/scg/ SoCal General: Impromptu reschedule edition

We just ran GMR tonight and the road is full of rocks and debris, it’s pretty much un-driveable right now.
>N E W M E E T
Desert Overnight: Meet at the Carl’s Jr. parking lot at high noon
1530 E Main Street, Barstow, CA 92311
It’s a abandoned Ghost Town Campground that’s at the base of a winding desert touge, see you faggots there.

2/24: Latigo Canyon, 7:30 AM.

3/17: Little Tujunga

>What to bring
2 way radio (Midland brand walkies seem to work the best)
Virgin boipucci for the touge gods

Nightc/o/re OC meets every Thursday at either GMR or Live Oak Canyon.

Nightc/o/re SD meets every Friday at either Del Dios Highway or Otay Lakes Road.

Check the Discord for details.

>Muh CHP
Niggery diggery doo, I called CHP on you.

>Can I bring my shitbox/exotic/baiku/dakimakura?
Yes, all cars and bikes are welcome. Traps are gay.



Yeen Peen story: yuki.la/o/16221782

Latigo Canyon: youtu.be/1FxrpVCCZHc

New Years Meet at Idyllwild: youtu.be/EmHMwWyyHX8

1. Do not drive beyond your/your car’s limits. This is not a race. Cruise with the slow group first if you’re unsure how fast you want to drive, and we always wait for stragglers.
2. Do not cross the double yellows. Rule subject to change based on the road and time of day.
3. No burnouts, drifting, etc. at meeting spots. We don't need any unwanted attention.
4. Do not go Wangan Midnight when convoying. Cops love pulling over large groups of cars.

I know this is short notice guys and I apologize for that, props to all of the guys who helped plan this on the tele.


BORG'S TRIP CODE IS 'Borg the Vapelord !!m3E0Lphpjuz"


Hey guys this is the actual Borg. Don't listen to any of these guys

Sorry, you won't be raping and killing us today, fake borg.

Thanks, lad.

What the fuck do you think this fake Borg wasn’t planning to do to us in the boonies? I swear I’m going to have to start bringing my funs.

Posted in the telegram yet?

I’m down, are we tenting or sleeping in the cars again? I talked to a few guys on the discord and they’re willing to make the drive for Saturday.

Friendly reminder that I'm now selling the OFFICIAL nightc/o/re stickers for $20 to help pay my legal and repair fees

Well, for starters, I'm sure he wasn't going to leave our bodies identifiable.

Is it okay if I bring my rsx? I’m new to the area and this meet is actually close by

Bumping for comfy desert campfires

Daily reminder that this thread is fake and you should not go out to the desert.

I literally came back from going up crystal lake 30 minutes ago. Can’t speak for east fork/gmr but heading up crystal lake there was no debris.

Proof that this thread is fake.

>fake tacofag
He doesn’t even use a tripcode, he just namefags. He’s not even going to be back in California for at least a few months.

Fake and gay
Someone is luring you to get murdered

I am stationed at Fort Irwin right now, will take my buddies with me tomorrow and look for any suspicious murdering weebs and take photos. We wont be wearing our fatigues to help us blend in. We will see what we catch, and post in the thread.

Godspeed, user.