/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>[News, Events & Campaigns]
>[Event] "Does Moon Goddess Dream of Dumplings?"
Period: August 17, 2017 (Thu) 7:00 ~ August 24, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
>"Orleans Pickup Summon"
Period: August 08, 2017 (Tue) 7:00 ~ August 17, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Servants on rate-up: Jeanne d'Arc, Siegfried, Chevalier d'Eon, Gilles de Rais (Saber) & Kiyohime

fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups on JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg (embed)
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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Best daughter!

Jack has overdeveloped hips for a child!


Good night!

jack every thread until she can be adopted

Thanks for the advice kind user

what a jackass

Little girls shouldnt have such fat asses.

Summoning ritual for S.Alter.

Please stay the fuck away Martha.

>shit servant
Thread will be as shitty, I guess.

>Buying a JP account

Go for it user, but have some precautions
>Be sure the seller is not a scammer, check his background
>If you're buying on reddit, use a middleman if the seller refuses to go first
>Be absolutely sure the account doesn't have set Birthday
>Try to be sure that the seller never bought quartz with said account, but honestly on this one you never know
>Compare prizes and buyers
>If some offer is too good, there could be a catch
In general just keep your eyes open, it's really low chance but some people sells accounts and then they try to get them back with Account Recovery to sell it again and scam you. As soon as you get your account, change absolutely everything and do a mission, do a FP roll, delete friends if any, change room favorite, etc.
Also be sure you're getting your favorites in one go, because you never know if you will get them on the gacha later on

>rate ups

God dammit, I need Caster stuff.

I'm hungry

Hungry for dumplings

Femgasmesh when?

We're both going to make it, breh!

Who doesn't?

/falter/ approved terms

- Jalter
- Salter
- calter
- Toon/unit
- pull
- banner
- booster
- dungeon
- ultimate/ult


- gacha/rateup
- servants
- summon/roll
- call any servants by their names
- quests
- Noble Phantasm/NP

Also please reminder that quotation arrows are only used for actual quotations

should i save or use neutral exp card?




If her arm weren't off, that might be hot.


Type Moon doesn't seem to like money.

If you end up buying one post Shuten and tell me your FC in some of the threads and I could add you as friend, I started over about 2 weeks ago too.

Should I send help? That much void dust is bad for the lungs.


>mfw 90 rainbow orbs are enough for only 3 10x toon boosters
Why is shit so expensive in this game?

I feel you user, I had to spend 3 ap bars for a single monument.

Autism speaks

>rainbow orbs
>toon boosters
Too obvious, 3/10.

>ONLY 250 void dust

Did I fix him /fgoalter/?

Yes yes you did user this looks so much better

>Doesn't resemble Aqualad

>mfw I unironically think it looks way fucking better
Takeuchi is retarded to greenlit the shit we got

Why exactly gameplay-wise is Berserker Kintoki so hyped up?

Fluffy servant!


>just 499

I like this fluffy servant the most!

Having only been playing fate/go for a week, the new retarded shit I see in these threads is constant.

Emiya alter? His Hansho (and presumably) byakuya swordguns?

What does he do, shoot bullets that have swords in them?

Worst Tamamo
Posting best Tamamo


He hits really, REALLY fucking hard. He has some of the highest attack power in the game and his skills are all about hitting even harder and spamming NP. Before Cu Alter came around he was the servant used to just rip through 500k hp bars in one turn with a brave buster chain.

he has a defense ignoring single target NP that can stun, can charge his NP, and has a decent attack boost. so he's ok at killing bosses.

He also has a heal that doubles as an attack debuff resister.



>What does he do, shoot bullets that have swords in them?
Not sure on this but judging by his NP I think that's pretty close to the truth, actually. Think Kiritsugu's origin bullets but with sword origin.


Shouldnt it be hamburgers?

Should have been doughnuts

Does dango event start in 12 or 24 hours?

Is Detroit Emiya related to Mind of Steel Shirou?

Just a little under two weeks until I'm back at full power guys, hope you're excited.

What's wrong with his chest?

Also keep in mind that in japanese legend, Kintaro is like the only mythical character besides Momotaro that holds the distinction of being "the japanese version of Hercules". This dude was insanely strong in the old stories, he used a full grown tree as a club and basically just used his lightning powers to enhance his strength instead of shocking people.

Related in the fact that both threw EVERYTHING away in order to achieve their ideals

it actually just opens UBW inside the enemy, making them explode from swords.


He has a very high attack stat (like, 17,000 with max'd fou and a LB limited zero).
He can insta-50% np (and waver can insta-50% NP as well! woah what a coincidence!)
He has a 1 turn 50% attack power burst.

Add all that up and he can literally 1 turn gib things with NPBBChain. But he has absolutely on survivability skills and takes double damage so once shit starts having retard-levels of HP he kinda falls off, he also cannot absorb stars at all.

>Think Kiritsugu's origin bullets but with sword origin.
Yea that's literally what it is.
He creates origin bullets from himself, which is part of the reason he gets BLACKED due to the mana cost.
But whereas Kiritsugu's origin bullet fucks up their body's mana because it forcefully overworks the circuits until it fries the entire body, usually killing them, EMIYA alter summons UBW into each origin bullet.

Actually only Lostman threw everything away.
EMIYA threw most things away, but as he says in the UBW route, 'no one can throw everything away'.
He just hadn't met lostman yet.

This is how he should have looked.
A japanese man whose skin is BLACKED but he's not actually black.
What we got was a fucking black man for no reason.


What was Kiritsugus origin?

Not him but "Severing and Binding"

"Severing and Binding"

But not the same?

I'd like Demiya more if his backstory was literally just a continuation of the Mind of Steel ending.

Severing and binding.
So basically it cuts all their magic circuits (if they have them active), then rebinds them in weird as fuck knots.
If enough magic circuits were active, this will kill someone or at least cripple them. If not a lot are active, it'll still do serious damage to their internal organs and some magic circuits.

MoS Shirou isn't EMIYA though

>it's yet another episode in which /fgoalter/ posts servants they don't have access to

I got him on NP. Im debating if I should level him or not, he is cool but really shit gameplay wise


MoS also isn't BLACKED so he clearly held onto some things.

Shut up Rin

How the fuck would you know if he was BLACKED?

There's literally no info on MoS shirou other than the bad end in HF

We have no idea how he ended up after what we read

Not fair my dudes

He's fine in an arts team I'd imagine, what other servants did you get?


probably gets rekt by gilgamesh desu

Is Orion worth rolling for in the event?

I care more for the items than another archer.


Post Banana


>gil already almost filling the grail
>Sakura dies and thus Medusa as well
>grail is filled out
>the route suddenly finds itself in a weird as shit position


I have the complete meme arts rooster (tamamo, waver, vlad) along Jannu and other SSRs.
Im lacking an assassin and lancer, but hopefully I get mama lancer next week

He should be holding an apple.

In that case, yeah, if you've got the resources, go ahead and raise him up, I'm sure he'd do pretty nicely.




What kind of servant would Baron be?


Saber, he clearly can't use a lance correctly.

>can't self-insert as having a relationship with Shuten because of Kintoki
>he won't show up and drop monuments either
Fuck Kintoki

Should I?

Archer, using S O D A

NP would be rejecting his humanity and going full Overlord.

For some reason I've been getting Marie like 5x times straight, always with Silver Chests inside her.

What the fuck

>not wanting a relationship with the superior oni
You fucked up from the start desu senpai.

>want to go to sleep
>need to use this AP to grind gems to complete the weekly missions