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forgot to add, boosted account

Unfortunately that's what wins me games, going Crystal Maiden, Lich, Lion, Lina, because no one else wants to. Love being the scapegoat.

Yeah, I honestly thought that ranked recalibration would be the promised land, but its an even bigger cesspool than normal ranked.

Anybody have that webm of Zyori?

>bigger cesspool than normal ranked

go play ranked while int ranked is active.
go tell us about your experience.

We still do run it, just slighty less than before

Did anyone expect Liquid to win this year before the group stages started?

This entire game is a time-sink simulator with a wonky ladder system full of unqualified people gaining mmr due to just playing a lot
The last game I played was 3 weeks ago where someone last picked Tree and just soaked all my safelane carry's xp
I tell him to stack and pull and he asks "how?"
3.2k game

>did anyone expect the team that swept most LAN events before TI to win TI?
pretty sure noone thought hunneypot winners would win TI

I want to watch classic jimmy in the pro scene again

I really thought a cn team was going to take it this year and it nearly happened when they dominated the group stages and 4 out of top6 were cn

Him coming out of irrelevancy just to smite OG out with pinoys is truly one for the history books. Then after that he cleanly goes back into the shadows. What a fucking player.

Valid point, I have till mid September to take advantage of this "slightly less cesspool" DOTA 2 ranked.

You're not filling me with hope - but I suppose there's a bit of luck if I just keep playing. Makes me feel so much better that 700MMR higher is just as great! /s

Fuck no, I completely expected yellow fever to tear through The International.

People have choked at the International while dominating Majors.


It's unanimously agreed on this board that the game isn't worth playing
A lot of people here don't actually play anymore and just post during esports
sorry about that

>banner victoriously coming out of the deep
>it's clean and shiny as fuck
>no grungy mossy and barnacle shit on it like pic related

we don't deserve bannerbro
did reddit steal the banners?

where's the patch dotards?

So they've run out of dominant colors and will start using elemental themes. Underwater is done, what's nice Fire/Lava? Some kinda molten map would go perfectly with the Ash weather

How do I play core mirana now? Do I still rush aghs or is it a honeypot item?

>didnt use underwater map
>no new water hero
>siltbreaker ending nowhere in sight
why is TI7 water theme again?

Flowerhead a cute

I hope her gameplay is fun

They used it at first, but reddit cried. And honestly I agree, the underwater map is distracting as fuck, not only is there crap everywhere, that's an awful way to introduce new players.

>OG Singsing

wrong, starcucks that are pissed starcraft is a dead game come to our general and hate the fact dotards love to play their game. Go fuck off.

I mean they could've run the default map on the newbie stream. You don't even need to switch the commentators.
I think not using the underwater theme is a huge disservice to the artists, but I won't say anything that goes up against big boss reddit

Where the fuck is my armadillo smut?

EE really can't catch a break huh?

>His brainchild NoTidehunter kicks him and they go on to win TI3 and make a storied rivalry with Na'Vi
>doesn't get invited to TI3 qualifiers with his Kaipi team despite getting some traction esp having a then-up and comer Arteezey in the roster who was gaining steam from the fanbase
>he fails multiple times to take revenge on Loda, his then-arch nemesis webm-related being the final straw in why he can't do shit about Loda
>hits gold with Speed Gaming but loses someone in Arteezey who was on-fire at the time to SADBOYS
>his venture with his new team Cloud9 becomes infamous for clowny plays that would make Mouz 2012 proud instead of being actually good
>among clowny plays is "WHERE ARE THE TPS?!"
>they are the "second place" team, on paper it's okay but when you hardly hit gold then what's the point?
>fails to hit it big in his first TI in 2014 and the TI that came after
>his team disbands
>had a brief moment of being a top tier carry under captaincy of Puppey in Secret 3.0
>said captain cucked him out of his winnings in that drama
>EE would never reach the similar heights he achieved in Secret 3.0
>tries another shot at captaining a team with Team NP that eventually got him to be Cloud9 again
>fail fucking hard in the TI7 season
>will forever be the guy who literally falls off his chair and have scientists be baffled at his fuck ups
>the community loves to see him fall

Why hasn't he fucking killed himself yet?

The majority of sc2 viewers don't even play the game
Why would they be mad that dotards play/don't play it either

Reposting canonnical best RPG dota 2 party:

>main character, finesse fighter
>his rival/friend, brute force
>Sven's on again, off again GF, also mage of the group
>magically attuned ally to the workings of all life, "druid" of the group
Treant Protector
>ally of uncertain morality and dubious black market connections looking to become fabulously wealthy someday, mage and trickster
Shadow Shaman
>gearhead inventor with a soft spot beneath the metal for his friends
>brooding bitch that eventually warms up to the rest of the team as she seeks to avenge what was done to her by her sister, weird customs and aloofness, also technically "royalty", now underworld connections
Vengeful Spirit

This is the best party, it cannot be improved


Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present, Team OurGigaguys the Anti Reddit Destroyers

What hero do you always instantly counterpick as soon as it's picked by the oponent?

Have you ever tried not living 2 days in the past?

I dont get it

literally the Judeo-Christian alliance against the Muslim hordes

>all players replaced by AI bots
>all spectators replaced by holograms

literally dota will never die, even when humanity goes extinct

Slark with Bloodseeker
I don't focus the slark down but I make his regenning crutch annoying to use. I kill his teammates then get Aghs and/or blademail

>no one to operate the electricity

Invoker with silencer because I essentially deleted his relevance and gained my +25

you false flag that dotards dont play their game. Sorry broodwar remaster blows

once the killer robots created by the AIs are done wiping humanity they will be repurposed to janitors to keep the solar panels and all the shit going

Time for the earth shaker faggots to start crawling out the woodwork. Never get to enjoy TB or CK cause of you fucks.

>they will be repurposed to janitors


Why did OG kick ana? He was the reason they didn't get knocked out by TNC again or SOPA

>Kicking the one player that kept you around that long


Because he's not part of the Noskill/Fly circlyjerk

cuz fly have to make n0tail look gud

Reminder that it's absolutely pointless to put effort in the game.

You can run around butt naked and die 100 times per game and you'll still win 30-40% of your games.

Giving it ''your all'' will ultimately still bring you to a steady 30-40% win rate.

>this nigga has a sub 50 winrate

Holy shit lel

Then explain why some players have >60% winrate

Based PSG always "feeding" to prove a point

>OG was chat wheel spamming in their TNC and uma delicia games
>dead silent in their LGD games

That was AMAZING. I hope Notail never retires, its awesome to have someone to root against that plays both autism dota AND is a faggot.
>that feel when glorious OG hating masterrace

>Matumba streaming
>people donating money to someone who just won several million dollars

>Wake up
>No Patch
>No Patch Notes

The only issue with the water map are the trees. I can't click on them for shit. I swear I've died multiple times because I cut down the wrong tree.

my zun is a free agent, want to recruit him'?


>wake up
>no patch

>Mushi in 2017

What's the Earthshaker skill build they were using at TI to farm blink in the woods really fast?

>defining yourself through your hatred of something

Take a breather from the internet my man

it's post2000 kids, just ignore them

Double damage! who's voice did you hear

>TI6 reused TI1 colors but with a twist
>TI7 reused TI2 colors but with a twist
next TI will be a twist on TI3 colors




>TI6 was a remake of TI1 storyline (mediocre tournament)
>TI7 was a remake of TI2 storyline (single western team against all of china)

shouldn't the MC have some transformation?

How do I ascend from 1k MMR bois?

win more ranked games than you lose

stop being a cocksucking faggot

they did spam all chat wheels against LGD, funny thing is once they started doing that LGD started winning

>1k MMR

I have teams I root for
But any good game also needs villains, just ask /sp/
And in Dota 2 that is OG.

Could be worse, could be 800mmr like I am.

max aftershock and fissure with 1 in totem

Then who's the main character

>no 4

Should I activate shrine as a support

only play support

>TI8 gonna be a remake of TI3 with one Western team pubstomping like Alliance and a West vs West final

Good non autism dota
The point is that you (should) be a fan of one team. But since only 1 can win it all in a tournament it helps keep those fans who have had their teams knocked out to have a team they don't want to win.
OG is that team.

>Secret Dendi

Or even better, you (should) stop being retarded.

Why is he so qt, bros???

>But any good game also needs villains, just ask /sp/
And that's how you end up with unnecessary violence and stadium fights ending in injuries.

sources say that yapzor convinced ppy to sign FATA- playing pos 1 (like he played on bears)

>his name is Ivan Borislavov Ivanov

Could a name BE any more Slav?

It's like a woman being name Helga Olgalov Helgaov

>It's like a woman being name Helga Olgalov Helgaov

this didnt even make any sense

Most pro's, analysts and powerranks had Liquid as biggest favorites before TI.

>not Ivan Ivanov Ivanov
hew blew it desu


In my experience 1k games have 4-5 carries. To have all those games as carry, you're either very lucky or you're not paying attention to what your team picks. Don't do that.

I'm pretty sure the middle part is his father's name

>not Ivan Ivanov Ivanovic

>THE TI choker on secret
lmao wtf is puppey doing