Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Too high iq for the masses
Reminder James Chen is the cummy poster
are there any locals in norcal?
Put sevlaria in tekken 7.
Fig is less popular than kickstarter and it isn't marketed at hipsters. He should have been sending it out to non fighting-game playing streamers instead of trying to please the FGC that's filled with contrarian assholes.
Can someone explain to me, does Aris (Avoidingthepuddle) smoke weed?
He seems like a stoner but he then hates stoners?
Also why are his fans on twitch such faggots
Best couple.
I don't watch Aris, but heard that when he puts on the green filter for his streams that indicates that he is toked up.
No, that's just his shitty camera that he doesn't want to upgrade despite making dollars with his streams.
Are these a meme
yeah but look it up yourself.
your life is the meme
Silent buttons? I mean they're fucking way quieter if that's what you're wondering. They don't feel quite as snappy as normal Sanwa as a byproduct of filling it with foam cushioning, but they're still good buttons. I don't know if the price is all that worth it though.
yes. plus you lose a lot of the tactile feel that makes arcade buttons so great.
on an unrelated note, lobby ragequits are too real.
so those ring things would be better?
What ring things?
He's talking about sounding
the worst fetish desu
Oh, well if you're trying to be cheap yeah just buy that shit and drop them into your current buttons, but just like with the ones you'd buy wholesale they will make your buttons feel less snappy.
Why would japs sponsor a ragequitting tranny?
is the unist lobby done?
Is the last thing they give a fuck about, I'd assume
Because sponsoring a transexual person will make them look more inclusive.
Takumi thinks she's hot.
Gllty has a following and is a "personality".
how much does she get laid at gaming events user?
why does she seem so big
do you guys think any top japs get to suck on her cute feminine dick?
depends on how many dudes bring money
not at all because she is one of those trannies that still likes other girls I think and there are not a lot of real girls at gaming events
I think she's gonna be team grapht's designated cumdumpster
how long does it take to break in a korean stick
ST or Meme Savior anyone?
Post your #1 favorite fighting game character.
I wonder how insecure the japs feel that a woman has a bigger dick than they do.
Pretty sure Aris smokes weed himself.
It's self-aware humor.
Given her (bad) results at tournaments and events, mostly virtue signalling
Trannies can't get hard so pretty secure I imagine
i really enjoyed remy towards the end of my 3s run but i cant say I have an absolute favorite character.
gllty one hundred percent can, though.
>a man wanting to be a woman that likes women
isn't that just being a regular guy?
nah bro but she feels like a women bro
what ever the fuck that means
yeah but gllty is pretending to be a woman that isn't regular
better yet how long does it take to break in a korean?
Are we reaching the point of posting badly drawn fetish BS from DevianArt?
And I thought this general couldn't go any lower than this.
I kinda like that Fantasy Strike can't afford voice actors yet. I never realized how much I would appreciate fighting game characters not constantly yelling things.
this is a meme, gllty fucks dudes.
I really really really really really like juri like A LOT
post 30 seconds of gllty fucking a dude
you must hate anime games' female characters then
>those nipples
pics or it didn't happen
Apparently Jiyuna isn't just getting blacklisted by Capcom, but by ArcSys as well.
The main reason may be the fact he has a very cocky attitude towards players, which is seen as a regular and entertaining thing in the US but as rude manner in Japan.
But even then you have Zhi that does the same shit and on top of that he says some really weird stuff on stream. I don't know.
Just mute the voices then
you can blow gllty if you pay him enough at a major, who else knows what he's doing behind the scenes.
He must FT10 ono and mori on the neutral battle field of fantasy strike to decide his fate.
how do i get better at fighting games if every time i lose i get sad and throw away everything and uninstall the game
They actually wanted to do amateur voicelines as placeholders, but because of the lower-than-usual amount of moves they sounded stupid and didn1t do it.
>But even then you have Zhi that does the same shit and on top of that he says some really weird stuff on stream. I don't know.
If you saw that stream you would know that Zhi got blacklisted as well.
it's because zhi is asian so it's okay when a ching chong does it
stop asking people to solve your problems
you stop getting sad, throwing away everything, and uninstalling the game every time you lose
sounds like bullshit for the actual reason.
You've got more problems to worry about than being bad at fighting games, user.
if you're mentally ill you can see a psychiatrist and get some druggos
I think you're supposed to go to a psychologist first though and just try to get it treated through therapy
what stream
he said he also got scolded for giving someone the mic that wasnt suppose to have the mic
it sucks that the reason a lot of US people like jiyuna is the reason he got blacklisted
yo i heard something about him and gllty, is there a vod somewhere?
Zhi isn't white.
only white people is allowed to be bullied around
twitch tv/videos/167116676?t=17m36s
he gave gllty the mic at the end of the tourney and zhi did a quick interview with him on why he's sponsored.
also zhi was talking shit about gllty being sponsored when all the young guns in japan are putting in work.
that's not the one he meant
the capcom cup japan eng stream, among others like the autistic comment with sajam come to mind
During the entire stream all of them were saying shit about gllty subtly and not so subtly like "they'll sponsor anyone". Also "the Grapht boys" lol but they did say she.
Capcom Fighters locks their stream archives behind a paywall, so I can't look out for the specific stream.
You can find some uploads on Youtube though.
how many JQ redpills did jiyuna drop to get shafted like that?
Lol what autism comment?
Maybe it is because he is a complete douche? #ImWithJapan
>fighting games are a joke of a genre filled with artificial difficulty played only by third worlds, gooks and niggers and any attempts at turning it into an esports are pathetic when the highest level players are trannies autists and furry niggers
Jesus Christ Jiyuna
speaking of things, what the fuck happened to ricky o?
In case people were wondering, /v/ has UNIST lobbies from Monday-Thursday that usually starts up at around 11-12
>Hashtags on Veeky Forums
What did he mean by this?
she's having her period
@dora_bang 20h20 hours ago
But ryusei interested in SF5.
After patch,I watch him only 2days in sportsland.
And he play sf5 now.I wonder he will change game.
first machabo, now ryusei........ the anime gods are leaving goobs behind
carried by chun-li season 1 and now cant do jack shit with any other character
you fucking anti-guilty gear people are retarded. ryusei is a bb player
>BB EVO 2017 Champion
You fucked up.
the fuck do you expect? these niggas see all the "big" money momochi and other "pros" get and want in on it too, i mean, why the fuck would you want a real job anyway?
aint no money in goobs, no team that gives out salaries wants to sponsor goobers
all anime, especially arc, is goober. idiots
That's not how it works. Lurk a bit longer next time, reddit