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first for stinky gringo

Not a fan of his mastery skin. Have they shown off his kit yet?

Who /iggy/ here?

ebin employee said the invisible walls are getting removed in v43 when they update the map

Posting for nice OP picture
>Also this
Well to be honest I really wanted to play it
I saw some streams of it and even though it looked limited (obviously since beta) survival games are one of my kinks
Guess I should have lurked more
2018 isn't too far from now though since it'll be free to play
>inb4 clans/guilds/parties based on Paragon waifus
Staking my claim as Bush Leader here and now

we just went over this buddy back off of my waifu

Some guy did a bit of the math. Glad my anecdotes of wukong being worse than countess were true. What was aurora's release WR among upper 20%?

WR | PR | Non Mirrorer WR | Top 20% WR
56% 30% 58.57% 62.63%
>Iggy & Scorch
55% 29% 57.04% 60.07%
53% 34% 54.55% 58.86%
56% 11% 56.74% 58.47%
53% 17% 53.61% 55.42%
>Feng Mao
52% 12% 52.27% 53.87%
50% 27% 50.00% 53.44%
47% 8% 46.74% 49.72%
47% 7% 46.77% 47.43%
42% 5% 41.58% 41.95%
43% 15% 41.76% 41.75%

>They're essentially the 2 supports to Cam's carry except he's pushing towers with no minions
Suddenly it makes perfect sense why Awaken the Emeric is a thing.

>b-but she's my waifu!
Listen here kiddo, you're adorable an' all, but it takes a certain kind of skill to navigate a bush of this caliber

high but not astronomical since just like countess it tanked heavily in plat and above since people knew to buy purity just like people rush gag order now. i think it was around 56%.

>this fraud ass fuck actually saved my image with the same name
not only does a poser like you not deserve the queenbush you dont desrve any at all go jerk off to countess with all the other normies

Oh, I'm sorry, did you want a different image?
I've got plenty more bushbae where that came from

>foot fetish
never disgust me or my waifu ever again

>Paying attention to the feet rather than the delicious amount of Aurora-tier ass meat on display
user please

How quickly should you rush Growth Totem?

Depends on who you are playing as. I don't think it is very good unless you get a few kills and can buy it very early.

Went 6/2/14 as tank Sev jungle, made Cunttess my bitch. Stole their prime and made a comeback, we would've easily won but our ADC left.
He whined something about getting bursted down by countess, and our support didn't even have wards.


>No Cuntess on either side
>No Kallari on either side
>Only a Wokong on the opposite team
Literally the greatest game I've had since release

>spend my free coins for serath skins
>a day later titsicles gets this

Wasn't Mooney the one who said three carries could be meta

I've been at walmart and couldn't post

Any good deck builds for /ourguy/ Kwang?

Godmother Vigilant and no other cards.

What does getting duplicate gems from chests do?
Do they stack in the pve or is that only cards?

The same gems can have different stats (one will give you 60 health, another 2.5 power, etc.) I think there are also different rarities that have increased stats in PvE.

CompRip, Vamp Blade, Withering Shadow

you can do a shield build with mallenks tribute sacred alchemy and vamp blade or you can do a suicide build with withering shadow, sorvuk initiate and vamp blade.
either way you can 1v1 anyone and never die

Hm, I have 9 out of 9 gems for each slot but I guess I'll keep an eye out for the stat changes

>win 6 games in a row
>then lose 5 games in a row
I don't know what I did to win nor what I did to lose. Either we are winning the entire map or everything is on fire; nothing in between. Is this how you guys feel? soloq ~1750 elo. Also, fuck 5 stacks, they ruin fucking everything.

yes. and it just gets worse the higher you go because as you said you get more and more 5 stacks. plat around 1600 is the best games because its high enough you wont get gold shitters who played whatever hero is OP that month and made 1505 and think they're the best player in the world but still low enough that you're not at the MMR cap and get nothing but suki 5 stacks all day.
like i said last thread the game desperately needs a solo q only playlist and to rapidly demote people who get reported as being mismatched so many times within a certain time period

post em

This page is fucking useless.

i wanna fuck aurora's butt

Forced 50%

most games are doing this now, ask /owg/ it's basically a mechanic where devs notice if people win about 50% of their games they stay satisfied enough to keep playing. So after a lot of win you get matched up with as many people that can stomp you as possible. The problem with Pragon is is more obvious than other games because you have huge win streaks then huge win loses as opposed to them being sprinkled through out your gaming experience.



>vs a countess kallari kwang 3 stack
>entire match they just stack a lane with kwang and count going in and forcing a fight while kallari splitpushes
>if you dont fight they're free to push the lane up as far as they want meaning you can never go on the offensive
>if you do fight kwang tanks for 40 seconds and if you focus him countess deletes half your team and if you focus her kallari just ults in and kills whoever
so what do i do to "counterplay" this

Someone explain to me the logic of having a squishy DPS like Wukong, Countess, Kallari, or Crunch in the off lane instead of tanky bodies like Greystone, Riktor, or Kwang.

Seriously worried about you guys. I can't have fun with this game anymore. I played my main and smurf up to cap and can't make new accounts without epic royally fucking me. I didn't think they could make the new account experience any worse but they managed it. So now I am stuck with a bunch of wanna-be pro 5 stacks, toxic tryhard soloq players, and whiney streamers. Everyone is just abusing the same broken shit every game so it all culminates in one side rolling the fuck out of the other. I haven't had a comeback or close game in my last 30.

They're the kind of offlaners that need levels yet have to be babysat by the jungler before they reach level 5. They're mechanically shitty midlaners.

He has the fastest farm and we he comes online he ends the game. That's it. If your jungle doesn't camp the fuck out of him that is game. You can't 1v1 or even 2v1 him after 20 minutes, if he is smart you aren't going to catch him with a team rotation, he can pretty much solo every objective on the map in less than a few seconds(with or without minions), and if your team groups anywhere to push you are now trading objectives with wukong meaning you lose a game. He is essentially a sustain tank that has the best movement in the game with the best objective clear in the game.
People lost their shit because her level 5 can't be countered. She isn't as strong as people claim her to be though. If she doesn't put in work to snowball she become pretty mediocre. That said, she probably has the most polarizing early game of any hero. Did she get fed? She wins. That's it. Did she trade even and not penta at 15 minutes? Your team is now on the backfoot. Having your game decided by a single player's level 5 performance before the remainder of the team has access to proper counters is frustrating; hence the hate/popularity. She also has good wave clear which keeps her relevant into the late game so she isn't high risk, high reward as much as minor risk, immense variation.
Just a pretty bad idea but Kallari is overtuned enough that she is a pretty legit pubstomp hero. She can one-shot people from stealth which isn't an easy mechanic for most players to deal with.
Ha, no.
Both great and extremely viable picks. However, Grey has a ult bug currently that makes him inconsistent and Kwang is a slightly tankier sustain tank than wukong. If you don't need the extra early heft of kwang, wukong is just plain better. You just have to stomach his bullshit ricing splitpush mess.

like i said last thread just find something shitty that you still find fun and tank. ive been playing support aurora and its been going great. i get to stare at her fat ass and drop back into elo where the game is actually fun again

Oh, I forgot.
Better but still pretty shit unless you can consistently hit your pulls, which most of you can't. He is actually a pretty good representation of high risk, high reward. Due to his lack of dps he is still a hard pick to sell considering our current burst/splitpush meta. You have to work a team around a riktor so he isn't as viable as wukong or kwang etc.

>first pick offlane khai
>"havent seen this meme before"
>pick 2 and 3 the obvious kallari and countess
>pick 4 insta lock on iggy
>"fuck this shit"
>pick wukong
>stuck right lane alone against a morigesh as iggy and khai duo left
>basically play offlane safe lane since i can't leave tower without getting marked and poop bombed every 5 seconds.
>finally get farmed
>barrel straight down every lane 1v4ing with vamp blade lifesteal and no movement penalty gems
>take 2 inhibs by myself
>solo the core while 3 people are trying to kill me
i dont know whether to be more disappointed this is the state of plat games or that this actually worked

This is unfortunately common so don't feel too proud, user. The game is fucked beyond belief right now.

i literally said i was disappointed it was fun as fuck tho

fuck, I have shitty reading comprehension.

How is feng mao rn? Which role does he take?
Also, why the only heroes that feel like a support are muriel and the orc? Muriel isn't bad but besides the area shield and ult feels like you do nothing

i just realized what this game is now. its MW2 all over again. marathon commando 60 foot lunges, OMA infinite grenade launchers, yolo no scope sniper shots. everything is broken, everything is chaotic, everything is so very very fun

Feng is a pretty decent offlane, he is just overshadowed by the monkey. With his move speed increase and the viability of aa based shield tanks he can be a serious threat. He just looks like a retarded attack helicopter.
global ult and shields out the ass with the cd reductions made her fucking stupid. Her slow and alacrity aren't bad either and help chase stragglers after you carry a teamfight. She counters burst and we are in a very burst heavy meta. Also synergizes well with iggy, who is his own broken piece of shit.
helps heal ability poke, thunk counters countess ult, and his ult is an extremely underestimated ability that wins teamfights overwhelmingly if used correctly. March isn't bad for chasing as above.

They both just have tools to deal with ability burst/poke. The other supports don't.

Is there a best gem meta that works across the board or is it dependant on hero/playstyle?

depends on your role really, but generally all characters in a role will use the same gem board, just like generally, all characters in a role can use the same deck.

So is there a limit to how many attributes total you can purchase in game or is it literally 25 each assuming the game goes long enough for that amount of gold?

25 each max, so 75, 75k gold spent on attributes. Realistically you'll get to 30~ points in any given match though.

you can max them all but games end in 35 minutes now at the longest so you'd have to intentionally drag them out long enough to do it

EVERY FUCKING GAME Kallari, Countess, and Fucking Ape Escape.

Maybe in competent brackets. I had an hour long game recently because my team ran back to our jungle whenever a fight looked like it might happen.

the minion waves stack to such a ridiculous level that i don't know how you can have a match last for more than 45 minutes unless you spend every second just clearing waves back and forth. any pick past 30 minutes is a free inhib

What's this card that lets people become invisible at will? How does anyone think this is fair?

>mask of madness
What did he mean by this?

Overclocked Android is mask of madness from dota. It gives you enough movement speed to counter the attack while moving penalty and almost enough attack speed to counter death crawler.

Shadow Dancer. Corruption card, cost 4 vitality 6 intellect.

Easily countered by wards and other cards.

bed bump


Thanks, m8y.

>-1 elo because enemy average elo is 400 higher than my team
repeat this for every single game. Ranked mode when

I remember being disgusted at Cam specifically, but I suppose that could just be my default state of mind. I'm not going back to listen to those jokers again, though.

Is agora.gg broken?

works for me

None of the shit loads for me

>5 dollar mastery
>10 dollar skin
Fuck I want that new Aurora skin but how can anyone justify spending that?


>playing Aurora

Why shouldn't I?

I wonder if tomorrow night's community corner will stay "on-message" or if they'll actually reference any of the stuff people have been complaining about?
If they don't even mention the mastery situation (or worse, try to double down on their position), they'll start losing people fast.
I have this feeling it will open with KL trying to sound reasonable, then Cam will pipe up as if he's trying to explain Physics to a toddler while just dissembling for five minutes and end up saying nothing of any real value. You know, like always.

Slow Yuro hours.

So how do I get them to make a model with her bush guys?

So how long can until we can see a full bush or hairy armpits in game?


You throw money at them.

I'm wondering the same. What time will it be?
This meta is complete bullshit.

If we all spam them with the request I think they might

I don't know, some time on Friday nights. I used to think there was a regular time, but they missed the upload schedule a few times iirc, so it's just a vague window of a few hours every Friday night.

Mastery situation?

You haven't noticed the ludicrous prices? Even with daily login and star coin unlocks for rep, you're looking at an insane grind to make any kind of mastery progress. This isn't an immediate problem for long time players (although affording masteries for newly-released heroes will be a pain), but anyone starting new will be completely screwed. There's also the knock-on effect of the most important cards being locked behind both masteries and account progression, so you need to invest in masteries but also be around level 25 before you can even think about starting to compete seriously in PvP.
I have bigger problems with the mechanical speed of the game and the pace of the matches because I can ignore the mastery problem, but it's definitely the most important issue right now, especially since this newest version of the game (which has pissed off approximately half of the visible userbase) was designed specifically to accomodate newer players and/ or shitters.

tl;dr: Epic shit the bed once again.

They decided that the best way to encourage people to think and counterpick was to encourage people to only play a handful of heroes.

What are the best cards and gems for the offlane?

I'm pretty new to the game so it's hard to "notice" anything that's different or changed.

Why, what did it cost to buy Mastery before?

Healing Towers, Cull The Weak, Fortifying Strikes, etc. any kind of sustain is good, and Cull lets you clear incoming waves faster while also getting some cxp, but after the first 5-10 minutes/ end of the laning phase, you just build for your role as usual (ie tank with SacAlc, Unbroken and Godmother; Caster with Invader Mage or the % ability increase card for 8 int) and maybe leave a space free for whatever utility you've built for the oft-meme'd "counter play".

It used to be a flat 75k for every hero that you paid for once and got you levels 1-10.
Now you pay a minimum of 500k for almost every hero per "rank" (a rank is equivalent to one level pre v42, iirc), with heroes that have been mastered/ made it to rank 10 costing 750k to progress to rank 11.
You do get some good shit (skins, emotes, crowns, chests with cards/ gems/ the occasional key), but the whole system seems to either be poorly thought out or specifically designed to gouge new players for actual money. You'd hope it's the former, but Epic's new head Creative Director is a guy who made his name from a series of mobile games, so I'm guessing the scummy microtransaction bullshit is entirely on purpose.

I noticed some of them were only 150k. Maybe just the easy heroes.

Should I even play today
it's just going to be monkeyman gimmicks and le stabby ninja killing my dumbass teammates

I think that's for the three or four beginner heroes like Greystone and Murdock.

I'd say make a smurf, but you can't really. Come to think of it, that will probably hurt the game some, too: people get pretty fucking sick of waiting around at higher Elo's, and since smurfing's hard as fuck now they'll either be throwing matches to bring themselves down or just not bothering to play.

I started playing a few days ago and I'm like level 10-11, already see a countess/kallari every game and people with mastery 10+ with them so not a good idea

>People can't stop feeding Kallari

Okay, then you're kind of screwed. Give it until Tuesday and see if they address any of the insane shit, otherwise come back on September 16th for v43 and try again.

Give me a reason to play anything but Wukong. You literally can't.

You can split almost as well with Countess with the added bonus of being able to delete virtually any hero with 2 easily-landed abilities on tiny cooldowns from 6 minutes in. And dat ass.
>tfw all my favourite heroes from pre42 are OP shitter bait now

>Still missing one or two cards in every affinity.