remastered is out
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how's everyone liking remastered so far?
gameplay is fine but there are a lot of problems with the interface like the ladder not correctly keeping score, or the game not remembering your hotkeys/settings
Its okay
I want to play UMS but I don't know how to play any of them
So I'm scared :3
And I suck at ranked even tho im a 15 time diamond in SC2
So I'm sad :(
it's a completely different game though. you have to learn it and practice it. i doubt you jumped into sc2 and went straight to diamond without having to learn anything or practicing.
lol 4 IPs. dead on arrival
we're all playing it lol
how many people are playing remastered
I can't be bothered getting into it if there's like 10k players cuz it will drop off to like 2k within a month and then be basically dead
there's not a lot of people. it will go back to being a dead game outside of korea again soon.
It will be healthy. Gooks have been playing broodwar forever and it's still going to be alive with tourneys for at least 2-3 years.
Anyway, I'm having trouble with PvZ transitions and timings. The composition of units is really hard to get right. I need templar storm to beat mass zerg armies but timing it right is hard. I usually end up massing 12-14 zealots and then getting fucked over by zerg. I'm not having a problem with macro or mechanics right now mainly with getting a decent composition and knowing when to attack. Any P players here can give some insight?
you can’t save rts, especially in the west. it’s over for these kinds of games. norms want waifu simulators these days
1 gate expo into +1 corsair into speed zealots into storm
I don't think RTS will hit mainstream. No one is switching from overwatch or casual shit to play the hardest game in a niche category. RTS still is alive though and can have a large enough support base to continue.
The bigger problem is devs who don't get the genre making games in it. Like DoW 3 and SC2
Isn't FFE and 8 pylon at natural the common P strategy? It's just tough because I've just begun playing Protoss and the 8pylon at natural opening choices are pretty complex, pvp/pvt is easy in comparison
it's common but the ladder is filled with people 9 pooling right now so just 1 gate expo. watch and copy pros if you want to get good.
fuck you janny
hey padder
calm down padder
>tfw worried that SCR ladder will be a barren wasteland in a month because of the split player base between BW and SCR and the fact that its a 20 year old game
>tfw SC2 ladder will have 20 times more active players on the ladder
is this what suffering is like
bw and scr share the same ladder dude
warchest phase 2 is out
bw (original) has no matchmaking ladder, dummy
you know what i mean dumbo. they share the same customs so the retards making their own games will be seen by bwr players.
thats actually pretty cool
for me? it's gooks
yeah kfeet
idk about kfeet but kgooks for sure
Any sc2 babies here? How are you handling or liking broodwar. btw the best part of broodwar is that you can literally try harder and it actually works. Like in the middle of game going up 50 apm translates into actually doing way better whereas in sc2 it's just blobbing
i love gooks to 2bh
in fact for me it has to be a gook
i have no reason to live
yeah bw is hella fun. it's a shame you can't dodge mirror matchups.
the great thing about zvz is that its always over quick
i have no reason to live other than gooks
>you can only control 12 units at a time
this is why i say SC:BW is the only real esport.
9 pooling is pretty much the standard opening in ZvP for a long while. You get a cannon and up quickly and block the lings with a Probe.
he's new so 1 gate makes it easier to hold off zerg bullshit. i meant 9 pool speed which i should've specified.
Can someone give me the rundown on Zerg in SC1?
I'm about to start the campaign for it and I have no idea what to do.
build a bunch of hatcheries and then make a ton of zerglings, get some upgrades
got me working side to side~
it's walking not working
the song is about getting fucked so hard you can barely walk
i originally thought it was moving but word
>mine minerals/gas
>build shit
>kill shit
fuck off crumps
cuck off frumps
winning a game feels so fucking good
a gook feels so fucking good
kpop is a fine music
gook is a fine plastic bitch
guys I'm so glad day9 is back!! he is such a good ambassador for the game (^:
also LOVING playing against south americans in bwrm, can't get enough of that region in any game!
our /boy/, SNM, is streaming high level BW protoss
twitch dot tv slash supernovamaniac
>twitch dot tv slash
the system thinks it's spam if I do it any other way
Wish me luck. I'm jumping into bw fresh and hoping to come out a pro in a months time.
anyone else getting this? like 3rd game with it
i did
i think it happened because i was tabbed out or something
hit tab to fix it
ty mate
anyone interested in trading a SC:R account with a blizzard account that has WC3 RoC+TFT, SC2 WoL, and D2 + LoD?
im so HYPE for blizzards sc2 design change announcement thats coming in 5 hours!
if that chinese leak thing is real these changes will be crazy!
whats the chinese leak say
that seems too crazy to believe tbch
those changes are pretty crazy, but then again blizzard always does propose really crazy changes and ends up going through with basically none of them
not possible. removing air fungal would make ZvZ into 100% mass mutas
and then one para bomb wins the game
just make spore crawlers three shot mutas again problem solved
some of those changes actually sound kind of good is this the first balance/mp-unit-design changes since david kim left?
no, there were some small changes like reaper nerfs/map fixes
Those are some pretty extreme changes. Guess we'll see if they're real soon.
something extremely odd about these posts... like a ghost wrote them or something...
be very careful...
eh heh heh... i wish i could come home here....
feels like i have no place to belong anymore
but your home is on eliot street, padder
>mules give less minerals, but can be used on gas
>fungal changed to not hit air, slows off-creep but locks down on-creep
Haven't played in years, but these changes should have happened in like 2011. Let Terran get more gas so they can make something besides mass marine, and make infestors powerful on defense but weaker on offense. That's what made infestors so interesting in the first place, it let zergs play from behind and trade infestor energy for units.
muling gas would be insane
muling gooks would be insane
kept playing games until I won 1
it was against a really bad protoss
popping your cherry feels good right?
uhh I think that's only for your very first time.
you don't pop your cherry every week, do you? eew, just thinking of that sounds gross
muling gooks
high yield gook patches...
they would still mass marines i think
is there no big gookwar tournament coming up
seems like it'd be the thing to do... after the launch
tired as heck haha!
Maybe they're still getting used to it
ASL4 starts in september supposedly
well what the frick are we supposed to post about...
ladder blogs...
percentage of cheese when gl hf'd >70%
i hope those changes are real...