>be uppity cager
>get shot
Be uppity cager
>be American
>get into enough of a road rage to cut people off, tailgate them, follow them home, start fights or kill them
Why the fuck does your entire nation seem like it's constantly on the edge?
>Be 24 year old empowered woman
>ride motorcycle to stick it to patriarchy because they're not just toys for boys
>buy gun to stick it too male patriarchy because they're not just toys for boys
>get overly emotional about everyday occurrence because my hormones are more imbalanced than the wage gap
>fight man old man almost 3 times my age as realistically I couldn't beat someone my own age due to sexist genetic material
>lose fight get more pissed off and shoot the old man in blind fury
>call cops and report I shot a man but don't get charged because he started it
What the fuck happened to respect your elders? Or at least tolerate the old fucks and complain about them later.
But /pol/ and MPCdotcom will defend her because of muh 14 Words
In b4 that video where a bunch of rednecks hold a group of bikers at gunpoint
>being a biker who thinks the road is meant just for him and destroys peoples cars for no reason
Kill yourself.
Too many hours working
The suspect in question is female. That's about all that needs to be said here, unless you're a woman-enabler.
I was making a general statement. for the HURR DURR FUCK CAGERS crowd
And I'm making a general statement. For the "women dindu nuffin and they're capable of driving/riding without emotionally compromising themselves" crowd.
>but don't get charged because he started it
They don't have the concept of self defense in your country?
I'm from Canada. Depending on the judge it doesn't matter who started it. If you bring a gun to a knife fight you're probably going to get charged with assault with a deadly weapon even though both are classified as deadly weapons.
My female cousin was charged with assault with a deadly weapon in a fist fight. She was fighting another woman, who threw the first punch but was shorter and weighed less so the crown trumped up the charges because apparently it wasn't a fair fight.
>if you punch your attacker, they win
I had some roadrage incidents but they were just shouting matches, except in 2 cases. In the first one a woman have cut us off so we couldnt get out of the parking space, a man next to her wanted.to jumo out to fight but got back in when I got out (im 6'8 and fatfit) and when a white mitsu tried to run us off because he was mad for some reason, tore him out of the car and kneeled on his back until popo arrived
Almost universally, amount of force used in self defense must be proportional to the threat. You can only use as much force as "necessary" to make your attacker stop.
Example: If someone is slapping you repeatedly without endangering your life, you aren't permitted just whip out your recreational AA autocannon and blast him to pieces. In states without "duty to retreat" you can knock him out if necessary or even break his arms if you want, but shooting him would not be permitted unless the attacker escalated force and caused you to have a reasonable fear of ded
>Old man starts fighting ya
>Be an American with a sense of self-preservation
>defend yourself
Nothing wrong here, eurocuck. The fact the woman stayed until the cops came shows she really believes it was in self-defense.
>Almost universally, amount of force used in self defense must be proportional to the threat.
But what about that fat mother-beater who ran over the protestors in Charlottesville? All the armchair attorneys on /pol/ and MPCdotcom said that he was justified in running over 2 people because someone punched his car
Restrictions on self-defense do not apply when you're defending against nonhumans.
Thats why the bombing of Dresden is not a warcrime
i live where this happened and the "cagers" are fucking god awful drivers, especially the old people, especially the asians, but above all, the women drivers oh fucking god the women
>Restrictions on self-defense do not apply when you're defending against nonhumans.
So then I can kill all the women and white-males-under-25 I want and justify it because women and soybois aren't human
No, you would be violating NAP by damaging someone else's property.
Warcrimes do not exist.
>No, you would be violating NAP by damaging someone else's property.
Soybois and women aren't human, ergo they cannot be property owners. The Weak Must Fear the Strong ;^)
What should I keep in car at all times incase someone throws something at my car in road rage scenario? I'm thinking one of those thick fat batteries to launch at the fuckheaded
Pneumatic cannon/spud gun loaded up with wine corks
>Almost universally, amount of force used in self defense must be proportional to the threat.
Different here in Germany. You must use the least force available to you that'll reliably deflect harm from you. In other words you can't blast someone's head off with a gun for slapping you if you're physically stronger than the opponent, but if you're a granny you can blast a muscle packed guy in the face with a gun for merely slapping you.
I got fucking probation for beating up a drunk man trying to hit me with a rake when I was fucking 18 just because I was tall and fit, I only threw 4 fucking punches
Old man shouldn't have got out of his car to beat her up then if he wanted respect
Unless you believe she dragged him out of his car the fact he was outside of his car tells all you need about this situation
Not enough soy
Ninja rocks
What's a cager?
Guy who rides a motorcycle with a roof
A car driver who traps a motorbike between his vehicle and the shoulder
>be biker thug
>kill guy
>continue on your way to sell meth
spark plugs or a heavy thermos
Won't they enter window when shattered? There'd be finger prints incase of police report?
>There'd be finger prints incase of police report?
If youre that worried about legalcunt shit then just get two dashcams. One so you can see the cunt who threw shit at your car in traffic and one so you can catch his licenseplate
>Ride motorcycle
>Have CHL
>Don't want gun to fall out of holster
>fall out of holster
Ive never had such a thing happen
Get a holster with button or strap retention
Or maybe get a better holster.
Every man for himself mentality of the general population, melting pot of cultures, political climate, stress from work, etc.. it's doggy dog country here. No one gives a shit about each other, first thing I noticed when visiting nipland
This + shit pay and if you're not killing yourself at your job every day you're a bad employee
>Pulling over due to someone chimping out.
This isn't an American thing. It's an idiot thing. Just glad the female Rider is smart enough to own a gun and used it at the last moment.
>Not having a route to confuse followers.
I mean, I know that it won't fall out, but it feels risky. Know what I mean? And then there's the whole "how do I actually carry this while wearing my one piece suit"
What the fuck is wrong with you Americans?
>blue 2008 Yamaha
What bike though?
Here in the dutch caliphate it's the same except we can't own guns, pepper spray, mace, etc.
Until a few years ago we had the duty to flee, even in the case of a burglary lmao. Burglars could succesfully sue the owner of the house of they fell down the stairs because it was slippery
Bikerfags think they own the road
>I'll strawman the whole thing
/pol/tards everyone
Not him, bikefag in yuropistan here. I don't understand why
1: motorcyclists in the US seem to act like snowcat, sperging 100% because of a person in a car
2: car drivers sperg whenever a motorcyclist filters past them (even at an acceptable speed). I've been to socal and had some people in cars sperg and try to block me. One person even said "YOU HAVE TO WAIT IN LINE LIKE THE REST OF US". Why are plenty of americans so childish man?
Why is the Mazda 6 cordoned off as well? There's no article mentioning what the fuck it's doing there.
>Why are plenty of americans so childish man?
I mean, they elected a literal manchild as their prez
It's the "me first" attitude they're all raised with
Well here's my perspective, having lived in the US most of my life and ridden bikes on east and west coasts:
>1: motorcyclists in the US seem to act like snowcat, sperging 100% because of a person in a car
More of a vocal minority. You just hear about this shit because every other rider doesn't make a huge scene and it would make a boring youtube video of someone just shaking their head and going around a car doing something stupid/not paying attention.
>2: car drivers sperg whenever a motorcyclist filters past them (even at an acceptable speed). I've been to socal and had some people in cars sperg and try to block me. One person even said "YOU HAVE TO WAIT IN LINE LIKE THE REST OF US". Why are plenty of americans so childish man?
Again, this is the same shit. I lane split every single day in CA and not once did a single vehicle try to block me or say anything to me. People hear about these random incidents because it is more interesting than the countless times nothing happens, and now people think it's always this way.
i literally want to buy a draco and one of those quickfire triggers for it and cleanly mount it in the passenger footwell of my evo
if someone hits me and im driving without coverage ill take a life
but you literally wouldn't
Spend a year working in Japan and you'll take back those words.
Cagers can't drive for 3 minutes without getting distracted and swerving on the road looking like a dickhead, though i assume you have no car so you're not an issue
>be my friend
>trade MR2 for a motorcycle
>decides to try and break a mustangs mirror
>mustang slams him and almost kills him when he tries it
Haven't spoken to him in years for being a fucking retard, he also got arrested for instigating the response from the mustang who got off scot free, kek.
I've had dumbasses get out of the car and try to start shit becuase I passed them in the slow lane when they were doing well less than the speed limit in the fast lane.
Not sure what possesses some idiot to think that they can fight someone with full gear on but whatever. Good on her for standing her ground though.
Its rare occasions like this that make me want to start carrying a stun gun in the car
Wild ass guess but probably was a first responder.
Holy shit this happened in my town
I bet that old piece of shit was a trump supporter. Fuck "elders" who quite literally RUINED THE ENTIRE WORLD. I'm glad he's dead.
this. anyone defending him because MUH FEMINAZI OMG WHO DOES SHE THINK HE IS is an eternally triggered kissless virgin
The first thing that came to my mind when hearing this story is this gun helped the lonely motorcycle le riding bitch grow balls. I hate women who act like road raging men. The other motorists should've let the likely feminist cunt walk into traffic.
It's a byproduct of a rootless multicultural consumer capitalist society. There is generally no sense of community here unless you get into the ghetto, rural, or recent immigrant areas. And there are 330 million people that are here that we know of, with many more millions of illegals. A human mind can only care for at most 150 people.
Laws and the sense of justice has changed for the worst. I don't know what the alternative should be but this is not it.
Federal way here. Where are you at in this mindless multiracial suburban mess?
I don't want to read "doggy dog" ever again.
bikelet gets so mad he shoots someone
i am literally laughing my asshole off
Fuck that society, they live to work 60 hour weeks and of you don't you're considered a loser who doesn't deserve a careercunt wife and 2 kids. He'll no to that.
Why the hell did he stick around for the cops?
I love this multicultural, anti traditionalist, feminist, paradise.
>American citizen using his SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED right to defend themselves
>"Damn I luv America"
>it happens to be a woman
>get in fight about stupid traffic incident
>shoot someone
different from 3 niggers trying to break into your house at 4am retard
There are two sides to every story. The bitch probably thought she could take this 60 year old man on but when he got her on the ground and she started wrestling she pulled out the heat somehow and got 1 in him. Without a man's invention she wouldn't be shit and I'm eagerly waiting for updates on this.
>deranged old man gets out of his car, PROVOKES the fight
>gets a taste of the 2nd
your virginity is showing
>arguing about guns
>bet ure a vergin lol
why do ledditors argue like this?
It's said on porpoise.
it doesn't matter, he got out of his car, he wanted to fight, and he ded now
you are triggered because it's a woman who killed a man. if it had been a nigger getting out of his car to beat the white man in the motorcycle you'd be saying how justified the cyclist was to defend himself
triggered virgins ITT
>the doublespacer tries to blend in
Just like faggot cyclist-haters. Can't those subhumans get over themselves.
>I've lost
>Better ad hominem out of nowhere to save face
There's literally no reason for this cunt on a bike to have pulled over. NONE
any proof he provoked it?
beyond word of mouth.
stay sperged
>without a MAN's invention
>all this asshurt
Just asking, do you guys don't have mothers you love ? How do you manage do come back at home for christmas to you moms after a year of imaginary war of the sexes ?
>Take extra effort to not quote
I'm flattered.
Eggs. Just leave them on the dash until needed.
My mom also unironically thinks most women in their 20's and 30's are retarded
alt rightards are the new SJW/tumblr