When are they going bankrupt again?

When are they going bankrupt again?

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They were the only US manufacture to make a profit in 2018 so not anytime soon.

>1 month
>relevant for annual profits


cry more

thats fiscal year 2017 you inbreed autist

>2018 profits don't count it's only a month!
>2017 doesn't count!


fiscal year 2017 is irrelevant to fiscal year 2018, lrn 2 accounting

were you dropped as a child?

And 2018 GM is doing better than everyone else.

no source

and see

>spoonfeed me!

When are they winning LeMans, Formula 1 and WRC?

>making up fake news

It was the biggest news of 2018

>not anytime soon

>biggest news of 2018!
>source: my ass

>General Motors Co. was the only Detroit automaker to sell more vehicles in the first month of 2018, up 1.3 percent. The average price of a GM car or truck was up $1,270; the average Cadillac sold for $2,300 more.


>Ford and FCA sales declined
>this somewhat means they didn't profit from these sales

this is how illiterate your average GM fanboy is

also, Lincoln literally outsold Cadillac lol

>no source

get a load of this guy

>Vehicles from Ford’s Lincoln brand sold for an average of $8,700 more

>the average Cadillac sold for $2,300 more.

taken from


gm fangirls btfo

Buicks sell like hotcakes in China, so not any time soon

Hopefully not before t*sla does