Night Wave - Income Tax Ballers

Welcome back to another Night Wave thread.

If you're reading this, it doesn't matter what car you drive, don't be embarrassed to show up to a meet.


“Running in the Night”

Turbo 335i

Steam Group

ZeeMaps, TX#

Walkie Talkie app


>tfw you drive a car that had frame damage and the insurance company actually paid to have it fixed instead of totaling it
my fault for not checking the VIN

I want sex with the men. Who /miata/ here

Next big meet when

You notouge faggots still making embarrassing youtube videos of an accelerating 335i? Or did he manage to crash it going the speed limit around a freeway?





we waited for that nigga so long









Good nightwave


SA meets ded rn

k1 meet on Sunday?

14900 Northwest Fwy, Houston, TX 77040

Oh no. What happened to it?

I'd rather do saturday, Winding road race shop from austin is going to have a pop up shop there. I have to show houses at 4 so maybe sunday would be better.

Also Dagumi and I went to watch some race cars 2 weeks ago, but the gpu in my computer shit the bed and I havent been able to convert the RAW files.


that was a good meet

Me and a few other Houston members want to put the idea to have the statewide meet at tx2k this year. Perhaps supplement a touge centric meet later in may some time out by twisted sisters, or, ya know. Some straight highway, or road, or something? We can maybe go 100mph this time. But memes aside, Texas boys, would you make the trek to our neck of the woods this year? Feedback required.

Have you heard from Dagumi recently?

ah this was a good meet besides the shananigans that happened in the night time and me burning my arm into Oblivion with coolant