Been playing battlefield 1, how accurate is it? First thing to get me interested in wwi desu
Been playing battlefield 1, how accurate is it? First thing to get me interested in wwi desu
Are you actually retarded?
>No France
>No Russia
>Female warrior in the more patriarchal society of the early XXth society
>Harlem Hellfighters fighting under the American army, and not the French army
Now if you'll forgive me, I'm going to /thread myself.
Are you? This has bullshit make-believe bait all over it.
>>No Russia
I get the no France thing, they've chosen to do the Western Front without France at launch which is pretty mind-boggling, but Russia? obviously they made a big contribution but they decided not to do the Eastern front, and frankly I think they are pretty free to make that choice.
The campaign overrates the British effort at the expense of France
As for the multiplayer, SMGs are overused, tanks are way too fast and planes are way too maneuverable
I won't even talk about horses for obvious reason
Basically, take it more like a fictious steampunk game than a WW1 one
American game = Britain must get the spotlight if the era doesnt allow the US to get it
That's why we get British troops on the Western front even though France was the main nation there, that's why we get a British pilot in the aerial story even though France had the best allied air force and aces, and that's why we get the irrelevant secondary theaters Britain fought on (Gallipoli and Arabia) instead of the much more relevant Eastern Front and Balkan theater
The weaponry is all stuff that either never made it to the battlefield at all or in large numbers or stuff that was stupidly impractical. Like that fucking body armor,
Plus all the SJW and American centric bullshit. Put in a Indian army guy instead of WE WUZ SOLDIERS and replace the women with a French guy.
>American game
It's an American publisher, not an American studio.
Relevance, what that means, and power rankings aside; the Middle Eastern theatre is interesting and is represented in film. Gallipoli has a film about it (clearly inspiring the Australian runner in the campaign if that ended up being true, I haven't played it yet). This is similar to how the US 101st Airborne is over-represented in WWII games relative to their impact, this is fine, they are iconic.
>Put in a Indian army guy instead of WE WUZ SOLDIERS
Don't understand why they filled the British army with blacks when their biggest non-white contingent were Indians
America is a massive wealthy market and they have loads of blacks.
What isnt fine is that they told us they'd explore the forgotten aspects of WW1, yet we once again end up with the extremely overrated Brits on the Western front instead of the French (I mean, Brits are already in every WW2 games and WW1 movies produced by the US, give us something new) and fucking overrated Gallipoli bullshit instead of the Russian front
>no Russia
>implying you'd want to even play as them
Russia was fucking lame in WW1, they got BTFO'd literally the whole war
They make us play as a fucking aussie at Gallipoli
Talk about playing someone that gets rekt...
France is literally the next DLC though, pretty jewish of them not to put it in the main game though
>"they shall not pass" Verdun DLC
get le hype mon ami
I think references to the 'forgotten aspects' probably mean those aspects that aren't generally well known in the US. Americans would be pretty familiar with the western front, but I doubt the general public knows much about Gallipoli, the Italian front, etc.
we just got bored of being in Turkey desu and wanted to slaughter Germans in Europe after destroying the Ottomans in the Middle East
>mfw even our worst military defeat in WW1 was because of British cowardice and incompetence
The middle east in WWI was extremely interesting, you just sound butthurt.
>Leader nation of the Entente side
>Gets a shitty multiplayer only DLC with two crappy maps
Meanwhile, the less relevant Brits get sucked off during 5 hours of campaign (most of which takes place in France)
>mfw even our worst military defeat in WW1 was because of British cowardice and incompetence
This is meme tier history and you know it
>mfw even our worst military defeat in WW1 was because of British cowardice and incompetence
yes you're right, the british were meme tier
>Americans would be pretty familiar with the western front
With the British fighting on it? Sure
But I doubt they'd be familiar with the French effort
Remember that most Americans think France lost WW1
I wasn't really talking about them being familiar with the details, I meant it more in the sense that Americans would be able to envisage western front trench warfare - whereas there'd be a pretty good chance they wouldn't know about things like the Gallipoli campaign at all.
As an Australian, I was pretty happy to see some representation in the game - though the uniforms (especially the slouch hat) triggered my autism.
It's cool the Australians got representation in the game
Just sad it happened at the expense of countries that contributed much more
I assumed that maybe it was because France wasn't a big market for Battlefield games - but I was genuinely surprised they put in an Italian campaign, so I guess marketing doesn't really answer it. I suspect the real answer is that it just makes for a good cash cow DLC.
How are the Germans portrayed? Basically Nazis or what?
In the campaign? They're not really portrayed at all as anything except things to shoot at. The Ottomans get a lot of love in the text blurbs at the beginning and end of certain missions though.
Honestly this "contribution" theme you are hung up on is a little like the niggers and oscars storm in a teacup. Now choosing to portray the western front without the French at launch is a pretty big misstep IMO, but they shouldn't be held to propriety if they choose to do Palestine or the Alps over the Eastern front.
The eternal Anglo
>Now choosing to portray the western front without the French at launch is a pretty big misstep IMO, but they shouldn't be held to propriety if they choose to do Palestine or the Alps over the Eastern front.
The issue is that they did portray the Western front, but with overrated Brits in it instead of the French
Had they not portrayed the Western front at all, it wouldnt have been such a big deal, but rather something similar to WW2 games that focus on the Pacific
When is the DLC out?
>no sitting around in a trench for fucking ever because commanders don't know the meaning of the word rotation
>no shellshock from being hammered by artillery for weeks on end
>no tearing a gasmask from your comrade during a mustard gas attack because your own is broken
>no digging foxholes with your bare hands
Then we are in furious agreement, though overrated is a bit much. Overrated by fucking idiots maybe.
>no sitting around in a trench for fucking ever because commanders don't know the meaning of the word rotation
maybe this dank meme is true for other belligerents but
Women served in the Serbian army.
After all that controversy and how heavily they were used in the marketing, I can't believe how minor a role the Harlem Hellfighters actually have in the campaign.
Irish women did too
>no sitting around in a trench for fucking ever because commanders don't know the meaning of the word rotation
the same in verdun check "voie sacrée"
Not accurate at all.
You do know Dice has a very long history of downplaying and making the French out to be pussies and useless in every single game they release right?
It's fucking wonderful to be honest.
Not accurate in any way.
>"french campaign"
>spend the entire game defending
>no naval combat
>occasional "mutiny" bonus levels
no wonder they opted for the lawrence of arabia stuff tbqh
Which ones?
I can only remember BF3 and BF1 shitting on France
They do have a recent history of forcing diversity though
>heroic good hearted nog wants to save all refugees
>heroic strong azn woman who falls for the nog
>petty selfish white manlet scolds heroic nog for having saved refugees
BF Hardline
>Everyone is a spic or a nog
>no naval combat
Because there was so much naval action in the campaign...
>spend the entire game defending
Yeah, it's not like France was the country leading the final offensive on Germany (which ironically counted more US troops than British one, that's how irrelevant Britain was)
>french bragging about being the main force defending their own country
Reminder that Britain has literally NEVER won any european war without allies (unlike France, Spain, Germany, Russia...), yet they have the nerve to mock France for having needed allies to win WW1
>it's not like France was the country leading the final offensive on Germany
No, it's not
Reminder that out of the 8 millions troops Britain sent to the war, only 4 millions were British
Rather high casualties for a country that was irrelevant in the war.
What are you trying to prove, fag?
The supreme allied commander that lead the offensive was French.
Germany gave it's surrender to France
Britain may have performed better in the one cherrypicked engagement you posted, but France was still the leader nation of the whole thing
Because your country had been invaded you utter mong
>What are you trying to prove
That you're an idiot for claiming some sort of French superiority and evidencing it with the fact you had to conscript literally everyone because Germans had overrun swathes of your country and had to get your allies to send literally millions of troops to help
>it's a French-British ants conflict episode
Can we just all agree that you're both irrelevant fags compared to the United States of America, ruler of this planet?
>usa in a wwi thread
Thanks for reminding me your country even turned up to this one
We were at least as relevant as Britain
See numbers
Berber =/= Arab bud
I know because I watched Strike Back, the men wear veils in Berber society.
>surrendered in 1917
France and Britain may have contributed more than us, but we definitly did more than Russia
Bedouin =/= Beber
Bedouins are Araps
Berbers are from north west africa, the people in game are bedouin arabs
Sure, but we are talking about a ww1 setting where the opposite was true
>The Italian body armour
It's almost as if they knew people would sperg out and give the game more publicity while in the midst of their autism.
What's wrong with it? Was it not a real thing?
Do you really think that a normal soldier would be able to carry several Kg in plate armour, a HEAVY machine gun designed to be fired from a fixed point and 400-600 rounds of ammo for said machine gun while climbing a mountain?
Also, plate armour could only stop small caliber weapons (at least the plate armour that a soldier would carry)
I mean, it's just a bunch of steel, not a powered armour like in Halo
The Americans ITT are hilarious.
Literally turned up a week before the end credits.
You're ignorant and probably american
And yet we're in the game while France and Russia arent
Where is your god now?
Wait a minute, there's only 5 fucking hours of campaign?
Even Call of Duty has a longer campaign mode.
You're in the game under British command. Like the real war.
It's not very long, but it's actually good. They put actual effort into making you want to play it instead of it just being tacked on.
>probably American
You're not allowed to be this fuckin' dumb.
But they were under French command in the real war (just like the British at the end when Foch became supreme allied commander)
I watched a few hours of it and the writing made me want to tear my eyeballs out.
I will give it to them that its a very pretty game though.
B-but muh heroic emotional anglo...
It's such an innovation, innit?
Holy shit how autistic are you?
In all fairness, if you give it a chance then one 'frame' of the Campaign should give you the feels.
Found the triggered bong
What is the Brusilov Offensive?
My bad, the dev had a Swedish accent so it sounded the same.
> Russia BTFO'd literally the whole war
Somebody doesn't know their WW1 history
> First thing to get me interested in wwi desu
An hero time
>Woodrow Wilson
>black people
Do you see the issue with these two things?
Are you aware I was referring to the American market in 2016 in which they want to sell the game?
I am a silly man
You play as a black french soldier in the first mission
everyone is speaking french
god damn do you faggots EVEN PLAY the game? fuck this I'm going back to /v/
Don't worry, no one is perfect
i think he is talking about the multiplayer who give a fuck about the solo campaign
s h a d i l a y
Kek confirms.
Not really accurate at all.
>bolt-actions are a minority
>tanks move at the speed modern tanks do
>guys running around, going solo with machine guns
>battle blimps that level entire armies
It's dice's fun arcadey very, very Swedish interpretation of the war. And that's okay even if it doesn't satisfy my autism.
But I feel like they missed a good chance to make squad play even better by making it more realistic.
Majority bolt-action rifles, putting a greater emphasis on hand to hand. Guys would swarm tanks and the tankers would scramble to fight them off instead of mowing everyone down and flying away in half a second, being a medic and reviving/doing other team things would have a better effect, doing something like calling artillery/gas would be useful as not everyone can take on a whole holed up cohort by themselves like rambo.
Russians have been in like the last 6 Battlefield titles
is it really any surprise they cut them out in favor of Italians and Austrians
Even americans have a minor role in this title, mostly because they are done to death
>Americans think France lost WW1
Even with my small town Texas education I know France didn't lose the war
I actually find kind of cute that they put the italians instead of the french. Like they are trying to demonstrate that the italian army in ww1 was not shit like in ww2.
>/threading yourself
more like kill yourself
>the italian army in ww1 was not shit like in ww2.
>a shitty generals means a shitty army
Cadorna was a fucking retard we can all agree on that. But when this guy was put in charge of the army they managed to defeat the Austro-Hungarians even after Caporetto so I believe they are not that bad after all.
>You play as a black french soldier in the first mission
It's the harlem memefighters
You only see their French comrades during a 10 secondes long cinematic before it starrs, then during the mission they all have disappeared and the only non-memefighters you see are a bunch of Brits that shouldnt be there in the fitsy 3 secs