/assg/ General

Its all coming up Ace's : Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Beta coming this October, Class based with weaker killers.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Is that a dead thread?:

First for charity case suck why no doctor dwight frogs stop sucking off streamer you bunch of fucker

fuck these 800hrs survivor players in my rank 20 lobbies, I just want to have fun

Third for the devs should be ashamed at the influx of save data loss errors.

Decapitating Debbers!

>Get Claudette Twitch streamer with 1.5k hours into game
>Also get full bloody dwight with 1k arriving with Laurie with 500
>rank 20
Fuck off no amount of points is worth that torture.

Fifth for just back up your fucking save file

Streetwalkers when

I'm addicted to nuggets!

I'm addicted to Ace's semen

You're a really nasty lass, aren't you? I bet you're a chore in bed.

>Be Doctor
>2 survivors left
>Hook one
>Literally go to the other side of the map and back
>Only a few meters until im back
>Other guy unhooks him straight in my face
>Hooked guy rages in chat

Pls, Ace is for pure

>Swallowing the seed of your love isn't pure

I'm gonna be addicted to webbies pretty soon here when I get my BP refund.

I'll record you a 4 hour montage video, dipper.


stop the homosexuality, become a girl if you want to be Ace and because ur males u cant be a girl

This general has confirmed that DbD is for diseased faggots. Alpha Chads play F13, and main Chad.

what did they mean?

Don't tell me what I am or what I could be, just let me drain Ace's balls.

This gives me an idea. Someone should make one of those Virgin vs. Chad images with AJ as the virgin and Chad as the Chad.

oh man nea is a good character to put on sexy cosmetics
when are we getting the damn workshop so anons can get to work and give us slutty nea with a cum-covered face cosmetics?

why the fuck do I main survivor??
every teammate I get is dog shit
and killers just camp.
tfw my P3 Nea is almost maxed out

why the fuck do I main killer?
every survivor treats the map as their personal playground and I'm just a chubby dog chasing them around while they abuse me. I'll hook someone and they won't even try to hide, they'll stand right next to the hook waiting for the unhook because that's how their favorite streamer does it.

I'll boldly dip into that sweet and sour sauce

Have you done your dailies?

>implying I'm not ready to take Ace's seed into my womb

>Have you done your dailies?
Yes, it was terrible.

>Actual women saving themselves for 2D.
I didn't know you people existed. Its like seeing a unicorn


>P3 50+40 huntress
>The perks I actually want for my build are still 3/4th rank 1
This is the worst luck I've ever had with a character.

>pubby game
>go in with no items
>spawn next to crate
>purple key
>go to repair gen
>Hex: Ruin
>apparently only one with it since no one seems to be in a rush to find totem
>Claudette leads killer right to me
>spend most of game on hook

RIP purp key.

that's right killercuck, you're starting to see hallucination because of the cum you've been guzzling from us survivorbulls.

Overcharge and thanatophobia are trash.

but thanathobia is strong right now

No it isn't

even more than that - why do you want overcharge on a killer that has problems patroling gens anyway? just go for ruin

>play another game right after
>kite killer all game
>hooked twice
>make it to last gate
>check nearby crate while gate is being opened

>Make yourself stick out like a sore thumb
>Rage quit to try and cuck me out of points when you get downed because you can't hide.
Soft bans for these assholes already.

>just go for ruin
Pass. Not going to take what will be a dead perk slot quickly into the game. If she can't patrol gens, she certainly can't patrol totems on top of it

ruin is just like a hypnotic flame for survivors, they'll flock to it like moths and stop all progress. I don't want to keep my Ruin until the end of the match, I just want to get a few free hookings in.

Seriously, this fucking shit is getting out of hand

What did these spics mean by this? I only stick around if I see another survivor nearby, for obvious reasons and even when I do, I don't face camp.

sounds just like something a camper would say

Maybe I am, I just started playing killer. But what do they expect? Obviously when I see them around a hooked person I won't just leave.

I do believe you. You really don't have to take it to heart, you'll be called a camper even if you run 2 generators away from every hook. It means literally nothing in the current state of the game.

>Survivors are a SWF
>Put on my Iridescent Heads
>Abloo bloo, its not FAAAAAAIIIIRRRR
Using an Ultra-rare isn't fair when you're basically cheating?

What kind of logic is this?

I hope they reported your stupid ass for ruining their fun.

Skip swfs? It's just a match where everybody leaves angrier.

People still play F13?

Why not? Being Jason is more fun than being any DbD killer, and being Chad and playing him properly is more fun than being a survivor.

F13 is a trash game. The flimsy reasoning of "its fun to be op" isn't enough to keep players.
That's why its dead as shit.

But Jason isn't OP.


Whatever, f13cuckie.

You can keep him off you for several minutes easily unless you're playing as Lachappa, and a strength character can render him vulnerable to a practically unpreventable kill in a few hits. If Jason seems OP, it's only because most players are worthless.

but console numbers...

When do you lose addons as a killer?

As soon as the loading screen finishes



I'm done. I'm free.

You may be the only player to even pay attention to that shit.

Rando survivor is an object of my obsession.
Pretty sure that means he has a shank.
Never pick him up all game.
He's the last one alive and I stare at him until he bleeds to death (which took a minute cause he was mostly dead by then)
The tears in post game were gorgeous.

That's just being an asshole right there.

DS users deserve to sniff dirt.

You're right, I should pick him up so he can shank me and then run around and possibly find the hatch. I still get points for a bleed out.

Unironically kill yourself

Gotta get the most out of your $40 dollarinos. That's A LOT of good boy points

anyone got some spicy David and Dwight pics?

Asking for a friend

Would this thread be less shitty if we didn't have faggots desperately trying to make some sort of competition between DBD and Friday?

True user

There is no competition. F13 is fucking dead.

I'm an F13fag and even I agree with that.

What, exactly, is the point of single category BP boosting items? It's literally impossible to even recoup your costs if you grab them at the cost that's normal for their rarity level.

I still think the game could be fixed in some ways, but I agree it will still def die before dbd does

The core game is much better than DbD and it is very easy to fix almost everything wrong with it. But the game has been out for almost 3 months and almost none of the bugs have been fixed, nor has there been any substantial content addition. At this point the game can't be saved, even if the devs roll out an update tomorrow that fixes every bug, fixes some balance issues, adds a new map, adds Pamela and Roy, and singleplayer, all in one day. The game would still die.

It's already dead

Reminder the devs said to report survivors who D/C, it will be a bannable offense once the ban system rolls in.

It's not dead, it still has enough players that you can always find plenty of matches. But it's never going to reach DbD player levels. They had their chance and they blew it.

stop tunneling me and i won't dc

>Stop playing your role and I won't be a crybaby piece of shit!
Enjoy your bans when the back end is finally up and running.

Can someone explain why the hag add-on are so shit?

The majority of the player base are Russian and Chinese.
>But so is dbd
Language isn't a factor in that game.

I don't think the majority of the F13 population are Russian and Chinese. Most of my lobbies seem to be English, even the ones that don't have mics. Sometimes you'll get swarmed with Russians but it's always obvious in the lobby.

These perks create an easy escape 9/10 times.

OK guys, you might not know it but this perk is AMAZING. Alert also works when they break pallets too and you see their aura for 6 full seconds after.

Do the math on it and you'll see it's really not that strong. Adds a few seconds to healing, and ~12s to a solo gen repair. And those numbers are assuming you have all 4 survivors injured.

So what all does the killer show up for, breaking gennys and pallets?

Now try again in English

>Survivors pop 4 gens in the time it takes me to get my first hook, wasnt even a particularly long chase
>3 ultra-rares in the post game lobby

Life is rough sometimes as a killer.

Stop being so shit at escaping and the killer won't "tunnel" you.
What, to you, is the acceptable amount of time for a killer to pursue you when he can still fucking see you? That means you haven't gotten away yet

>Faggot survivor wastes my time just so he can get a few extra points while I find him

2 things.

Fuck treatment theater forever.



Yup. Extremely useful in chasses or sneaku away from a gen that a killers damaging. And the 6 seconds after means you'll know exactly where their going.

I can only imagine what it would be like if they never added the exhaustion mechanic.

Sprint Burst/Lithe/Dead Hard/Balanced Landing

>Do the math on it and you'll see it's really not that strong.
Perhaps not, but when stacked with perks like Ruin and maybe Lullaby, it can be pure torture for survivors.

Holy shit this match was fun.
They toyed around with me thinking they were gonna win.
Ended up with all of em dying and the bitch ass ragequitting

God damn, I can't believe Nurse is so good even without the addons

You're better off never using addons with the Nurse. It's not like other killers where it just improves your raw power. Getting more blinks, longer distances...this will actually damage your ability to play.

It would be amazing. Besides all those perks have a counter now, her name is Anna.

A specific killer isn't really a counter.

Why are Doctors so rare?

I really want to play against one to see how the new changes are for him, but I haven't seen a single one since the last major patch. Hell, I don't think I've seen one since Huntress came out.

hes still shit you have to pay for