I have an odd attraction to these early Explorers

>Gutless pig of a V6
>Rolls over if it hits a pebble
>Looks like something Hallmark would design for bitter divorced moms
>I dig it

they didnt make them with the 302 or 5.0? it robably wouldnt be hard to swap one in. i like the way they look too, and would even think about one for overlanding, but i have no love for smog laws

I liked them as well. For some strange reason. with the m5od trans of course.

best looking explorer imo.

So do I for some reason. I've had one and the Eddie Bauer edition's seats are oddly comfy sans shitty fake leather (I'm sure it's fake or at least not the best quality not an expert though). Allot of good lumbar issues. Had water pump and other cooling issues, traded it in. Wasn't a particularly bad car, but not great either.

>lumbar issues
IDK what was going on in my mind, Lumbar adjust meant options is what I meant and seat options in general for a car of it's age and status.

Theyre only good for one thing, and that requires cutting a hole in the roof and a lot paint. You know what im talking about.

Hell yeah buddie. Becoming Exploders

I loved them too the moment this movie came out.

So much so that when my mom was car shopping in 1994, and was between an Explorer, Jeep GC, or a Blazer, I convinced her the Explorer was best. She even chose a green one.

Had a 94 v6 I affectionately named Dora. One of my favorite cars I ever had.

Blazers are way the fuck better.

I have a 2001 ‘ploder named Earl. I’ll miss him when he goes

I'm looking for a beater to get me through till fall and there's a lot of cheap Exploders around me.
Assuming semi-regular maintenance, what would you say is too many miles for a used one?


He's right though

>posts a full size truck not even made in the same decade and not the s10/blazer, ranger/explorer that we're obviously talking about
fuck off retarded chevynigger

The K5 was made in the same year as OP pic, but even pic related is better than an exploder. I'm also not a chevy owner.

you're still retarded however

Now this is my kinda thread

why? it has no redeeming qualities

are you dense?

You know they made the k5 blazer until 1994 right?

you know we're not talking about full-sized trucks, right retard?
the k5 he posted was made in '79 dumbfuck.

chebbyfags are literally retarded

And? It's not like they changed it minus a minor facelift. That user said blazer and a blazer from the same year as OP's exploder was posted. What's the issue here?

But think about how much nicer a 4Runner would be

excuse me sir. i like your taste.

but let me do you one better.

GOD DAMN those decals

>$10k for a 30 year old barely running pile of rust on 35's

definitely underestimated though IMO

The S10 Blazer that was the competitor to the Explorer was absolute shit. SHIT!
If I never work on a 4.3 again it will be too soon.

yeah maybe if your a bit braindead but good examples can be had for much less

Not in the rust belt of North America they can't.

The S10 was shitty but still not as shitty as the exploder. That's just the shitty generation you have and not the godly boxy S10. The 4.3 will outlive any ford engine from that era.

Dude you're dense as fuck. Haven't seen one over 7k that is modded.

An aging Explorer was my first car! Sure, the electric windows and seats and radio and 4WD were all broken, but it was a damn fine vehicle. Until it got rolled, anyway.

Where do you live?

>The 4.3 will outlive any ford engine from that era.

That's why the 110k mile one in the vehicle is fucked and the replacement is is on the stand, and the Ranger in the pic has the shitty head cracker 2.9L, and the most invasive thing I've done to it is replace the valve cover gaskets.

MA, US. In the middle of the rust belt and there not exactly reasonable for their age but def not 10k

barely running pile of rust hmm. Don't disrespect the godly 22-re

Owned and abused by 5 mexicans vs Taken care of by a grandpa. The older TBI 4.3's were a lot better.

You guys are mild af. Salt air is nothing compared to 30 degree temperature fluctuations. Look at the classifieds in the rust belt. The toyota tax is retarded.

Godly, Yes, But almost dangerously gutless now.

>mfw i turned my 2.9's slow-dripping freeze plug into a stream and lost all my coolant and drove like that for about 15-20 min
still runs fine 4 years later

Trust me MA winters are not mild. Its the land of quarter panel rust.

the mild yoda tax is a known though

It's bad here. This would still be listed as good condition and go for $4500 or more if it's stick and unlifted. Now keep in mind this is a third gen 4runner. It only gets more rusty and more yota taxed the older you go.

ouch. reminds me of my 1st gen impreza.

Dealer demo, then owned by my wife. After replacing a transmission valve body, intake manifold gasket, and the fuel spider, the head gasket blew and locked it all up. Thanks Dexcool

A friend from college got a used 94 Blazer off a Chevy lot and they sold him an extended warranty and I shook my head about haow many ways he got raped, but damned if he didn't get a new transmission and a new engine out of it. Then he traded it in when C4C hit. He didn't end up getting screwed as bad as I thought.

The Ranger was taken care of by grandpa, literally. He never drove it so he didn't maintain it. When I got it, the thermostat was in backwards and the coolant looked like something from scat porn. Fuel injectors were plugged up and took a few Italian tune-ups to get them straight. All 4 tires were different and had bad belts causing some pulling issues. Brake fluid looked like motor oil. Trans fluid never changed.

Grandpa maintenance != good maintenance.

They're a crap shoot. You can beat 'em like yours and be OK, or you can barely nudge the temp gauge to the high side and fog for mosquitoes.

I'm a Ford guy but the 2.9 doesn't have the best reputation and I keep my eyes glued on that temperature gauge when I'm driving.

>The 4.3 will outlive any ford engine from that era.
mcfucking kill urself
a 302 5.0 is a way better choice than a 4.3

In the middle of a 302 ranger project. Basically bolts right in.

I like all the boxy SUV's of decades gone by, everything looks like an egg with wheels now.

The second gens had a 5.0 option.

1996-2001 models had this option.

It’s really the only acceptable engine for this gen, the SOHC had close to 5.0 HP but lacked torque and reliability, timing chain issues were rampant. The 4.0 OHV was reliable but only 160hp so not the best.

5.0 AWD models are the ones to buy. Trans cooler, power steering cooler and rear LSD all standard on AWD models.