/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

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Material translations and discographies: pastebin.com/D34BvNuJ
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>Event: 08/12 - 08/19 Live Party (Tokiko, Miyako)
>Gacha: 08/15 - 08/18 Type Boxes
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

>Event: 08/12 - 08/21 Platinum Star Theater "Shooting Stars" (Shiho, Akane)
>Gacha: 08/09 ~ 08/22 (Emily, Karen, Ritsuko)
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Tracker: twitter.com/imas_ml_td

Prereg: prereg.bn-ent.net/common/serial.php?app=imas_mstage

- ML 1stLIVE streams on Aug 19th/20th at 6PM JST: - CG Theater 949 raw: - SS commus raw (Aug 16th): - TD event status (Aug 16th): + Multiplier Added
- Yuko/Yuki fancomic TL: - SS Upcoming (Aug 16th): - KR street performance: - Monji/Gessan art contest: - ML Upcoming (Aug 17th): - Kaori/Rio/Konomi/Fuka fancomic TS: >Archive of : archive.is/Qh6Cf
- WAVE Minami fig: - CG Deresute NIGHT x 12 raw: - SM OP06 ranked 9th on Oricon: - M@STER SPARKLE 01 Mirai's "Miraikei Dreamer" preview: - TD commus raw (Aug 17th): UPCOMING:
Aug 19th: U149 volume 1 release event
Aug 19th/20th, 6PM JST: ML 1stLIVE streams: Aug 20th: KR 2nd live in Japan

Other urls found in this thread:


Y'all ready for Mio's sexy Anniversary SSR in 2 weeks?

>Y'all ready for Mio's sex
Hell yeah nigga

The Hanaranbus are alive.

Aoi is too cute not to have a voice.


Bet they'll give Kaede the other limited just to fuck with KaedePs again

>Kana is dumb
>An endearing kind of dumb, but dumb nevertheless
That's the best kind of dumb.

Yeah, she'll get mad.

Translate it, weebs.

This is summer rabbit.

ManletP: Momoka is better


She's naked under that dress!


Ah yes, it's the extra that nobody ever wanted or asked for.

Only if she, alone, gets Sarina voiced. Not the enfirety of Blue Napoleon. Chie alone.

We're all naked under our clothing.

>not taking both

What about her sex?


This was a great doujin.

Are you sure this is Veeky Forums and not /u/?

That's fucked up.

Lily might as well be naked even with her clothing.

Very sure.

Nice non canon


They're just friends.
Lots of the ML idols are friends.

It's just the resident ML ERPers, just ignore it.

Such fragile masculinity.

Me as Fumi


This is (You)

Good, good.


How do I get a gf like Yuriko

Fumi's lips being pretty is canon.


Yoshino's stinky breath.

/Should I aim for T3?


Yoshino's breath is not stinky, you silly!
I know beacuse she's talking to me everyday.

You must have very long, slow days.

Might as well.

>I know beacuse she's talking to me everyday.
I don't think that's good for your mental health.

Yeah guys, keep talking about Yoshino, do it.

Conversations with Yoshino, Syoko and Koume!

Well, does it hurt your heart knowing they are in love with a man?

>the ML vs CG wars finally died out so now he's back to stoking the flames of yuri vs het
The dance continues evermore

I like that card.

Teasing Shiho!

Why do you keep referring to yourself in third person and doing this sports commentary thing about yourself, it's really awkward and concerning to read



Just report the fuck.

>for a minute
Quick shootin', Tex.

But that will never hapen


I am deaf now, thanks Kana. And happy birthday.

What happened?

Love books, love girls, love yourself.

I hate reading though.


P told her who was getting the Mellow Yellow event cards.

That involves reading. I told you I hate reading you jackass.



Then be a dangerous character just like from her books.

Will 20k jewels guarantee my Million waifu?


Do girls really like that?


Idols who will keep their virginity until marriage.

>juicy sugar walls
Jesus imagine someone saying this in an actual real life conversation

Think of all the guys here who like "Bad Girls".
You better believe that there are girls who like "Bad Boys".

I talk like that with my friends.

Most of the girls most of the time.

I want to have a date with this granny.

How many jewels will guarantee her limited when she gets one then?

All girls want bad boys. The badder the better.

Pray for luck.

There are no guarantees unless they implement a sparking system like in SS.

Read that as spanking system.


whoa kaori, that's one long booger

>All girls want bad boys.

Fuck you to hell.

How bad is bad enough?

Bad enough to throw her off a bridge

You mean some girls want harmless schmucks who can't protect them from those dangerous bad boys?


what the fuck

Don't you lie to me user, I know you like to live in a fantasy world where girls prefer bad boys so you feel less guilty when you brutally murder them, disfigure their sexual organs and leave them, and then have sex with them again in a public place. You make me want to retch you scum.

god damnit

Once proud warriors sunken low
With no place to go
They can steal they can run they can hide
But you know they'll never lose their pride
You can see them in the forest at night
With their eyes wide open and their leather pulled tight
You can see them in the village at dawn
Crouching in the shadows with their battle blade drawn

Of course you did, dyslexic duck

Yuriko you're off the tangent again!

Read that as dyslexic dick.


Asanagi pls

So how much less efficient would it be in terms of event points to go after 6MIX/2MIX+ S clear jewels? It's an extra 100 jewels if you do them both but how many event points would one be losing out on?