Positivity Edition
PT:>Useful sites:
>Patch 7.16 notes:
Positivity Edition
PT:>Useful sites:
>Patch 7.16 notes:
as a lux only player I have a crush on ezreal
ship confirmed?
tightest guardian
>Used to be diamond 1 back in season 3
>Come back now, do my placements (on a new account)
>Get placed in fucking silver 3
Xth for DZK getting fired
Did he actually or are you just praying
>Spend more time searching a game than in one
I really don't understand how it takes so much fucking time to find a game when I go fill
Superior Skin coming through
>Implying all of her skins aren't top-tier
Just a prayer to the League gods.
> Season 3
This is a whole new game at this point m8. Better start that climb if you want your free shit before season ends
hes receiving a lot of negative light recently, it might become a reality, we can only hope
If he got the Lyte treatment, I'd be extremely happy and buy some RP.
Can't argue with the truth.
I'm just partial to neon since it's the first skin released and having played with it for so long.
>he doesn't want to become a meme
the main thing with riot is that they always tell their designers they need to listen to player feedback, even if it goes against their own plans. although this doesnt always happen in practise.
DKZ has major issues with this, not to mention the guy is a complete lunatic as you can see on his social media accounts who is giving their entire company a bad name.
Which only adds to why he should get the Lyte treatment soon enough. We will all have a drink that night and enjoy ourselves, waifufags included.
>the main thing with riot is that they always tell their designers they need to listen to player feedback, even if it goes against their own plans. although this doesnt always happen in practise.
While it doesn't always happen, basically every other designer has consistently responded to feedback with either understanding or agreement. DZK consistently tells people to basically fuck off. I still remember getting gypsylord to apologize for making Ekko's ult free on release
Same my dude, plus he's been really fun for abusing this Duskblade meme with, especially when you get ahead, the damage is fucking insane.
>stomping in norms to cool off from ranked w/l/w/l streak
>I walk away before the end game screen appears
>+21 lp
>mfw I was dicking around thinking it was norms and still won
The age old
>you'll find what you need when you stop searching for it
>some duo gets autofilled
>they say fuck that force me into taking jungle a role im mediocre at
>purposely ban away my champ and pick theirs since they were ahead of me
>get in game and they refuse to leash
>have to start red, enemy jungler invades becasue of that and i lose my blue and first blood
>they didnt even bother to leave lane to help but my midlaner who was farther away did
>enemy jungler gets away becasue bot didnt help
>they proceed to fight the entire game
>no objectives no drags, just fight after fight regadles of winning or losing
>lose game
What drives people to shit on thier own team
that man has a beautiful smile, not even memeing, just seeing that image makes me a tiny bit happier inside
is he from GoT?
Best couple
>playing as Rhaast jungle
>enemy Garen has no mastery
>enemy garen is in duo top
>realize this is obviously his first match
>instant boner
No, the best couple is my waifu and my dick.
The best part of that is Garen actually wrecks Rhaast if played right. Can't body warp when silenced then executed
Soraka is the best Star Guardian.
Ned Stark (played by Sean Bean), my favorite character from GoT, he's gonna become king someday, I know it
He'll always be the king of my heart anyway
He ulted me when i was at 75% hp so there wasn't any danger
>tfw game of thrones has gone to the shitter so hard it's not even GoT anymore
xth for Sorakabutt
League of legend has not a SINGLE pants/skirt item in the game. We have cloaks, daggers, chestplates you name it.
Tell me your idea for a legwear related item.
Heres my take on it:
Dragonscale Plated legs (yes RS reference)
+5% MS
+35 MR
+20 Armour
Unique active: Flame runner
Gains 15+ bonus MS and leave behind a trail of scorched earth that burns enemies for X% of their max HP as magic damage, and applies a 5% MS slow, for 6 seconds. 120 second cooldown.
A fellow ass man.
One amazing thing about DZK is you can tell he's a complete lunatic from a quick glance at any of his media presence. Even just his profile images make him seem like a loon.
I also just noticed his Twitter designates his preferred pronouns. He/him, if you were curious. What a guy.
>giving shyvanashit's ability to other champions
That sounds reall bad and dumb. Another item that will be impossible to balance. Hey lets get the dragonscale legs, sunfire and thornmail on a tank! now the tank can outdamage the carry just by running around! hecarim, shyv and singed would have a fucked balance nightmare field day. no thanks.
>rightous glory and talisman are just sivir ults
>stoneplate is just a different warwick e without the cc
i could go on, but you just want my (you)s for whatever reason. no amount will fill the void inside you though, shitty baitposter.
>activate dragonscale
>warwick can now jump 100 km further
Yes please
>get free games in low elo to stomp shit players
why are you complaining?
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
Give me a reason why I shouldn't buy SG Soraka the day she is realeased.
I stopped watching after hearing that Ramsay got fed to the dogs. Every character I found interesting died or became uninteresting. I've never been able to give half a shit about Khaleesi's adventures past season 1.
>being this assblasted because someone called you out on your shitty unbalanced idea
Holy shit lmao
she's not blue
Because to use it you'd have to play Soraka, and why the fuck would you do that
there is no reason
it's making me want to convert to a soraka one trick and i generally only enjoy playing bard if i have to support
>not doing drugs while you play league to dull the suffering
buy it, its the best, arguably the only good SG skin of this batch
Just broke my loss streak. This is why I main Vayne... lost 5 in a row on other ADC's, couldn't carry hard enough. I understand the hate Vayne mains get, most of the time they're toxic as fuck, but she's still my way out of this shithole if there is one...
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Still havent found a good artist to commission trap tristana art
Still taking ten years to save up for Kha Zix so I can play him and then be useless after 20 min during the inevitable all mid phase of the game and nobody is isolated
Save me
leaks for season 7 just came out, one of dany's dragons dies to the night king because he hits it with a spear and it fucking explodes, not even joking, and it becomes undead. The show is absolute fucking DOGSHIT now, pulling stupid garbage out of its ass that you know would never be in the books if that fat fuck would finish them
If you really want out of silver, play her top or jungle
>righteous glory and coin give sivir attack speed on her w
>warwick e increases his health
Nice try, kiddo.
Because she is my main.
To sum it all up
Khaleesi became the shittiest character you could think about
The youngest Stark girl became a fucking ninja that trascends the concept of edge
Tyrion is still the best (and now only good) character
The dragons have animations that are beyond god awful
Cersei is now a power ranger villain
The undead are still as dull and uninteresting
They added a randumb xd character
I want to go exploring in Lulu.
In that case get your dildo all lubed up and ready go I guess
>premades of any kind
people act retarded in groups, and think everyone else is beneath them
it's nothing without the webm senpai
>watch full games of kr master/chall thresh players
>try thresh for the first time on friday
>start to realize how retardedly fun and overloaded his kit is
>jannafags btfo everytime
>start queuing support in plat5
>go from plat 5 to plat 1
thresh is fine right?
I might lock in top as secondary role, never tried jungling on ADCs.
what a goofy looking throw
DZK is a cool guy and my Riot husbando. He likely enlightened them and lead them on the path to good and proper music.
Being a SJW is even more okay while the country is being ruled by an orange dementia patient.
I hope Daniel lives a hundred years and makes a hundred champions!
>male characters in GoT
Maybe the Hound. Cool dudes died with Ramsay.
>tfw you're a true OG
>Teemo top against Trynd
>enemy pantheon has 20 farm at 20 minutes and is 3 levels below our jungler from playing 2v1 top against me
>enemy Vlad roams top at least 3 times during laning phase
>support janna is roaming top to ward and shit
>mid Annie loses tower and down 100 farm
>bot and our jungle Wu fed Vayne and lost bot tower
I don't even know why I am playing this shit anymore.
Rainman was correct.
why does lolg love lulu so much
shes just a small girl she'd die if you all shared her at the same time, be gentle with her fellas
degenerate fetishes for degenerate userbase
was it that difficult?
Why isn't she played more?
Sona soraka and janna all do what she does at 100% better
and tanks punish her
>t.high elo baby
come down here to silver kid for 50 minute games out of 2 minutes queues
HBO hasn't really been the same since the wire went off the air.
The days of deadwood, rome, sopranos, the wire, oz, all that good shit, are long gone. I kind of like ballers I guess, even if its just sports entourage
Is Jax more fun in the jg or toop?
>survive gauntlet against leblanc top with no ganks
>die 0 times
>save many people with ult
>0 honor
>hating based arya ninja
her scenes are kino
wasnt she turbocancer 2 patches ago?
every matchup was nami, i even started banning her just because i got sick of having to deal with her laning phase
Grats riddler-san
you play the same games i do except im shit
honor isnt honorable at all by the way, i often get more honors when i just play a support or am passive aggressive then when im actually being honorable/carrying hard
Okay guys, need some help. I can only get one MF skin. I dont like SG. I am torn bewteen Arcade and Captain. Arcade has all those cool effects. But Captain has that top tier splash art and is cleavageriffic. Which?
Westworld caught me by surprise and I really enjoyed it a lot, half western, half scifi autism.
explain lolbabs
secret agent
takes skill
>build censer on nami
Other champions who build censer are using it far more efficiently than you
Your items are suboptimal
>edgy male (ramsay) character is cool
>edgy female (arya) isn't
Really puts my cerebrum in a conundrum
>Another fad
Overwatch and Dota were both supposed to bring down LoL and surpassed it in twitch streaming. A few of my friends picked up PUB, but came back to LoL after a couple weeks. It has it's fun, but it won'be be the LoL killer.
hopefully its dying so I can quit and peace out this stupid game and general, but it's probably not.
which league girl is the best
How do I not get fucking brutalized when I play top, or maybe even actually beat my lane opponent?
ahri best
>eve jungle
>only ganks mid
>mid got fed
>mid proceeds to only stay mid, never roam or put pressure anywhere else
>jungle does the same
>lose because top lost to gragas, suppor went to suck off mid leaving me in a 2v1
>didnt take any towers, just killed and b
my promos curse continues
every tim i get to one game before entering promos shit happens and i get demoted again
>ramsay was cool
No he fucking wasn't, i hated that edgy retard everytime he was on screen
>yfw Swain will be basically Tywin Lannister and Riot's Noxus event is going to be better GoT than GoT right now
Ramsay was incredibly acted. Arya is okay but nowhere near.
The Ramsay & Theon duo kept the show going for a while. They were absolutely killing it.
I mean I still like Arya but my favorite females are Cersei and Danny (Targ fetish don't judge).