Alter's other two sprites. Wonder which is which.

One piece, maid, dress with coatcape

>had a dream about the alter Egos the other night
>walked around my backyard looking for something and all of a sudden i run into BB and Melt
>ask them what are they doing here
>they dont respond but they looked like they were getting ready attack
>anticipates the attempt and run away
>long chase ensues
>fatigue sets in and they eventually catch me
>they open up some kind of rift to the moon cell
>then they strapped me to a chair and starded doing some weird mix of magical and medical science-esque rituals
>i try to escape but to no avail
>the alter egos smugly smile at me saying: "it'll be over soon"
>i slowly begin to realize i cant escape this and resign to my fate of whatever they plan on doing to me
>time passes
>my body completely changed into something different
>the alter egos had forcibly changed me into Passion lips
>i look at my new appearance in shock
>BB approaches me and whispers "don't worry sister, everything will be fine."
>she then does some kind code cast and mindwipes me completely, removing all memories of previous self
>i then i proceed to follow BB and Melt further in the Moon cell
>wake up
Guys im legitimately scared here, I havent played CCC or extra in general for a long ass time. I do not know what the fuck this shit is at this point

This is the ideal Saber. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

Remember to filter,delete and report all Quetzalcoatl posting

Your favorite Summer Servant from this event?
Did you got her?

Best boy.

Helena and Nobu.
And not yet. I'm waiting for Nobu's rateup and the part 2 gacha.

How many hours left?

Nero, I wish Scheherazade had gotten one

I am in need of one heart to ascend my Tamamo to 4th after just getting 3 from her Interlude.
Any other interludes that might drop them?
Only up to Camelot as well so Can't farm in Shinjuku.
Much appreciated guys

Rate me

This is the ideal Saber. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>ideal Saber

>Is a Rider

The fact my counter example is donut steel forever proves Takeuchi is a hack.

Reminder the state of Nerofags.

Scheherazade "clothes" already look like one.



>he hasn't mastered lucid dreaming.
I have successfully trained myself so I can consistently roll 5* in my dreams.

>not night

I mainly just want her to get more exposure, the lack of dialogue from the non swimsuit partners has been disappointing

"That's right Cu Alter, I don't lay down for nobody and whether I leave here the HGW winner tonight, it don't matter because it's not going to change my focus on getting even with Medb for fracturing Gawain's dick at Chariot My Love. MEDB! I'm getting evening with you fracturing Gawain's dick and I'm gonna prove to you that I'm the Servant with the strongest NP in the world! I'm the INVINCIBLE and EAM does matter!

And that statement, Cu Alter, comes true whether I'm in the battlefield or out of the battlefield. See where all my Guiniveres are horizontal, they understand EAM, they appreciate EAM and EAM does matter and they know that they don't have to wait for the Earth to rotate on a 47 degree axis so the stars can touch the sky and create an equinox so they see the big AronD. No no no, all they gotta do is call the INVINCIBLE, cause I'm the Servant with the big AronD and satisfaction's coming when I go behind and do the bump n' grind and it's only a matter of time before they call me the BIG ARON D INVINCIBLE! So Medb, realize this. I only care about two things in this world: my JETS and my Arondight and when I fuck your whore ass down at Chariot My Love and I'm about to put you in the Knight of Owner, I'm gonna whisper in your ear, EAM DOES MATTER, BITCH!'"

This is Taiga, the best girl in the series.
Please say something nice about her.

FGO rolling trick #48
>Roll after you wake up in the morning and you'll get a gold servant

>1:37 PM
are you retarded?

Fuck off BR.

>not morning



Arthur is cute! CUTE!

I did "master" a long time ago but due to some things i kinda forgot how to. Also everytime i have a fate related dream it always branches off from me getting turned into PL and Melt and BB "being my "sisters" and playing with me

Guan Yu 5* when lads?

Please help

It's just her. Helena and Fran team talk a lot. Moriarty has more lines than Fran.

>no summer Shuten

>not dickrolling
No wonder you all complain about shit rates

Are you ready for the surprise gacha?


meh as servant.

Is the surprise that there's no surprise gacha?

there is a dropmap in the OP you mouthbreather

who's in it?


Bloodaxe rateup?

they already gave the school swimsuit to helena.

I'm asking what interludes contain it which aren't in the dropmap.
It's actually the first thing I checked. Might want to actually read the message itself before commenting

Im going to fap to this
>never got Drake even though she is favorite Rider

Now that's a REAL woman

Have you even used her before? She's a fucking beast.

Enjoy that HGW win, Evil Cat, for your suffering has only begun.

Nobu a CUTE.

You've just gotten back from a hard day of grinding in a strange new singularity that seems like a fever dream, your trusty servant Nobu has invited you for a drink and you intend to bring along some of the wine that you picked up from the singularity. Unfortunately as you're on your way to Nobu's room you hear some thunderous foot-steps quickly heading towards you and before you can hide or take a different route your path is blocked by this hulking stinking black shebeast that you had the misfortune of summoning. Before you can ask her what she wants or attempt to flee she yells out "AYYYOOOOOOO WHITE BOI IS DAT SUM MUTHAFUCKIN CHEE CHEE DIVINE WINE GIMME DAT SHIET CRACKA" and snatches the wine out of your hands. Before you know it, the vile sheboon has downed all of your wine and is now approaching you, the reinforced walls made to withstand accidents from even heroic spirits are trembling due to her weight and uneven gait. She slurs at you "Ayyyyy boi, d'ya like stories? I's got a great one bout a poor little white boy dat stays up all nite pleasin' big ol Schera if ya nomsayn". Obviously disgusted by what the beast is implying you quickly attempt to decline but it does not deter her. "What you bein' like dat for white boi? Iz you scared of gettin yo dick wet or sumtin?" She belches, the smell of alcohol and fried chicken burning your nose hairs. "Yo, I knows wat you after, white boi. Yo wanna be called massah 'aight? But see I ain't doin dat shit, ain't no white boi my massah, nuh uh. You can be my king doe, how 'bout dat, ain't nobody not want me as dere queen." Before you can say another word she whips you off of your feet and takes you straight to her room. Yet another long and disturbing night awaits you. When will this nightmare end you wonder. As your eyes roll back and you fall into unconsciousness you finally understand why even powerful kings feared this woman. You would never sleep soundly again.

It's not fair bros.... I want to eat Atalanta too.

Friendly reminder to only fap to servants you own!

she doesn't like SEAmonkeys, sorry.



Can we at least keep these threads vore free?

No. But for your sake, I'll hold it back here.



IT was news about a delay KEK

Wait, that Orion x Apollo stuff was some English poet's fanfic.


id still smash

Saido no Doki desu thread

fuck forgot to use up AP

Tonight when?

How many hours left?



When its ready™

? hours

I grailed mine and her Atk stat makes me cry, palingenesis helps 3* compete with higher rarities my left nut

Someone sacrifice themselves to see if the Janny still hates HG.

About 4

If you're not a whale who NP5s every 5-star you get, 3-stars having NP5 does help them compete even if they have less ATK and HP.

Guys is Nero really pure?

Definitely not

Yes, she said I was her first

I would do it but my ISP charges 10$ to change my IP

As pure as Melt

Taiga hasn't been coming me to me, I rolled a lot at Valentine's and she's still only NP2

She's a nympho but Bride and Summer Nero are only interested in (you)

Finally some gunbuster pose art.

Fucking cringe kill yourself CCCuck

I missed the old time when we can do HG while waiting for MT finished.

Is Nero honorary canon though?

Shhhh stop complaining that is considered off-topic and will get a ban too.

summer Nero doesn't even have waifu my room lines


Not the guy you responded but fucking kill yourself too

Whatever you say Meltcuck

Yeah, I really hate the concept of story-locked 3-stars for that very reason.

Why are you guys talking as if the game is in matience?


Alright BBitch

Especially if they have an SQ. However, ST Buster NPs rarely get buffed. I think at this point the only ones are Sanzou, Bryn, and Medb.